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[口语] 【口语小组】thankgod备战2016年5月托福口语作业帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-10 19:00:11 |只看该作者
question 5
1. Hey Jane, did you finish your research paper for class?
2. Yeah, I printed it out this morning.
3. Why do you look so worried then?
4. Well, I was just in the cafeteria eating lunch and reading it over one last time and I spilled some soup on it and the class starts in fifteen minutes.
5. How bad is it?
6. It's not huge but you can definitely see it and several of the pages got wet.
7. What are you gonna do?
8. I could just go ahead and handed it in like this and explain to the professor what happened.
9. I mean you can still read the paper and the page should dry out a little by the time class begins.
10. But there will still be sort of sticky and wrinkled.
11. Well, not all professors care that much about how the paper looks at least it'd be in on time.
12. I know, it's just professor Adams is kind of strict when it come to handing in our research paper.
13. I mean the format she gave us for putting this paper together was really specific, so the way it looks seems important.
14. Well, how about going to the computer lab to print anther copy?
15. I could.
16. Then I'd have a clean copy to hand in and I wouldn't have to worry about how the paper looks.
17. You'd better hurry though because there's usually a line over there.
18. I know.
19. And by the time I get there, wait in line for a computer, print the paper out and come back to class.
20. I'd be late for class and Professor Adams is strict about lateness too.
21. I see what you mean.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
According to the dialogue, the woman has a paper due today, and the class starts in 15 minutes. But she spilled some soup on her paper. There are two solutions for her problem. She could go ahead and hand it in just like this, or she could go down to the computer lab to print another copy, but she would miss part of the class. I think I will choose the first solution. She could have an open and honest conversation with her professor to explain her special situation. I think the professor would understand her dilemma and forgive her. Also, missing part of the class for one clean copy of the paper, well, it just isn’t worth it. Being late for classes is also as much unforgivable.
The woman spilt some soup on the research paper she is going to hand in in the class. There are two possible solutions discussed. The first one is to hand in the paper like this and explain to the professor what happened, since the paper can still read and will dry out. But the professor is strict about the looking of paper. The second solution is to go to computer lab to print a new copy. But she will have to wait in a line and so she will probably be late for the class. And the professor is strict about lateness too. I would recommend the girl to choose the second solution because she can have a new copy of the paper and even if she will be late for the class, she shows the professor that she cares about the looking of the paper and that because of the accident, the lateness is somehow inevitable.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-10 19:16:39 |只看该作者
question 6 这个要重点练习啊
1. Many animals live underground in the soil not just little animals like worms but also bigger animals like mammals.
2. Living underground has advantages: It protects animals from aboveground predators.
3. However, the underground environment also presents challenges and animals that live underground have developed physical adaptations to deal with them.
4. One challenge is well, simply how to move underground through the dirt.
5. Another challenge for the animals is to protect vulnerable parts of its body from the environment that it's moving through.
6. Now moving through soil is not like moving through air or water because soil, earth is thick and dense, so animals that live underground have evolved physical features that help them move through dirt efficiently.
7. For example, the mole, a small furry mammal has really wide super strong front feet with big claws.
8. The mole's feet act like shovels so it can dig through the dire, the claws cut into the dirt, loosen it up and then once the dirt is loosened up, the broad feet throw the dirt behind the mole as it moves forward.
9. These shovel-like front feet allow a mole to dig its way through the dirt astonishingly quickly.
10. But even for an animal that can move efficiently through the dirt, living underground can still be problematic because it's easy for particles to get caught in sensitive parts of the animal's body.
11. Like for mammals in their eyes, so underground animals have developed adaptations to prevent this.
12. Again let's make the example of the mole, TO begin with, moles have tiny eyes and these eyes are covered with a thick skin, a protective membrane that actually got hair on it.
13. These hairs protect the mole's eyes from dirt particles, so as the mole goes digging through the dirt with its hair pushed forward, the dirt particles come into contact with the hairy membrane covering the mole's tiny eyes and the particles just slide by, don't get caught in the mole's eyes.
14. So the eyes, the mole's sensitive parts are protected.
Using the example of the mole, explain the two different types of underground adaptation.参考答案
In the lecture, the professor uses the example of mole to talk about two underground adaptations of mammals.The first adaptation is moving efficiently through dirt. Moles have super strong front feet, and this can help them to loose up the soil easily and throw the dirt behind. So they are able through dirt astonishingly fast.The second adaptation is to help protect its vulnerable body part. Moles have tiny eyes, and they have protective skin over their eyes. Those protective skins are membranes with hairs on it. So when dirt particles come into contact with its eyes, the particles will just slide by.
The professor talks about two physical adaptations of mole for living underground. One adaptation is used to deal with the challenge to move underground. Moles have wide super strong front feet with big claws that allow moles to dig through the dirt and so to move through thick, dense soil efficiently. Using the shovel-like front feet, the mole loosens up the soil and throw the dirt behind as it moves forward. Another adaptation is used to protect their sensitive parts of body. Moles have developed the hairy membrane on their tiny eyes. The hairy membrane can prevent particles from going into moles’ eyes, the most sensitive parts. And So when mole is digging through the dirt, dirt particles will just slide by its eyes.
先是听力 再出现题目
所以一直在紧张记笔记 导致其实没怎么挺清楚 很多细节 包括一些单词没听出来
再加上也有一些生词 总之就是听得一塌糊涂

membrane 这个单词就不认识啊

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-11 09:19:05 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 1
There can be several advantages to spending time living in another country. Talk about one advantage and explain how living in another country provides that advantage. Use details and examples in your response.
我脑子里想到的一个点就是出国是为了更好的了解自己的国家 这么复杂的观点怎么表达啊 然而其他观点想不到了啊 所以考前准备段子是多么重要啊

I think you can truly get to know a culture by living in another country. We learn about the customs and traditions of another culture from books and documentaries, but there is nothing like experiencing it first-hand. And living in another country just offers you that chance to cross the borders and get to chat with local people and know how ordinary people live their lives. Such as if you can spend Spring Festival with a Chinese family, you can better understand the meaning behind this grand celebration. How we go through thorough cleaning for our houses to clean up all the ill fortunes, and what is the cultural meaning and history behind our traditional food.
One of the advantages to spending time living in another country is to learn a new perspective. Different country has different cultures. Different culture views things differently. For example, I once lived in United State. Almost all I experienced there are different from my experience in my home country. College students in the US earn living expenses and tuition fees by themselves while those in my country rely on their parents. Their way of living is also different from ours. They usually live off-campus and drive to school. We live on campus and walk to classroom. They don’t always eat in cafeteria because food there is a little experience, while we always eat in cafeteria because food there is the least expensive. So many different things come together to help me form a new perspective toward college life.

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发表于 2016-4-11 09:24:33 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 2
Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?
这个题我想说两个都喜欢 好像参考答案都是选边了 不知道能不能中立观点
考试的时候觉得还是应该选边 整个答题过程 全是 停顿 呃呃呃 啊啊啊 。。。
I prefer shared activities. I love to be around with other people, whether it is hanging around or traveling. I am a social animal. Such as for the graduation travel we went to Taiwan together. Well, when you are in a group, you know, laughter can be contagious and the joy is shared and doubled, in one word, it is more fun. Also, you’ll always have someone to watch your back, in case of emergencies. You are never alone, so it saves you loads of trouble
I prefer to spend free time alone doing activities like reading, thinking and writing. I value my free time very much because that’s the time I can do whatever I like. I like reading and writing. By reading books, some masterpieces, I feel like I am talking with those great authors and masters. I enjoy great stories such as Robinson Crusoe, Boy’s life and Catcher in the Rye. By writing, I can take down the meaningful moments and thoughts in my life. Also, I can write my own stories. Every time I work out a story, I feel great and eager to let others read it. Through reading and writing, I can better understand my life. Only by staying alone can I read, write and think.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-11 09:30:03 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 3
No More International News
For the past few years, the daily campus newspaper has included a one-page international news section covering a few of the major stories in world news. Starting next month, the section will be eliminated. One of the reasons the newspaper editors gave for the decision to cut the section is that other news sources are better able to provide wider and more up-to-date international news coverage. The editors also noted that the change would create space for a new calendar page that will list events and activities around campus.
1. Hey, what do you think of this?
2. You mean the editor's decision?
3. Right.
4. Oh, I think they are right.
5. It's the thing to do.
6. Really?
7. Why?
8. Well, hardly anyone reads that section.
9. You don't think so?
10. Not really.
11. I mean they only cover a couple of stories and most people already know about them before they even get around to reading the campus paper.
12. True, if you get the local paper, or use the internet, you already know about the major stories.
13. Exactly.
14. And the coverage is better.
15. I think we should just stick with campus news and stuff.
16. So do you think what they are gonna replace it with is better?
17. Definitely.
18. Right now how do you learn about what's happening on campus?
19. Mostly from posters in the different buildings or in the student center.
20. Right.
21. The information is everywhere.
22. But it's hard to keep track of it.
23. I see stuff posted but then I forget about it half the time.
24. So you are saying with this new section…
25. You could just cut it out from the newspaper and carry it round and check it anytime and know what's taking place, when and where.
The woman expresses her opinion about the plan announced in the article. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.
According to the reading, the university has decided to cancel the international section, because other sources are better and they could use it for a new calendar page. In the dialogue, the woman agrees for the following reasons. First, hardly anyone reads that section. When people use other news sources, such as the local newspapers, or if they check the Internet, they already knew about the major stories when the newspaper came around. Also, currently, students learn about campus events from posters everywhere. If they had this calendar page, students could cut it out, and carry it around with them to check it anytime.
Campus newspaper editors have made the decision to eliminate the international news section because other news sources can provide better international news coverage. Also, the space will be used as a calendar page covering events and activities around campus. The woman thinks it’s the right thing to do. Her reason is that hardly anyone reads the international news section and students already know about the major stories from local paper and Internet before they read the section. So she thinks the campus newspaper should stick to the campus news. Her second reason is that right now information is everywhere on campus, in different buildings or in the student center. With the new calendar, students can cut it out, carry it around, and know what’s taking place and when and where.


但是答题的时候 还是说话不溜 有点啰嗦 导致没说完 时间就到了
听的时候 感觉吐字不清

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-11 09:42:04 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 4 [人文科学]
Reference Groups
Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people. When we admire and respect someone, we naturally try to imitate their behavior and attitudes. Groups of people whom we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate are known as reference groups. Reference groups provide a model--a frame of reference--that can shape how we think and behave. Over the course of a lifetime, we may be influenced by many different reference groups. As we grow older, or encounter new circumstances, our reference groups may change, and our attitudes and behavior may change accordingly.
1. I have an example from my own life that illustrates this.
2. When I first began my university studies, I became friends with a bunch of art students.
3. They were older and fun and very creative and I thought they were really cool and they all liked to dress really casually in T-shirts and jeans and sneakers.
4. That's what they wore all the time, to class, to the library, to dinner, T-shirts and jeans and sneakers.
5. So that's what I started wearing too and I fit right in and I felt really cool.
6. But then I graduated, moved to Chicago and got a job and I started working with some really bright young people who'd already been working at the company for a few years, who were already handling major responsibilities for the company, really impressive and sometimes some of us would get together on the weekend, maybe for a concert or baseball game or something.
7. And at first I just wear a T-shirt and jeans and sneakers.
8. That was, you know, how I was used to dressing.
9. But I soon noticed that my co-workers prefer to dress up a little bit.
10. The men would wear a nice pair of pants, bottom-up shirt; the woman might wear a fashionable dress and some nice shoes.
11. They dressed in clothes a lot nicer than what I was used to wearing.
12. And I started thinking, you know, that looks really classy, really sharp.
13. And So I started to dress the same way they did.
14. You know, nicer and a little more formal.
15. And, I don't know, my T-shirt, jeans and sneakers didn't seem as cool to me anymore.
Using the example from the lecture, explain how people’s behavior is affected by reference groups.
The reading passage talks about reference group, which is the group of people we admire and tend to imitate. Then the professor gives his personal experiences. When he was in college, he was friend with some art students. They liked to dress very casually, in T-shirt and jeans and sneakers. So the professor thought they looked cool and he dressed himself the same way, and he fit right in. But after graduation he went in a big company. His co-workers all liked to dress up a little bit, even on weekends when they were hanging out. He saw them as classy and sharp, his old style just suddenly didn’t look cool anymore. So, that is how we may adopt different reference group as we grew older and our attitudes and behaviors would change accordingly.
Reference groups are groups of people we admire. We tend to imitate their behavior and attitudes. The professor uses his own life experience to illustrate this phenomenon. When he entered university, he made friends with art students. The art students always dressed casually. They wore t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. The professor thought they were cool so he also started wearing t-shirts, jeans and sneakers. But after graduation, the professor got a job in Chicago. When his co-workers and he gathered for a concert or a baseball game, he found out that they all dressed up a little bit. The man would wear a nice pair of pants and the woman would wear fashionable dress. And he started to think these look really classy and sharp and began to wear like them. So his reference group has changed from the art students to his co-workers.

这道题其实有两个点 一个是受影响 一个是会改变
说的时候第二点 没有很好的顾及到
忘记写下concept 的名称 了 导致说的时候有点慌
阅读记笔记+阅读 有点赶
完全结巴 时间不够

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-11 09:52:42 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 5 [校园生活]
1. How's it going Mike?
2. Ok, I am just trying to figure out what to do about this new bus schedule.
3. New bus schedule?
4. Yeah, I take a bus from campus to my job downtown.
5. I work there Tuesday afternoons but the bus schedule changed.
6. The bus I was taking is leaving earlier now and I can't get to it in time because I've got chemistry class then.
7. Yeah, they do change the bus schedule sometimes.
8. It's inconvenient.
9. So what are you gonna do?
10. Well, I talked to my boss and she said I could change my work hours and work at night instead.
11. I start in the late afternoon and then work till around midnight and there is a bus that'll get me there on time.
12. That sounds good.
13. So you can just take a later bus to your job.
14. Yeah.
15. The only thing is if I work late at night, I will be really tired and I have class early the next morning.
16. Yeah, but do you have any other choice?
17. Well, yeah another option is just to ride my bike to work after chemistry.
18. I'll be able to get to work on time so I can keep same hours.
19. It's not that far and it'll take about fifteen minutes.
20. Hum, that might be nice because you get some exercise, but it would be uncomfortable riding a bike on days when there is bad weather.
21. Yeah, I'll have to think about it.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
According to the dialogue, the man used to take the bus from campus to his job downtown. But the bus schedule changed. There are two options for him.  He can change his working hours to work the night shift. There is another bus that can take him there, but he has early classes for the next day. Or he can ride a bicycle to work after chemistry class; it will take him only 15 min.I think the second solution is better. Study is still the single most important thing for a student. If he worked the night shift, he would be too tired for his early classes. And that will influence his study.原文弊端 So riding a bike to his work and keeping the original work hours is the best solution out of his trouble. Besides, if there were really bad weather, he could always use other transportation systems.
The bus schedule has changed. But the man has to take a bus from campus to his job in town. Because the bus he used to take is going to leave earlier, he can’t get there in time. There are two possible solutions discussed in the conversation. The first solution is to talk to boss and change the work hours to late at night so that he can catch the later bus. But if he works late at night, he will be tired in the class early next morning. The second solution is to ride bike to work. It only takes 15mins. But the man is worrying that in bad weather, riding bike will be inconvenient. If I were the man, I would choose the second solution, since it only takes 15mins to get to work. Also, he can get exercise from riding the bike. Plus, not every day has bad weather. Even if the weather is bad, he can read the weather forecast and shift work hours ahead of time.
太结巴 只说了一个理由 而且其实第二个理由 自己也没想出来对数字不够敏感

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-11 09:56:57 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 6 [自然科学]
1. Now, plants, like animals and like us for that matter, need nutrients, substances that provide nourishment to survive, thrive and grow.
2. We get our nutrients from the food we eat.
3. Plants, though, most plants anyway, absorb their nutrients from the soil, right, through their root systems?
4. Ok, but there are plants that don't get their nutrients from the soil.
5. The places they grow, the soil is bad.
6. So they get their nutrients from insects instead, from trapping and digesting insects.
7. They're called carnivorous plants.
8. Carnivorous plants capture insects in different ways.
9. They have different trapping mechanisms—— active traps and passive traps.
10. A plant with an active trap, a good example is the Venus fly trap.
11. The Venus fly trap actually moves to catch its prey or parts of it will do anyway.
12. Its leaves, it has special leaves that are hinged in the middle, the two halves of the leaves open and close, sort of like a mouth to catch insects and on these leaves is a sweet nectar that attracts insects.
13. Insects like this sweet stuff and when they get lured in and land on the leaf, wham, the leaves spring shut.
14. It's an active trap and the insect springs it, so to speak.
15. The leave quickly closes and forms a little cage, trapping the insect between the leaves.
16. The Venus fly trap is then able to digest the insect and get its nutrients.
17. But other carnivorous plants, their methods are passive, they don't have any moving parts to trap things, they have passive traps like the sundew plant.
18. The sundew plant also produces sweet nectar that attracts insects.
19. Its leaves are full of little hairs that secrete the sweet substance.
20. But what happens when insects land on the sundew's leaves to get at this sweet nectar?
21. Well, unfortunately for the insects, the hairs on the leaves also produce a super sticky glue-like substance so an insect gets stuck in them and can't get away.
22. It basically gets glued there, allowing the sundew to digest it and absorb nutrients.
Using the examples of the Venus flytrap and the sundew, describe two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.
The lecture introduces two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients. The first way is active traps, the plant’s body or part of its body moves to catch preys. Such as Venus flytrap, they have sweet nectar to lure insects and have leaves that can close like a mouth. When insects land on its leaves, the leaves close to form a cage and shut the insects inside. Then they will be able to digest the insects and get the nutrients. The second way is passive traps, such as sundew plant. The sundew plant has sweet substance and sticky stuff on its leaves; insects that were attracted by the scent will get stuck on its leaves. In this way, they catch the insects to get the nutrients they need.
In the lecture, the professor talks about two ways carnivorous plants capture insects. The first way is active trap. For example, Venus flytrap has some parts that can move to catch the prey Its leaves are hinged in the middle and the two parts of the leaves look like a mouth. Also its leaves have sweat nectar on them to attract the insects. When insects are attracted by the nectar and land on the leaves, the leaves spring shut and form  little cages. Then Venus flytrap can digest the insects and get nutrients. The second way is passive trap. For example, the Sundew plant has no moving parts. It also has sweet nectar on its leaves. But its leaves are full of little hairs. When insects land on the leaves, hairs can produce super sticky glue substance. So the insects get stuck on the leaves and then Sundew plant can digest the insects and absorb nutrients.
task6 生词太多
太结巴 超时

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-12 10:51:49 |只看该作者
TPO 24 - Question 1
Talk about a popular gathering place in your town where people like to go. Describe the place and explain why people enjoy going there.
我想到的是五道口 因为好吃的多
The place people often go to in my town is the library. Well, it is open to the public almost all year round. It is quiet and clean. The library has long benches and pagodas outside. It is impeccable. Students may go there to study, other people go there to read books for knowledge, or maybe just to enjoy some quiet moment, you know, read for fun. Various people may go there for different reasons, but I think they all come out with a new sensation inside.
In my town, the public park is the popular gathering place. There are several reasons why it’s popular. The first reason is that the park has a very big square where senior citizens go nearly every day to do some physical exercise. I can see them every day after dinner, they dance together energetically. Another reason is that there is a beautiful lake beside the park, and young people, especially those from the university, like to sit on the bank, enjoying the view and having some talk. If the weather is fine, beautiful young girls and handsome boys can be seen sit side by side.
和读东西不同, 说出来的东西 自己都听不懂 读快的地方简直 就 完全自己都听不懂 英语发音太糟心
语速时快时慢 经常卡克

TPO 24 - Question 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students benefit more from classes with a large number of students than they do from smaller classes. Use specific examples and details to support your opinion.
I disagree with this statement. I think smaller classes are much better. Students will get direct and adequate personal attention from teachers, which is essential, so teachers can offer instant feedback when students have doubts or questions on the topic. Also, students will be more involved in classroom activities, which is beneficial to their study. And in a smaller classroom, classmates would get to know each other better. They can make more friends, improve their social skills.
I don’t agree with the statement. I think students can benefit more from smaller classes, because if a classroom is too big, the students sitting in the back rows can’t hear teachers clearly. Even if they can, they can’t get enough attention from teachers, so they may get distracted and do things unrelated to their classes, such as sleeping or playing with cell phones. Besides, in a big classroom, students have fewer chances to communication with teachers. And it’s difficult to organize class discussion. In contrast, in a smaller class, every student has chance to ask questions about things they don’t understand.
说否定的时候 读题目花了大部分时间 10s 刚说完原因 没来得及说例子
看看人家标准答案 I disagree because 参考答案其实也没讲具体例子了i.e.我的例子
说原因的时候 边说边想 说的非常慢 然而说模板部分 例如  for example 的时候 语速又快的听不清

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发表于 2016-4-12 11:03:00 |只看该作者
TPO 23 - Question 3
Close the Campus Coffee house
I propose that the university close the campus coffeehouse. Coffeehouses are great if people actually use them, like to socialize with friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee and a snack. But students are not using our campus coffeehouse. There are usually lots of empty tables when I pass by the place. It is just a waste of space that could be used for other things. Also, the food at the coffeehouse is not very good. The last time I was there, the cakes and muffins my friends and I ordered were dry and didn’t have much flavor.
1. I don't like his proposal.
2. Why not?
3. There are never many students in there.
4. But that's what I like about it that is never crowded.
5. Really?
6. Yeah, so it's a great place to study.
7. I go there a lot, read a book, bring my laptop computer and work on a paper for class.
8. It's never noisy.
9. You are able to get your work done there?
10. Absolutely.
11. In fact, I actually prefer it to the library as the place to study, and a lot of other students do too.
12. We even study for our final exam there, and you can eat there while at work, something you cannot do in the library.这句当时没听出来 后来也没讲到
13. Ok, but you don't actually like the food, do you?
14. I mean, he says…
15. Well, I don't he's been there recently, I mean it's true that it wasn't that great in the past.
16. But I think it's a lot better now.
17. What's changed?
18. They have a new manger and I guess she has made some improvements in the quality of the food.
19. I was there last week and food was delicious.
20. Really?
21. Yeah, really.
22. And the new manager has also added a lot of really healthy food and snacks, so the food doesn't just taste good now.
23. It's good for you too.
24. Emm, I'll have to try the place.
The woman expresses her opinion about the student’s proposal. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

The reading is a proposal that asked the school to close the campus coffeehouse, because students are not using it and the food is not very good. 多么简练啊 Then in the conversation, the woman disagrees for the following reason. First, the coffeehouse is a great place to study because there is only very few people going there. Some students actually prefer it to the library because they can eat while getting their work done. And for the food there, they have new manager now, and they have made some improvements in the quality of the food. So the food doesn’t just taste delicious now, also they have added some healthful snacks.
The student proposes to close the Campus Coffee house because students usually don’t use it and the food in the coffee house is not good. The woman in the conversation doesn’t like the proposal. She says the good thing about the Coffee House is that it’s never crowded. So it’s a great place to study. She always reads a book or works on a paper in it. She even prefers it to the library. Plus, students can eat while they study there. She also says that though the food wasn’t great, it’s a lot better now. The Coffee House has got a new manager. Last week she went there and the food was delicious. Besides, the new manager has added a lot of really healthy food and snack.

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发表于 2016-4-12 11:23:27 |只看该作者
TPO 24 - Question 4
Flagship Species
Environmental organizations work to protect plants and animals whose natural habitats are threatened by human activity. One way they do this is by selecting a particular species to represent the threatened habitat to the general public. This species, called a flagship species, is one that people are likely to find attractive and interesting. The flagship species is used to raise public awareness and motivate people to take action to protect the threatened habitat. People’s support of the flagship species results in protection for all the plant and animal species living in the threatened area.
1. So, one example of this is the macaw, the great green macaw.
2. Now, the great green macaw is a beautiful bird, a fairly large size parrot known for its colorful feathers, gorgeous green feathers, with some red and blue feathers too.
3. The macaw, lives in the south American rain forest, in a part of the rain forest where a lot of trees have been cut down, trees that the macaw relys on for its food and nesting.
4. So the macaw was in trouble.
5. And of course, along with the trees, a lot of other animals were in trouble too.
6. Lots of birds, bets and frogs, also live in these trees.
7. So when the trees were cut down and cleared away, these animals also didn't have a place to live in any more and their population drastically declined.
8. So what concerned the group of people in that area did was they started spreading the word about how the macaw, you know, this really beautiful bird, needed help.
9. They made little books with information about the macaw, with pictures, four-colored pictures of macaw that showed off its beautiful feathers.
10. And they passed out these books, the informational brochures, they distributed them to people in schools, in community centers in the area, and a lot of people responded, they contributed money and help the group set up some protected land, a special area where no one could cut down the tree, so the macaw would be safe, and the macaw's population started to increase, and other bird, bets and frogs, came back to the area too.
11. Their numbers increased along with the trees.
Using the example of the macaw from the lecture, explain the concept of flagship species.
The reading introduces flagship species, which means that people will select a species to represent a threatened habitat to the public to raise their awareness.多么简练 Then he talked about macaw. Macaw is a beautiful bird that lives in South American rainforest. The trees that macaw relied on were cut down by humans, and their populations drastically declined, so as other species.多么简练 Group of people who were concerned about this situation started making books about this beautiful bird and sending the books to schools and community centers. So people contribute money to set up protective land for the bird. Their population increased, and other species returned too.
A flagship species is a particular species that represents a threatened habit to the general public.多么简练 The professor takes Macaw as an example to explain the concept. Macaw is a beautiful bird and has colorful features. It lives in the rain forest and relies on the trees for food and nesting. But the trees have been cut down. So macaw and a lot of other animals are in trouble. The populations of animals drastically declined. Then a group of people used macaw to represent the threatened habitat. 这句话蛮重要的,阐述了例子是如何解释概念的They spread the word about how macaw needed the help and distribute books with macaw’s pictures to the school and other community places. After that, a lot of people started to take actions and contribute money to help set up a protected land, a special area where no one could cut down the tree. So, the number of macaw and other animals increase.自己的问题
总结阅读材料中的定义 总结能力不行 总结半天 抓不住重点
开头严重卡壳 开头卡壳5秒 总结概念花了20多秒
我说的是 a selected particular species that are attractive and interesting这一部分应该舍弃掉的 inorder to raise public awareness notice to protect their threatened habitat.
直接导致最后 才讲到 树被砍了 时间就用完了
因为紧张 赶时间 发音越来越邪乎

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-12 11:42:21 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 thankgod2016 于 2016-4-12 11:45 编辑

TPO 24 - Question 5
1. Hey, Amy, have you finished moving out of your dorm yet?
2. Yeah, I am all done, I moved into my new apartment off campus yesterday.
3. How do you like it?
4. It's great, there is just one problem.
5. What's that?
6. Well, I don't have the internet connection in my new apartment so I cannot use the computer to access to the internet from my room.
7. That's really important.
8. Right, I need it to do the research for classes, email people, stuff like that.
9. I use it almost every day.
10. So are you going to pay and get it installed in your apartment?
11. Well, I've called a couple of internet companies in the area and it is no trouble for them to send someone else to my apartment to install internet service.
12. It's just the cost, I have to pay every month of the service.
13. Well, you know there is always a computer center on campus.
14. The computers there have free internet access, Couldn't you use them?
15. I could, it's just that I don't have classes every day, so I'd have to go campus on someday just to use the internet and that computer center can get crowded sometimes.
16. Emm……
17. So, I am not sure what to do.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
In the dialogue, the woman has just moved in her new apartment, but there is no Internet connection. And she needs Internet everyday. So there are two solutions for her. The first solution is, she can pay to get the service installed. Or the other one, she can use the free Internet service at the computer center. I think the woman should take the first solution. Obviously, Internet is important for her daily use and study. 原文原因 By having it installed at her apartment, she will be able to use it whenever she wants. It will be money well spent. 展开陈述And for the extra cost, she can always find some part time job to earn more money to fill in the gap.自己想的好处
The woman just moved into a new place to live. But the problem is that the new doesn’t have an Internet connection. She has to do research and email people everyday. There are two possible solutions to this problem. The first solution is to call Internet companies to install Internet. But it’s costly, the woman has to pay for the service every month. The second solution is to use the computer center on campus. The Internet there is free. But the woman doesn’t have classes on campus every day and the computer center can get crowded sometimes. I would recommend the woman to take the first solution. Even if installing the Internet will be costly, it’s absolutely worth it. Since she has to do research and email people everyday, she must need a stable and handy Internet connection. After all, computer center is on campus and it may be crowded.我的问题
有些细节没听出来,像 computer center
我说的时候带上原因了 然而非常不简练。导致说完problem solution 和我的choice 没有时间说原因了 sad

但是注意 question3 总结问题的时候是需要带上原因的,但是形式非常简练
The campus decided to ... because ... and ...
The campus decided to ... so that they ... and ...

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-13 18:01:25 |只看该作者
Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.
乔布斯传  talented, charismatic, legendary leader . His lifestory inspire me to overcome all kinds of diffculties in my life and never give up, stay hungry ,stary foolish
Some believe that TV programs have a positive influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influence of TV programs is negative.on modern society. What’s your opinion? Please include specific details in your explanation.
positive ,good access to infomation all over the world , keep up to date ;enrich reacreational lives. But do agree young people might need guidence from tv serious that full of violence or pornography.
As far as I am concerned, television has more positive effects towards the modern society than its negative sides. First, from the news broadcasting in the television, we can know what is happening in the outside world even without stepping out our living room with television in it. And second, watching television with family members after supper is a good way to relax after a hard day’s work. What’s more, its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and has a great influence on the way people think and talk.
Describe the most important decision that you have made in your life. Why was it important to you? Use specific examples and details to support your explanation.
The most important decision I've ever made in my life is to decide to apply for PHD in computer science. There are a lot of oppsite voices like girls don't need  a phd degree
, girls should  get married early, girls can't do well in computer science. I want to use my actions to that they are all wrong, that girls can do well in computer science, girls can be as productive as boys, and that girls can manage career and family at the same time

Personally speaking, the most important decision that I have made in my life is to choose marketing as my major in university, as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so in order to learn it well, I have to learn various subjects such as international trade and brand management. What’s more, i’m little timidity in front of challenges such as doing the presentation and negotiation, I guess most of the people may have this kind of stage fright, So marketing is a major can definitely anneal myself. During the studies in university, I learned hard and practiced as much as I could. Finally, I got the highest GPA in my grade.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-14 09:43:04 |只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2016-4-14 10:11:14 |只看该作者
TPO 25 - Question 1
Students often want to get better grades in their classes. Explain what students should do in order to improve their performance in a class.
我想到 认真上课 专心听讲 完成作业 课下讨论 互相帮助
If students want to improve their performance in class, I would suggest the following two ways. First of all, ask questions more frequently, especially the professors. When a student confronts with tough math problems after the new class and cannot figure them out individually, he could try to contact with the professor to explain the concept as well as several solutions to the question. Secondly, practice often. As an old Chinese saying tells us, “Practice makes perfect”. For example, if he does more practice in the concept of Newton’s law of motion in physics, he would deeper his understanding of it, as a result, increasing his ability of solving such physical problems. These are two ways I’d like to advise to get better grades.
I think there are a couple of ways to help students get better grades. First of all, students need to pay attention to the teachers in class. Because teachers have experience and they can always make some hard-to-understand concepts and ideas easy for students. If students listen carefully and take notes, they will feel easy about exams. Second of all, doing homework is pretty important. It is a very good way to consolidate what has learned in the class. It offers exercises that can help students prepare for upcoming exams.

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