1800个小时不仅能通过PEQ移民魁北克,还能拿到3年的工签。联邦之前的PGWP政策规定,学习一年毕业拿一年工签,学习2年毕业拿3年工签,但是后来对魁北克的职业培训进行了单独的诠释,叫做OB 390(操作手册390),网址如下:http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/res ... tins/2012/ob390.asp
An eligible 900 hour program of study would correspond to an eight month WP;
1, 350个符合条件的学时的项目对应12个月的工签;
An eligible 1,350 hour program of study would correspond to a 12 month WP; and
1, 800个符合条件的学时的项目对应3年的工签。
An eligible 1,800 hour program of study would correspond to a 3 year WP (as per the PGWP policy that completion of a two+ year program of study results in eligibility for a three year WP).