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Re: issue47[color=red]大家狂讨论的,绝对的BT题目!尝试新写法[/color]
最初由 xqmelissa 发布
[B]Issue 47
Issue 47
Society does not place enough emphasis on the intellect—that is, on reasoning and other cognitive skills.
In schools or colleges, students have to learn the theoretical courses and abide the rigid curricula, which restrain, at certain level, the student culture imagination and cognitive skills.--具体例子就是说叫我们一些practical skills-job-related education比如:我们去工厂实习,老师们会告诉我们不要乱动,好好听操作,将来工作能用。
2). 在工作岗位也是这样,每天重复无聊的工作,比如:我们天津的学生都知道天才公司,很多人以为买盗版光盘的,实际是个大公司,对此我们也不追求,我们回到下面买盗版光盘的地方,一般那些不懂电脑的大妈都回装机,手法比我熟练,我们加入这个“站队”,也只会装机,限制思维,李子不是这样了,李子:在工厂,我们工人以来计算机辅助控制,只需简单按几个纽,一天任务完成,不去想怎么做的,为什么?所以限制思维With the development of the line-production and computer-progress, people in the work are gradually accustomed to the strict courses, as the consequence, it declines the people's enterprise.-secretary-working machines
3). 这个比较麻烦,我想笔锋一转,又怕过分会跑自己d的TS,大家帮我参考:
No doubt, people should abide by the common courses and progresses, in order to conform to an effective group. 但是我们应该怎么做But we should cultivate a field that can prompt individual's reasoning and other cognitive skills.
As we all know, intellect, including reasoning and other cognitive skills, is an important factor in the process of individual success and social development. However, society does not pay enough attention on it, especially the somewhat unreasonable educational system.
提出观点,很明确,给分,尽管我说了不算。说的是社会忽视了intellect的教育,和我的一样,如果我没有记错pay attention to 才对,这个至少没见过。你那个写成这样,你看可以吗?however, society does not pay sufficient attention to intellect , neither does the somewhat unresonable educational system.或者这样:however, society, education system in particular, does not pay sufficient attention to intellect .教育制度前不要用的那么狠,既然你对教育已经否定了,ETS认为很生气。
Intellect, defined as the capacity for[B][ability of] [/B] rational or intelligent thought[B][thinking], [/B] includes reasoning ability, capabilities of analyzing and solving problems, etc.[B][and the like多几个字,可以不这样][/B] It is a crucial factor in the process of not only individual success, but also the development of society. Take Bill Gates, the founder of one famous corporation in the world, as an example.[B][这个地方被大家否定了,很遗憾,不过我想是这样,该一下Bill Gates, hornored for his great intellect by the world, 将Microsoft公司搞得蒸蒸日上。世界最大了,谁还怀疑世界错了,换个角度,错误也是真理,正如男女之间,不爱也是一种爱,总比故意去伤害好][/B] If he had not owned high intellect, Microsoft under his control, would have had no opportunity to develop advanced computer operating systems and dominate the PC market triumphantly. Therefore, intellect has an important influence on the individual success. As for the development of a society, the function of intellect also could not be neglected[B][今天GITER给我改作文提到这个词,你这个地方我看也改成这样could not be neglected or ignored][/B] . Social development depends on exploring more unknown fields, other than fields being existed. Discovering the unknown areas rests on the ability of reasoning, a factor included in intellect and an impetus for social development. As a result, intellect is a basic factor promoting individual success and social development.大的方面没问题
The phenomenon that society does not place enough emphasis on the training of intellect [U]is produced by [/U] --->[B]results from [/B] the defect加S,下面说SUCH AS of existing educational system to some extent, such as overemphasizing [U]on [/U] 不要姓马?一般我写overemphasizing 长相,你找不到好老婆,overemphasizing 人品,你也找不到好老公scores. Grades, standards[B][one of the most important standards] [/B] to measure [B][measure太俗了fathom][/B] how much knowledge in textbooks being mastered by students, have many defects[这里嫁了为什么前面不佳]. For example, the capability trained in the test is [U][B]the repeating [/B] [/U] to tediously repeat what the book says, while others, such as creative thinking and reasoning, could not be improved from[B][during][/B] this process. A consequence of these standard tests is the fact that some students, owning high scores in the school, have difficulties to fit [B][in qualifing][/B] the job requiring them to use their cognitive skills, other tan [B][rather than][/B] repeating. Only if educational systems could pay more attention on the training of the development of students' whole abilities, jobs requiring more cognitive skills are easier to be taken on than ever. Then, the improvement of educational systems will bring advantages to society.个人认为这一段论述和我的一致,我也会这么写!
The approach of solving this problem is that not only educational systems, but also whole society should begin to attach importance to the training of intellect, as doing in some successful companies and universities nowadays. Some successful companies and universities adopt many measures to overcome defects in existing school education. For example, Microsoft has a strict procedure of enrolling employees, including an elaborate designed test which could scientific evaluate various intellect levels of job-finders. Employees in this company will receive a systematic training to improve their comprehensive intellect not only reasoning, but also other cognitive skills. There is another instance about the successful pushing an approach which reduces the pressure of pursuing high scores in Chinese elementary school recent years. As a result, a survey taken by an authoritative organization shows that the general abilities have obviously increasing after carrying out the approach, and recommends other schools to adopt this approach. From these examples, we could draw a conclusion that some good ways to solve the problem of ignoring intellect could be used as references by both educational systems and the whole society.
To sum up, society should pay more attention on intellect by adopting some effective approaches immediately, since it is too important to be neglected. (557 words)
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