professional master don't require a thesis / dissertation in general, e.g. look into any top MFE in US. In general will have a practical graduation project instead. (not to mention MBA)
and for master in economics.........just have a look into Michigan, Toronto, HKUST and ........
(e.g. LSE UCL Cambridge, Toronto UBC Western Queens, HKUST CUHK NUS NTU ANU, Tufts UTAustin Columbia, Bonn SSE Frankfurt TSE)
基本上這類econ master for professional purpose的都不會是optimal choice (尤其是美國……因為美國的econ master和business的一樣貴但沒business的career support) 想混finance的出門轉右去mfe, 想做general private sector的轉左讀個management 學好吹水加business school network不好? 去international orginazation / central bank / government的話,要揀technicl的請phd,不是的話大多數情況可能找個mpa之類更好……如果一份工是econ major preferred的,很可能是看中其analytical set and mindset,就算不和STEM比,弄一個夠solid的econ master對思維的訓練也很有用…
9 month for 3 quarter semester.......3 month = 12 weeks for one semester, 那得看他是把中間的break 殺了, 還是每個學期短一點了.........
不過無論如何也好, intensity沒變.......the key point is how many teaching hour (or how many study hour is needed) but not the length of semester. 短點就教少一點而矣, 不會特別累的.