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[经验总结] 会计专业留学文书怎么写? [复制链接]

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发表于 2019-6-13 18:00:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
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会计专业留学的个人陈述 PS 开头通常可以怎么写?一般来说要注意什么东东?



例子 1:申请 Accounting & Mathematics

Attending an interesting and informative lecture on Accounting confirmed my desire to do a degree in this field. I was under the impression that accountancy purely involved dealing with figures, but I learned that they are advisors who help businesses maximize profits whilst minimizing liabilities to ensure they comply with regulations. I have also learnt that accountants are always in demand in the economy as they play an important part in any business.

开头一上来就说我听了一个关于 accounting 的讲座,从而打开了我的心结,勾起了我对会计专业的兴趣,然后提到我原本对 accounting 的理解是何等的肤浅,接着引出我意识到 accounting 在对商业运作是超级重要的。

问题来了: 区区一场讲座就能改变我对会计专业的认识和看法,那说明我本来对这个专业的认识足够肤浅(文段第二句话也足够证明,我居然以为会计就是算数而已),所以教授读完第一句话就觉得无聊了......

当然,并不是开头不能分享一场讲座的内容,关键是要有 key point,如果你从一场讲座中悟出了关于例如 risk management 某个深邃的观点,那倒是可以聊起来的。

I have always expressed an interest for Maths. From the age of 7, I attended a school maths class, which helped me develop my mental arithmetic skills and apply them to harder and more complex problems. My passion has grown throughout secondary school, but I have become especially interested and aware of topics throughout my studies at A-Level. Studying Maths and Further Maths has provided me with the opportunity to learn different aspects of mathematics in-depth and about the different theories and how they were derived. Furthermore, I feel it has given me an insight into working out statistical problems and relating these to real-life situations. My genuine interest and passion for maths has been demonstrated through and enhanced by, events such as the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge, for which I achieved a silver award this year. I am participating in the MTUK Senior Mathematics Challenge and hoping to achieve high results.

这一段分享了我和数学自小开始的亲密故事,但基本都是流水账式的摆经历。develop my mental arithmetic skills 是怎样 develop?apply them to harder and more complex problems 是怎样 apply?learn different aspects of mathematics in-depth 是如何 in-depth?relating these to real-life situations 是怎样的情景运用?harder、complex、in-depth 虚无缥缈的修饰词一大堆,但没有任何有效细节,没有任何具体的点,只能让人读来无感。

你说你参加个什么数学竞赛 Intermediate Mathematics Challenge,这种类型的比赛很多,而且很多小孩都参加过。它不是诺贝尔奖,不是一说出来名字就立刻能说明你超凡实力的名目。所以你提到你参加这种比赛并获奖本身并不能说明你有啥特质。


例子 2:申请 Accounting

Since I was just a kid. I have shown a great admiration to those who carved out from scratch because I think that is the life I expected for with vigor and challenge. However, many of them failed at last mainly because of the financial accounting. It is very difficult for a company to change the resource into money without professional financial management and abundant financial professional knowledge.

文章一开头点出我看到很多人创业失败的原因是 financial accounting,从而点出 accounting 的重要性。但没有任何具体细节支撑这个观点。创业失败的经历其实可以作为一个万能段套在任何专业身上:

很多人去奋斗去创业因为不懂管理而失败从而点出 management 的重要性;

很多人去奋斗去创业因为不懂营销而失败从而点出 marketing 的重要性......

它似乎和 accounting 没有任何内在联系,就只是借了个 accounting 的躯壳来用用而已。

As the “batch product of the school", I desire to become the "class A product" with abundant professional knowledge and good quality after two years of study on the campus.

第二段透露我意识到 accounting 的重要性,这里表达了要申请这个项目来深造的心迹,并强调要努力学学出好成绩 Class A。

Although I knew that the "investment risk” was ineluctable, I believe the future investment yield will be huge in the future. On the choice of an investment project, I certainly chose my favorite accounting in the financial field and sincerely hope that the further study can present me with a solid foundation and full preparations for the future work in the company financing.

这里接着用了一个打比方的手法把我来申请读 accounting 硕士比作一个 future investment,审阅者读完这段话,会觉得你对自己,对未来,为这个项目缺乏信心。所以这种 "investment risk” 的打比方手法不太合适,而且也不有趣。

总的来说,这里一开提到 accounting 的重要性认识,从而引出我的目标计划,思路其实是对的。但因为 1. 没有具体细节支撑、2. 打比方手法欠妥,从而导致整体效果不佳。

例子 3:申请 Financial Management

Unlike most of the people start their interests through achievements, my interest in accounting started with the failure of the ERP competition. When the Ill-planned budget caused the capital strand breaks, all of our strategies failed to work and the different part of the team which supposes to be one fall apart. That's the moment I realized the accounting and controllership system is the soul of a company and began to take every chance to learn about it.

这个开头是通过一个失败经历 failure of the ERP competition 来说明我对 accounting 的兴趣以及意识到它的重要性。但问题就在于缺乏细节支撑,于是读起来就很平庸了。capital strand breaks 是具体如何导致的? strategies failed to work 是如何 fail 的,与当时具体我们的 accounting and controllership system 有啥关联?我们是如何操作的?

细节、细节,always 是细节!

例子 4:申请 Finance

I am writing to apply for the MSc Finance with the aim of specializing in corporate finance management and development strategy analysis based on financial accounting.


My interest in pursuing a specialization in accounting and finance stemmed from the special business operations experience in my childhood. My uncle is a self-employed businessman who used to own a small grocery. He always involved me in his business operations when I was left home while my parents had to go out for work. I was therefore exposed to the estimation of purchasing amount, revenue and profit calculation, sales promotion design, etc. much earlier than many of my peers did. The small grocery had been closed down shortly afterward due to poor financial management, which deeply impressed me with the importance of financial management no matter whether in an international corporate or even in a small local grocery.

接着讲起了历史故事。以”我“目睹 uncle 家的杂货铺因资金财务状况不良而关门作为引子,说明我自小开始意识到财务管理的重要性,在小小的脑袋里种下这一专业的种子。但每天都有成千上万家商店倒闭,每个都有成千上万的人目睹这些倒闭,目睹或参与倒闭本身并不能说明我有什么特异技能。


那让我们看一个正面例子,例子 5:申请 Business Analytics

I am writing to apply for MSc Business Analytics in xxx university. I would like to enhance my practical academic experience and get trained all around to keep pace with globalization for today’s business world.

开头同样是开门见山,说明来意,配上一句强调 enhance my practical academic experience 和 keep pace with globalization 既是联系目标专业(该同学申请的学校项目本身就强调扎实基本功的修炼),也是表面大致兴趣规划,其实下文内容也是围绕这一句话展开,所以也是概括句。

I have been sensitive to numbers & data since childhood. As a kid, I was always amazed at the overwhelming power of those ugly and crumpled paper, so-called “money”. With different amount of money, I could exchange for my favorite stuff, candies, toys, picture books, and even the exciting firecrackers during the spring festivals. It seemed to me then money can buy everything. I enjoyed observing adults making deals in farmers’ markets, in malls and etc. as I thought spending money was naturally a way of communication with the outside world. Only after grown up have I learned the ideas like purchasing power and economic statistics. And gradually I became interested in dealing with numbers and data.

接着开始讲起小故事作为引子,是一个有具体细节支撑的例子,从我小时候以小孩儿的视角来看“money”的种种有趣想法,从能交换各种玩具,到把它当做一种与外部世界的交流方式 a way of communication with the outside world,再到长大后从学科专业角度看,很独特、有趣也很值得玩味。

最后一句 I gradually became interested in dealing with numbers and data. 作为一个过渡句开始为接下了论述正式而深邃的学科知识积累和实践打下基础。

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