9824| 30
高中纪事 |
岂必归故里,万里过山头。 |
You wake up at Seatac, SFO, LAX. You wake up at O'Hare, DFW, BWI. Pacific, Mountain, Central. Lose an hour, gain an hour. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at International Airport Houston. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
If I'm who I am because I'm who I am and you're who you are because you are who you are, then I'm who I am and you're who you are.
If,on the other hand, I'm who I am because you're who you are, and if you are who you are because I'm who I am, then I'm not who I am and you're not who you are. |
总是在父母的保护下成长 在手足的关系中定位自己 在恋人的呵护中找到真爱 在朋友的关心中得到温暖 你知道这些人经过了你的生命 也丰富了你的一生 你谢谢他们带给你的 却又总是说不出口 这种人 就是自己 一直以为幸福在远方, 在可以追逐的未来。 我的双眼保持着眺望,我的双耳仔细聆听,唯恐疏忽错过。 后来才发现, 那些握过的手、唱过的歌、流过的泪、爱过的人…… 所谓的曾经,就是幸福! |