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[优秀习作] ISSUE9 前两天讨论思路来着,我写出来了大家看看 [复制链接]

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Gemini双子座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-2-14 00:43:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue 9
Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

With the development of science, more and more academic disciplines become specialized. The result of this trend is only a few audience could understand scholar’s ideas. Although it may impede the interest of ordinary people to study the scholar’s idea, it is arbitrary to draw the conclusion that only when scholars can own a larger audience, their ideas are valuable.

Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years. As we all known, the knowledge in every area has been developed for many years. Not only are the basic theories near mature, but also the profundity of the research having considerable growth. Many scholars find that it is difficult to find advancement in the macro research areas nowadays. The best way to get an achievement in one’s academic domain is go into the micro world and find something new. This trend is beneficial for the development of science, but the result, obviously, is the audience of one research will be more and more narrow.

As a result of specialization, only a small group of audience could get the scholar’s ideas. Ordinary people find it is difficult to accept these ideas if they are not the career man in this domain, since the achievements are based on abstruse knowledge, which only the people having high level in this area could understand. The Nobel Prize of economics in 2003, for instance, is awarded to two scholars who are specialized in econometrics, Robert Engle and Clive Granger, whose contribution is using the econometric analysis to investigate economic time series. This theory makes far-reaching influence in the way of research and the development of economic. For ordinary people, it is impossible to catch on their theory, even if a student whose major is economic, except for the people who have considerable accomplishments in econometric. Most audience is refused to get the scholar’s ideas by the systematic and specialized knowledge.

The criterion of evaluating one idea is not depend on how large of the audience could understanding this idea, but lie on whether this research could be changed to productivity which promotes the development of the society and be used in real life. Some achievements, owning a wide reader, because of easy to reading and understanding, cannot be transferred from a theory to utilization in reality. Are these achievements useful? The answer is no, because they are only the theory in textbooks. On the contrary, some ideas, basing on the abstruse and specialized knowledge, which maybe the summit of this area, are the primary impetus to drive the knowledge to further develop. These ideas, although only a few people could get them, are useful, since they could be changed to productivity and be used in real life. For example, the principle of relativity, Einstein’s famous theory, even though not more than one hundred people in the world could understand it, is a special and general theory of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. Maybe you will be suspicious of the value of this theory, and thinking it is only an armchair strategist, but the force of this theory is profound. If this theory did not used as a basis in physics, it is nearly impossible for scientists to discover the atomic energy, let alone the further development in nuclear industry. Furthermore, it is not necessary for the public to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. Let me use computer as an example to support this point. Most people do not know how the CPU is running, but this does not hamper them to use computers. So, the importance of ideas is not the size of audience, but whether it is useful.

On conclusion, although academic disciplines are more and more specialized recently, resulting in only a narrow audience, many of the scholar’s ideas are useful if they could be changed to productivity and are used in real life.


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Aries白羊座 荣誉版主

发表于 2004-2-14 01:43:12 |只看该作者

body第一段, admittedly不合适,因为第一段是说为什么specialize,第二段是specialize的结果,所以admittedly的内容和后面的内容不呈对比关系,
第一处,The Nobel Prize of economics in 2003, for instance, is awarded to two scholars who are specialized in econometrics, Robert Engle and Clive Granger, whose contribution is using the econometric analysis to investigate economic time series这一句的focus是在说nobel prize给了两个人,只是用从句说明了一下这两个人是为什么获奖而已,但是下一句转到了介绍this method的影响.考虑到和后面内容的连贯性,我感觉这两句话改成下面这种形式可能会好点: 理论,METHOD影响介绍从句,被XX和XX提出,从句介绍这两个人是被给了NOBEL PRIZE.
第二处,就在例子的第三句话 ,除了把句子的focus改到theory上,应该再有个however之类的,因为这句和前句之前有个对比关系

body一,二是递进的关系,但是body第三段,论点和第一第二的论点是平行的,应该加一句on the other hand之类的吧,不然读起来会默认第三段是第二段论点的递进.





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Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


寄托兑换店纪念章 梦舞槿樱 2015 US-applicant 寄托之心勋章 Libra天秤座 在任资深版主 Sub luck 读书种子 寄托16周年纪念勋章

发表于 2004-2-14 11:20:15 |只看该作者
Issue 9
Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

With the development of science, more and more academic disciplines become specialized. The result of this trend is only a few audience could understand scholar’s ideas. Although itSTAND FOR WHAT? may impede 是否合适?IMPEDE THE INTERESTthe interest of ordinary people to study the scholar’s idea, it is arbitrary to draw the conclusion that only when scholars can own a larger audience, their ideas are valuable.思路清晰,GOOD论点:不是说除非学者们可以拥有更广泛的读者群,他们的想法才有用。

Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years. As we all known, the knowledge in every太绝对了,严谨性还是很重要的,加个ALMOST吧 area has been developed for many years. Not only are the basic theories near mature, but also the profundity of the research having considerable growth. Many scholars find that it is difficult to find advancement in the macro research areas nowadays. The best way to get an achievement in one’s academic domain is go into the micro world and find something new. 其实就我个人的感觉来说,并不是都想MICRO的方向来发展的,比如什么生物医学,生物统计,等等学多是多学科的合并,结合,也就是说在向广泛的方向发展,当然对于你这个讨论的这个出发点而言如果按我说的这个写不正确,但是在考虑论点的时候是不是也可以换一个方向来想,因为需要的专业知识的面加多,加上你所认为的深度的加深来写的?这个是读到这里想到后面一段你写的内容,可以等等再看This trend is beneficial for the development of science, but the result, obviously, is 需要一个THAT吗,不确定,呵呵the audience of one research will be more and more narrow

As a result of specialization, only a small group of audience could get the scholar’ s ideas. Ordinary people find it is difficult to accept these ideas if they are not the career man in this domain, since the achievements are based on abstruse knowledge, which only the people having high level in this area could understand. 写长句的时候我不是很喜欢写太多的WHICH等等,感觉上打断文章的整体结构,就着附近几句看来,后面还有很多WHO WHOSE。。。。可以考虑换一下表达,句式变一变。当然个人习惯而已,如果是偶就写abstruse knowledge only accessible to ….,不过JJ比偶牛啦,只是说说偶的意见The Nobel Prize of economics in 2003, for instance, is awarded to two scholars who are specialized in econometrics, Robert Engle and Clive Granger, whose contribution is using the econometric analysis to investigate economic time series. This theory makes far-reaching influence in the way of research and the development of economic. For ordinary people, it is impossible to catch on their theory, even if a student whose major is economic, except for the people who have considerable accomplishments in econometric.这个句子意思不错,可是能否换个表达,感觉罗嗦,只要说后面一句就可以完全表达你的意思了吧 Most audience is refused to get the scholar’s ideas by the systematic and specialized knowledge.

先不说内容如何,这个段落有307个字,全文是599个,那么超过全文一半自数的一个段落,是否不太合适?而且,如果可以在主题的每个段落前面有个连接词会好一些。The criterion of evaluating one idea is not depend on how large of the audience could understanding this idea, but lie(s?) on whether this research could be changed to productivity which promotes the development of the society and be used in real life这个论点最好可以在你的第一段里就表明,不要前后有差别. Some achievements, owning a wide reader, because of easy to reading and understanding, cannot be transferred from a theory to utilization in reality. Are these achievements useful? The answer is no, because they are only the theory in textbooks. On the contrary, some ideas, basing on the abstruse and specialized knowledge, which maybe the summit of this area, are the primary impetus to drive the knowledge to further develop. These ideas, although only a few people could get them, are useful, since they could be changed to productivity and be used in real life. For example, the principle of relativity, Einstein’s famous theory, even though not more than one hundred people in the world could understand it, is a special and general theory of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. Maybe you will be suspicious of the value of this theory, and thinking it is only an armchair strategist, but the force of this theory is profound. If this theory did not used as a basis in physics, it is nearly impossible for scientists to discover the atomic energy, let alone the further development in nuclear industry. Furthermore, it is not necessary for the public to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. Let me use computer as an example to support this point. Most people do not know how the CPU is running, but this does not hamper them to use computers. So, the importance of ideas is not the size of audience, but whether it is useful.

On conclusion, although academic disciplines are more and more specialized recently, resulting in only a narrow audience, many of the scholar’s ideas are useful if they could be changed to productivity and are used in real life.

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Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


寄托兑换店纪念章 梦舞槿樱 2015 US-applicant 寄托之心勋章 Libra天秤座 在任资深版主 Sub luck 读书种子 寄托16周年纪念勋章

发表于 2004-2-14 11:21:40 |只看该作者


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Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14


寄托兑换店纪念章 梦舞槿樱 2015 US-applicant 寄托之心勋章 Libra天秤座 在任资深版主 Sub luck 读书种子 寄托16周年纪念勋章

发表于 2004-2-15 09:45:38 |只看该作者
Issue 9
Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideas reach only a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas will have little use.

With the development of science, more and more academic disciplines become specialized. The result of this trend is only a few audience could understand scholar’s ideas. Although itSTAND FOR WHAT? may impede 是否合适?IMPEDE THE INTERESTthe interest of ordinary people to study the scholar’s idea, it is arbitrary to draw the conclusion that only when scholars can own a larger audience, their ideas are valuable.思路清晰,GOOD论点:不是说除非学者们可以拥有更广泛的读者群,他们的想法才有用。

Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years. As we all known, the knowledge in every太绝对了,严谨性还是很重要的,加个ALMOST吧 area has been developed for many years. Not only are the basic theories near mature, but also the profundity of the research having considerable growth. Many scholars find that it is difficult to find advancement in the macro research areas nowadays. The best way to get an achievement in one’s academic domain is go into the micro world and find something new. 其实就我个人的感觉来说,并不是都想MICRO的方向来发展的,比如什么生物医学,生物统计,等等学多是多学科的合并,结合,也就是说在向广泛的方向发展,当然对于你这个讨论的这个出发点而言如果按我说的这个写不正确,但是在考虑论点的时候是不是也可以换一个方向来想,因为需要的专业知识的面加多,加上你所认为的深度的加深来写的?这个是读到这里想到后面一段你写的内容,可以等等再看This trend is beneficial for the development of science, but the result, obviously, is 需要一个THAT吗,不确定,呵呵the audience of one research will be more and more narrow

As a result of specialization, only a small group of audience could get the scholar’ s ideas. Ordinary people find it is difficult to accept these ideas if they are not the career man in this domain, since the achievements are based on abstruse knowledge, which only the people having high level in this area could understand. 写长句的时候我不是很喜欢写太多的WHICH等等,感觉上打断文章的整体结构,就着附近几句看来,后面还有很多WHO WHOSE。。。。可以考虑换一下表达,句式变一变。当然个人习惯而已,如果是偶就写abstruse knowledge only accessible to ….,不过JJ比偶牛啦,只是说说偶的意见The Nobel Prize of economics in 2003, for instance, is awarded to two scholars who are specialized in econometrics, Robert Engle and Clive Granger, whose contribution is using the econometric analysis to investigate economic time series. This theory makes far-reaching influence in the way of research and the development of economic. For ordinary people, it is impossible to catch on their theory, even if a student whose major is economic, except for the people who have considerable accomplishments in econometric.这个句子意思不错,可是能否换个表达,感觉罗嗦,只要说后面一句就可以完全表达你的意思了吧 Most audience is refused to get the scholar’s ideas by the systematic and specialized knowledge.

先不说内容如何,这个段落有307个字,全文是599个,那么超过全文一半自数的一个段落,是否不太合适?而且,如果可以在主题的每个段落前面有个连接词会好一些。The criterion of evaluating one idea is not depend on how large of the audience could understanding this idea, but lie(s?) on whether this research could be changed to productivity which promotes the development of the society and be used in real life这个论点最好可以在你的第一段里就表明,不要前后有差别. Some achievements, owning a wide reader, because of easy to reading and understanding[READING AND UNDERSTANDING这个表达给人感觉怪怪的], cannot be transferred from a theory to utilization in reality. Are these achievements useful? The answer is no, because they are only the theory[为什么用THE THERORY?特指什么?] in textbooks. On the contrary, some ideas, basing on the abstruse and specialized knowledge, which maybe the summit of this area, are the primary impetus to drive the knowledge to further develop. These ideas, although only a few people could get them, are useful, since they could be changed to productivity and be used in real life. For example, the principle of relativity[是这样表达的吗?还有是大写吧?] Einstein’s famous theory, even though not more than one hundred people[现在不止吧,最开始提出的时候是只有3个人懂嘛,个人意见这些最好可以准确一点] in the world could understand it, is a special and general theory of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. Maybe you will be suspicious of the value of this theory, and thinking[语法!]it is only an armchair strategist, but the force of this theory is profound. If this theory did not used as a basis in physics, it is nearly impossible for scientists to discover the atomic energy, let alone the further development in nuclear industry. Furthermore, it is not necessary for the public to understand all abstruse ideas scholars hold. Let me use computer as an example to support this point. Most people do not know how the CPU is running, but this does not hamper them to use computers. [如果讲出电脑现在在生活中的重要作用应该可以更加切中主题,增强说服力]So, the importance of ideas is not the size of audience, but whether it is useful.

On conclusion, although academic disciplines are more and more specialized recently, resulting in only a narrow audience, many of the scholar’s ideas are useful if they could be changed to productivity and are used in real life. [和开头的地方点明的主题有一定的区别,如果可以,建议使用类似的说法。]

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寄托兑换店纪念章 梦舞槿樱 2015 US-applicant 寄托之心勋章 Libra天秤座 在任资深版主 Sub luck 读书种子 寄托16周年纪念勋章

发表于 2004-2-15 09:52:50 |只看该作者
建议caoxu 重新发一个帖子,这样更多的人可以看见你的文章。

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