A Postdoctoral Research Associate position isavailable in spring of 2023. This position is for atomistic or/and quantumsimulations of soft matters or/and nanomaterials in the Biomedcial Engineering / Chemical EngineeringDepartment at the University of South Carolina. The appointment is initiallyfor one year and is extendible depending on the project progress.
Required qualifications:
1) The candidate is required to have theexpertise in coarse-grained, atomistic MD simulations, or/and QM/MM. 2) The candidate needs to have good programmingskills in one (or more) of the following: C/C++, Fortran and Python. The expertise in Machine learning, kineticMonte Carlo or theory would be a plus. Please send your CV to this email: nanobio2021@gmail.com. Theshort-listed applicants will be contacted for an online interview.