me: Good afternoon, sir. This is my card. The pretty lady beside me is my
wife. She is also going with me.
V: Ok, so why do you want a PHD degree in USA?
me: The first reason is blahblah… And I also blahblahblah…
V: (你太罗嗦了,影响我放水)So what is the primary reason for a PHD degree?
Only one!!!
me: (-__-!!!) The reason is I want to further my study in the area of …
V: And why will you come back? Primary reason!!!(少废话,听见没有)
me: (-____-!!!!) Because I believe my major will have a promising future in
China blahblah…
V: (不和你罗嗦了,看材料吧),要了我的工作证,工资单,包括后面的F2都没怎么问
V: Window 10…
。这么说是因为我们隔壁队有个mm被jfmm盘问,我注意到她重点问了“who will pay
for you?”“Salary?”“Why do your parents think the degree worth so much
读的似乎是business,但是jfmm说“I know xxx is a good university, blahblahblah
… 但是你知道这个是多少多少银子。。。”纠缠了很久还是据了。