"I can be convinced by your...."然后mm 就开始拼命的解释,
me: nice to meet you,sir
vo: are you studying at Nanjing University?
me: yes
vo: You are from XXXX
me: yes, my hometown (好兆头)
vo: what are you studying?
me: physics
vo: en~~(没听清)
me: physics,Condensed Matter Physics
(vo瞪了我一眼,估计是听到Condensed Matter Physics,当时想被check
vo: your research area
me: my current ...., my furture ......
vo: why do you go to XXXX university (原话记不得了)
me: I want to learn more advanced sci. and tech. , for photonic cyrstals
is hard to fabricate. And as you know, the sci. and tech in china is
not so advanced to do so. And the xxxx university can provide good
facilities in fabricating optical devices.
vo: tell me about photonic...... crystals, what (签证官也结巴)
me: photnic crystals are ..........
It can be made as ...., it is very useful in common life...
vo: Tell me you plan after your graduation. (终于发话了)
me: Come back to china, and join a research group in Chinese university.
I think I can find a good job here easily.
As you know, china is becoming better and better. And the economy has
developed very rapidly. And It leavs much more space for us. I think
I can find a good position here easily.
As a chinese I can found a good relationship in my country. And it is
important, ... I believe(开始有点结巴了) It is important for a person to h
a good social position in a country. It is helpful for me to find a job eas
because my brother is working in Guangzhou.
vo: Give you resume,..... and published papers.
me: here you are.
(vo 看了一下,开始去找单子,最后拿了张绿单子)
vo: ......washington....about a month, come home and wait, we will inform you
your mobile phone
me: thank you,... And how long?
vo: about one month.
me: thank you very much.