Schools of Law
Schools ranked 51-99
A - Rank/School
B - Overall score
C - Peer assessment score (5.0 highest)
D - Assessment score by lawyers/judges(5.0 highest)
E - '03 undergrad GPA 25th-75th percentile
F - '03 LSAT score 25th-75th percentile
G - '03 acceptance rate (percentage)
H - '03 student/faculty ratio
I - '02 grads employed at graduation (percentage)
J - Employed 9 months after graduation (percentage)
K - School's bar passage rate in jurisdiction
L - Jurisdiction's overall bar passage rate
53. Arizona State University
53 2.8 2.7 3.22-3.64 154-161 16.2 9.8 62.4 93.3 83.9/AZ 75
Cardozo-Yeshiva University (NY)
53 2.8 2.6 3.13-3.68 160-164 22.6 18.5 76.4 96.7 82.1/NY 75
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
53 2.7 3.0 3.27-3.73 155-160 24.9 14.1 68.5 94.0 85.5/TN 76
56. American Univ. (Wash. Col. of Law) (DC)
52 2.9 2.9 3.30-3.62 158-162 20.4 12.2 81.3 86.2 72.7/MD 73
Case Western Reserve University (OH)
52 2.9 3.0 2.98-3.48 156-159 34.0 14.7 75.1 98.3 78.8/OH 76
Seattle University
42 2.2 2.5 3.07-3.56 151-158 37.8 17.0 63.0 100.0 73.4/WA 77
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
42 2.2 2.1 3.13-3.67 150-158 29.5 14.1 N/A 96.3 83.9/AR 80
University of Missouri-Kansas City
42 2.3 2.6 3.11-3.64 151-156 41.1 15.0 N/A 95.6 71.5/MO 82
University of New Mexico
42 2.5 2.5 3.04-3.68 151-160 23.6 10.1 N/A 77.7 80.8/NM 84
(1)School did not return its U.S. News statistical survey.
Sources: U.S. News and the schools.
Note: Numbers with * are from the fall 2002 entering class or school year
the 2001 graduating class as reported to the American Bar Association.
N/A means that the data were not provided by the school.
Western State University in California, the University of the District of
Columbia, Ave Maria School of Law in Michigan, Barry University in Florida
Appalachian School of Law in Virginia are not ranked because as of August
they were provisionally approved by the American Bar Association. Three law
schools in Puerto Rico--Catholic University, Inter-America University, and
University of Puerto Rico--are not ranked. St. Thomas University School of
in Florida was not ranked by U.S. News because of a U.S. News error; the law
school is fully approved by the American Bar Association.