m: good afternoon madam.
v: please give me your card.
m: here you are
v: so you are going to study *** at ****?
m: that's right
v: give me your admission letter.
m: here it is
v: so what are you going to do when you come back?
m: i will take a research position in a university or other institutions.
v: 你研究啥?
m: ***
v: any publications?
m: yes, 把杂志拿给她看,同时出示了我的本科和研究生毕业论文,问她要不要看
v: 看了一下我的发表的文章,就推了出来,没要求看别的,然后开始敲键盘,足有10秒钟不理我
m: 心想大家都说不能冷场,怎么也都说点,然后就说我还有其他发表的文章之类的,发现她还是在认真地听我说话的
v: 抬起头来对我笑着说....(实在是没听见), go to windows 10
m: thank you
Be brave, and never lost again