和楼主的学校列表相似,也是4ad的队伍,wisc给我的信和楼主的一模一样,不过minnesota还无半点消息,不知道楼主umn的ad上的说法也是类似wisc那样的funding waiting list还是什么?问过wisc的学生,说是就算最终只有ad,没有钱,去了之后明年也能搞到这样或那样的经费来源,但是问了他家小秘,小秘却说得很绝,说是进去没有,剩下几年也几乎全无希望,搞的我也很困惑。不知道楼主的悲观是不是出于已经掌握到这几家学校的其他什么消息? ps. 楼主3ad中的最后一个学校正是鄙校
Hello and congratulations again on your admission to NCSU's economics graduate program. I email to inform you that you are an alternate on our funding list. We have made first round offers and are currently waiting to hear from those candidates. They have until April 15 to accept or reject their offer of admission with funding. At that point, or sooner if possible, we will progress along the alternates list.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I ask that you do keep us informed if your availability or interest in our program changes. Again, congratulations on your outstanding academic career!