本帖最后由 TedSnape 于 2021-5-3 17:39 编辑
登陆加拿大一个月,现在分享一下整个移民过程。是疫情前被捞的,现在不知何时EE-FSW才能再开。 此帖的目的是给在美国(或是除加拿大以外的其他国家)想用TA/RA经历申请加拿大EE-FSW的人一个参考。
当然,加拿大境内读书期间的TA/RA经历也能用来作为满足EE-FSW资格的work experience,但是并不能用来加分,详情可参见:https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=394&top=29。
背景 纽约州PhD在读。之前有同学校不同专业的Master,且有TA/RA经历。到PhD第四年第一学期期末(2019年11月)总的TA/RA工作时间满足加拿大的三年full time,随即入池。当时条件:单身,雅思L9 R8.5 W7 S7,年龄30(扣5分),学历硕士,工作3年,走EE-FSW,分数470。在2019年最后一轮invitations被捞起,那次分数线为469。具体时间线如下。
时间线 2019年暑假 2019年底-2020年1月初
01/13/2020 正式提交/AOR
01/29/2020 体检通过,收到指纹信 02/18/2020 打指纹 03/06/2020 Eligibility recommended pass by case analyst 08/05/2020 Eligibility passed by officer 01/15/2021 Medical extension requested by program assistant 01/28/2021 Medical extended 02/08/2021 PPR 03/10/2021 Officially approved 03/17/2021 收到移民签和CoPR 04/02/2021 登陆加拿大
1. 到底行不行?
2. 如何计算工作时间?
我PhD期间的TA/RA就是按照20小时每周算的,每个学年签一次contract,暑假的另外签,所有contract上也都是写的每周工作20小时。Master期间也是20小时每周,但是暑假没工作。我是严格按照我contract给的小时数和星期数加起来满3年full time (4680小时)的那天入的池,等捞起来以及AOR的时候总的小时数已经超过4680了。
3. 提交了哪些材料?
我申请时提交了Master和PhD各自的employment reference letter,是让各自系的系主任签的。还提交了所有的contract、w-2税表和最近6次pay stubs。
4. GCMS里关于employment的notes
Case analyst: Teaching Assistant (NOC: 4012) - at XYZ University - Web-based search confirms employer information - Letter dated 2019-12-xx appears to confirm employment in declared occupation throughout the specified period, and provides a job description which is consistent with the lead statement and main duties as set out in the declared NOC category. NOTE: SAME OFFICE ADDRESS, SAME PHONE NUMBER, SAME LOGO AS WEBSITE PA PROVIDE W-2 FORM WAGE AND TAX STATEMENT - Letter confirms salary of xxx$/Year -Letter confirms part/time employment FSW Work: x year and y months.
Officer: ELIGIBILITY DECISION: • One year full-time work experience over a continuous period in primary NOC achieved while working for: XYZ University • 3 years of foreign work experience accumulated while working for: XYZ University • Proof of education provided and reviewed — no concerns • Based on PA's education credentials and employment docs, I am satisfied on a balance of probabilities that the PA performed the lead statement and main duties associated with NOC 4012.
5. Employment reference letter模版
December xx, 2019
Employment Reference Letter
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that XXX is employed as a teaching assistant in the Department of XXX at the XYZ University from August xx, 2016 to date. As a teaching assistant, he works on average 20 hours per week, for a total of xxx hours to date. His annual salary is about $xxx.
His duties support the academic and research missions of the department, including: Please feel free to contact us for any further information.
XXX, Ph.D. Professor and Chair Department of XXX XYZ University