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发信人: elvaforever (最熟悉的陌生人), 信区: GRE
标 题: ETS今天给我的信件全部内容
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Aug 4 21:16:58 2003), 转信
Dear Mr Han:
We are writing to you because ETS is concerned,based on a preliminary
review,that there appears
to be substantial envidence that your scores on the March 15,2003 GRE
general Test are invalid.
As you ackonwledged when you registered for the test,ETS has the right
to review the validity of test scores,and to cancel questionable scor
es when we believe there is substantial evidence taht they are invalid
.The enclosed booklet,Why and How Educational Testing Service Question
s Test Scores,provides important information about this process,and we
urge you to read it carefully.
Our preliminary concerns are based on the following factor(s).At the e
ssay reading sessions,the reader noticed that your essay on the issue
topic has unusual similarities with other essays written on the same t
opic.further reviews determined that a portion of your essay contains
ideas,language and/or examples found in other test taker essays or fro
m,published sources that include:
people dreamed of flying,"fly like a bird",and/or the Wright Brothe
rs and the invention of airplane
ETS is not accusing you of cheating,but the anomalies noted aboved rai
se concerns about the validity of your scores.
At your request,we will send you(or,in the case of secure test materia
l,give you an opptunity to examine)the materials that reflect our conc
Final decisions about whether there is substantial envidence supportin
g cancellationof test scores are made by three_memeber panels of ETS's
Board of Review.Before the Board of Review considers this matter,you
have an opportunity to send us any information that addresses our conc
erns.Feel free to consult with other people whose judgement you trust.
We must receive any information you would like the Board of Review to
consider by August 14,2003.Any information we
receive by that date ,as well as other information about your scores ,
will be considered by the Board of Review.
If you do not wish the Board of Review to consider this matter,and wou
ld like ETS to cancel your scores and send you a voucher that can be u
sed for registering for a future test,you must tell us by August 14,20
If any single Board of Review member decides that there is not subtant
ial evidence supporting cancellation of your scores,ETS will clear you
r scores and report them to the institutions you designate.If,on the o
ther hand,all three members of the Board of Review panel determine tha
t there is substantial evidence supporting cancellation of your scores
,you will hanve an opportunity to select one of the options listed be
low.These options are described more fully in the enclosed booklet.
1) Tell us to cancel your scores. You will receive a refund of your
test fee in the form of a voucher that you can use to register for ano
ther scheduled administration.
2)Let the school or agency to which you are sending the scores decid
e whether or not to use the scores. We will send them our reasons for
questioning your scores with your explanation.We will do this only if
the school or agency agresss to participate.
In addition to the options listed above,we acknowledged your legal rig
ht to seek judicial review
of Board of Review
转自太傻 作者周天子
Dear Mr.
We are writing to you because ETS is concerned, based on a preliminary review, that there appears to be substantial evidence that your scores on the March 15,2003 Graduate Record examinations (GRE) General Test are invalid.……
Our preliminary concerns are based on the following factor(s). At the essay reading sessions, the readers noticed that your essay on the issue topic has unusual similarities with other essays written on the same topic. ——这一段确认了前段时间的猜测,没到成绩的果然是作文出了问题。
Further reviews determined that a portion of your essay contains ideas, language and/or examples found in other test taker essays or from published sources that include:
*people dreamed of flying, “fly like a bird”, and/or the Wright Brothers and the invention of airplane; ——我不记得考试的时候是否用了这个例子,但是这个举例明显难以让人信服,有人写过赖特兄弟造飞机,我就不能写了吗?
ETS is not accusing you of cheating, but the anomalies noted above raise concerns about the validity of your scores.(这句最狠,不说你cheating,就是没成绩,靠!)
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总评分: 声望 + 2