本帖最后由 Robynchen 于 2022-4-29 01:41 编辑
面试时间:4月26 北京时间晚10点 圣路易斯时间早9点
面试官:JUAN (全名挺长的)
说实话,看之前面经说JUAN有大胡子,我以为是 The Garibaldi 或者 至少是 The Verdi 那样的胡子,见面后发现其实就是short boxed beard。
Juan 迟到了10分钟上线,很诚挚地解释了迟到的原因(上一个面试),然后用他爽朗的笑容把温暖注入我的心。他刚开始自我介绍的语速会很快,但是别担心,后面提问的语速会慢下来。再提醒大家一下,Juan 是哥伦比亚人,有拉丁美洲的口音(葡萄牙\西班牙人说英语的口音),听不清的时候建议double check。Juan很nice 会非常耐心地clarify
Q: introduce yourself
A: I am Robyn Chen. I was born in GZ, acity located in the south of China and nearby the Hongkong and Shenzhen. Ispend 5 years to finish my undergraduate learning, this because my first majoris tournism management and the concentration is exhibition management. But whenI realize the the poor patent protection situation Chinese companies faced, Idecide to change my major to Law even though I have to repeat another freshmanyear just in order to improve the situation. What’s the lucky thing is I passthe exam and change my major successfully, but the unfortunate thing is the SunYat-sen school didn’t provide students a chance to formalize their concentration. So I’ve been looking for an opportunity to study my concentration(IP) systematically. And this idea becomes stronger when I begin my full-timejob, as an In-House counsel. Because in the two internship experiences, nomatter the Legal Aid nor the paralegal, the main work is non-litigationpractice. However, when I take this full-time job, to be a In-house Council, Ihave met 3 litigations in 9 month. We lose one. Reach a settlement in anotherone. And the last one has not yet been in session because the epidemic. So Irealize that it’s necessary to apply for LLM. My superior, the In-house Lawyertold me that LLM allows me to increase my knowledge and be specialized in alegal field. More important thing is, I believe that studying in an outstandinglaw school just like wustl, learning from would-class faculty could benefitme for a life time.
Q:托福和雅思考的哪一个?有没有best score 能不能发给他?
A:这没啥好准备的,我说,我考的托福,考了2次,最佳成绩96,拼分(best scores)100.
当场就把toefl test report 邮给他了
当然又是我喜闻乐见的7个 question list,我挑了几个问:
I have about 6 question for u. is these too much? (这句话可能语法不对啊,大家有空帮我纠正一下)
Juan面露喜色,回答道:“no,no. I am only here to help”
1. How is epidemic situation (没问) 上面他讲过了,不要求口罩,但人多的地方类似机场,会建议戴上。
2. Do you offer student the campushousing or any kind of housing
这是他推荐的租房地区:Clayton \ Forsyth Boulevard \ Richmond Heights
3. Could u provide more info abouthow LLM student transfer to JD
众所周知的WUSTL传统艺能,宽松的转JD政策: 他回答,两个要求:1.GPA 3.34+ 2.所有课程成绩不低于B
4. I know u graduate from WUSTL, what’syour first job after graduating from school and is there any suggestion forother graduator to be a jobseeker.
personal question 提问前客套一下即可 Juan很爽朗地回答到:Law firm 做了一年 civil law,然后他跳槽溜去干其他事了。 要知道他当年也是LLM 毕业的喔,也是外国人,他还找到工作了。 他给的建议就是,找到你的interest 和雇主interest 匹配的地方,并把它放大!他说他之后就去做拉丁美洲裔的公共事务部门上班了,之后就跳回了WUSTL当面试官。(和我们去做华人移民律师殊途同归啊)
5. what preparation you advise me to dobefore school starts / reading some books / what channel I should subscribe ?
English , English,and English (看来我96的托福还是不经打) 他还推荐了一本书,《LAW 101》 by Jay Feinman
面试快结束的时候,他好像又突然想起,告诉我他当年初来美国在圣路易斯的市立图书馆花1美元买了几张 sheet,里面的内容特别有用,帮助他很快了解了 American Law juridicition.然后他当场就email给我了电子版,上面还有JUAN当年留下的墨宝。 喜欢的朋友评论que一下我,给你们发过去。
6. can I take the bar exam if I apply forthe IP programe?
这儿说了挺长一串的,我没全听懂,大概就是说,IP 考 Bar有两条路 1. 24学分的LLM 课程先选 Bar需要的学分大概占13,然后剩下的11学分,自己选一部分有关IP的课。 2.全都要,选完全部IP相关的课,15学分。和考Bar的需要的学分13,共28学分,就会比一般的LLM学生多上一两个课程。 (不确定是不是这样子哈,较真的家人们建议邮件咨询)
7. when can I GET the final decision ?
soon In this week, no later than next Wednesday.
8. What is Intensive Legal English Program
这个其实是JUAN 主动提起的,说他当年 参加了这个学前培训,对他的帮助很大,可以更好地认识教授和同学。并且提升英语水平。
看在JUAN 一路都是热情真诚的份上,我姑且相信他不是在对我吟唱施法。
最后,精彩的来了,我说他在咱面经圈enjoy high reputation ,JUAN羞涩又喜悦地问我能不能把咱寄托天下的网址发给他,他想登上来看看 magical Chinese internet。