jf:what are you going to study?
me: I'm going to pursue my doctor's degree in Environmental Science in
jf: what is Environmental Science?
me: It includes many aspects, such as Environmental Chemistry,
Envrionmental Biology...
jf: how many school did you apply?
me: UIUC, UCLA, Purdue university, NCSU and Suny-albny.
jf: who give you offer?
me: Suny-albany.
jf: only one?
me: and an admission from NCSU.
jf: do you want to emigrant to USA after graduation? ( 倒!也直接了点吧)
me: 狂摆手 no no no! I plan to be a professor in my department, it has been
founded only 7 years ago and is in great need of teachers, especially
who come from abroad. I will come back after 5 years of study.
jf: 指我I-20上的学习时间“48个月”一栏 you just said 5 years of study?
me: 真的是一不小心说错了:( oh, I made a mistake.
jf: why?
me: I made a mistake myself.
jf: why?
me: 我说错了也不用穷追猛打啊 我编! I first thougt that it was the actual
length of study time, and I must stay there for 5 years. But I confirmed
that with the department last night.
jf: do you bring your resume?
me: yes, here you are.
jf:迅速扫一眼 抬头看看我 回答上瘾的我正在等下一个问题(嘿嘿 被签证折磨的近乎
ok go to window 11
me: 没心里准备好 不知不觉就过了:) thank you, have a nice day.