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[i习作temp] [ISSUE 26]第一篇作文 求拍砖!!! 4月25日考~ [复制链接]

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发表于 2011-3-14 20:16:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
26."Most people would agree that buildings representa valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when oldbuildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used formodern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be givenprecedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporaryneeds can be served."

The economic prosperity and popuationexplosion that was brought about by a massive injection of oil revenues had ahuge socia and cultureal impact, not least of which was an immediate and urgentdemand for public buildings and private housing. Mordern designs, buildingmaterials and technology rapidly replaced vernacular architecture, which wassoon confined to museums and heritage centers.In a short space of time, sleekglass-fronted skyscrapers rapidly altered the urban landscape. At the sometime, various non-profit organizations and some indiviuals began to loom inorder to presereve the old buidings. And here is the question, in the conflictionbetween two trends, should the historic buildings really make way for mordenstructures? While, from my perspective, we need call for a balance between thepreservation and ecomomic developent.

Architectureis a directily and substantial represention of history and place. By preservinghistoric buildings, we are able to share the vary spaces and environments inwhich the generations before us lived. Most buiduings, however, must be livedin, interacted with and maintained by the public.While, some specificbuilduings represent the historic and traditional context, and deserve to bepreseved absolutely.

Comingto society as a whole over time, rather than directly and immediatedly benefinga devloper or property of owner, the benefits of historic buildings, however,are often overlooked in a society that quite correctly expects education toserve useful purposes. However, historic buildings do have a high value, in aless tangible way, that contributes to raise spirits as well as boost economyamong human beings.

Inthe first place, preservation of
historical structures is the visual and tangible conversation ofcultural identity. Some vernacular architectures are able to reflect thetraditional lifestles and custmos of people as well as their specific culture.by visiting these buildings, scholars could conduct deep research into theendemic culture history and vistors can gain comprehension of their culture indepth.

Chineseancient architecture, for instance, tending to be composed of small yards,whichfits human dimensions allowing people to feel intimate and safe, reflects thepractical thinking in Chinese culture-modesty and gentleness. Of course, somemay argue that there’s no reason for us to preserve culture by presevinghistoric buildings since we also possess other methods to do that, such asthrough writing records or camera records. However, understanding culture bymere records and even videos can never equal with that by experiencing life byurself. For instance,only by visiting Beijing traditional courtyard can uexperence a life fraught with bikes and genial relationship between people,which differs from that dwelling in skyscrapers in which relationship with eachother seeming more distant and frigid. Consequently, such kind of experiencingfacilite to enhance our cultual entitiy and develop faith for our own specificculture. To be sure, culture identity is so crucial for each indiviual andnation that had it lost the nation would face more social problems in the longterm.

Inaddition to enhance the cultural entity, preservation of historic building canhelp boost economy, both in state and local levels.In community, historicbuidlings contribute to create dynamic, cultural downtowns that drives tourism,art, festival and other activities
whichin turn draw investment , revenue and ecomonic growth.What’s moer, historicbuildings can aslo turn be a centerpiece of community life: a place to shop,play, visit and invest. As for other great masterpiece around the world, likeGreat Wall in China, Pyramid in Egypt, not only serve as a great legcy left byour ancestry, a specific land marks for respective nation, an inspiration foroffspring, but the economic benefit brought by
it is unmatchly, some of which can even derseves the honor of theeconmoic pillar of the nation. From this respect, even putting their aesthetic,historic and architectural values aside, the investment on historic ecomoniessounds economical benefially.

What’smore,the practice of historic preservation is the practice of conservingresousces. Not only do restoriation or development consume less engergy thandemolition and new construction, but preservation also recovers the worth ofpast energy investment.Demolition and new construction not only consume present-dayenergy, but negates and wastes the past energy investment made in abuilding.Preservation is an remarkably effective method of sustainability.

While,although preservation of historic building do contribute a lot to socialdevelopments, but they are not intented to hinder mordern developments. As Imentioned above, most buildings,
erectedfor people to live in or in public use, have the obligation to make wayfor
construting newer buildings
in terms of maxisim of utility. Surely,demolition and construction is one approch to help development. Yet, with theconstruction costs and desigh growing in importance, the practice of recyclingof buildings
has become a significantdevelopment nowadays.The idea of that approch is reuse the raw materials to newdevelopment, which can not only save construction cost but also producebeautiful, creative and socially responsible
buildings.For instance,In London, an old power stationhas found new life as the dramatic Tate Modern Gallery, the most visitedtourist attraction in the city.

In sum,bylong-term vision,for preservation of specific historic buildings can realize socialbenefit for communities significant economic benefit for property owners, andenvironmental benefit for the world in which we live, never should it makeway for the immediate profits in mordern socity and we have the obligation topreserve them of our next generations.
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