2024第二届人工智能和人机交互国际学术会议 ArtlnHCl2024 会议名称:2nd International Conference onArtificial Intelligence and Human-Computer Interaction 会议时间:2024年10月25-27日 会议地点:中国昆明 出版检索:国际知名出版社,提交EI核心、Scopus等知名检索 会议官网:https://www.artinhci.com/2024/DefaultCn.aspx 会议简介: 当今世界,人工智能和人机交互的重要性日益昭著,二者结合亦是大势所趋。 本次会议旨在推进两大领域双向信息流动,为学界工界提供优质交流平台,以探讨研究和实践中的挑战,并探索未来新方向。 ArtlnHCl2023已于线上成功举办,有幸得到中国、马来西亚、英国、法国、加拿大、荷兰等多国知名学者大力支持,到会报告、分享交流,反响热烈,相约2024再聚首。 ArtlnHCl2024大会热烈欢迎国内外有志于进步革新的各界人士,真诚邀请您与会共同交流进步。 Keynote Speakers l Professor Huiyu Zhou 英国莱斯特大学 l Associate Professor Teh Sin Yin 马来西亚理科大学(USM) l Associate Professor Jiangtao Wang 英国考文垂大学 l 更多领域内前沿研究者! Conference Chairs l Professor Yalan Ye University of Electronic Science andTechnology of China l Professor Huiyu Zhou Leader of the Biomedical Image ProcessingLab, Deputy Director of Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, DataAnalytics and Modelling (AIDAM) University of Leicester, UK Conference Co-Chair l ProfessorPatrick Siarry Editor-in-Chiefof Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier)
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, France Technical Program Chair l Associate Professor Lei Chen School of Information Science andEngineering
Shandong University, China 征稿领域 包括但不限于: ArtificialIntelligence:Deep Learning,Artificial Neural Network,Genetic Algorithms,Data Mining,Image Processing/Recognition andComputer Vision,Speech Recognition, Synthesis andNatural Language Processing,Pattern Recognition,Information Retrieval and Semantic Web,Knowledge-BasedExpert Systems, SoftComputing Human-ComputerInteraction:Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality,Brain-Computer Interface,AmbientIntelligence,Ubiquitous Computing,Accessibility,Wearable Device Interaction,Hybrid Intelligence,Ergonomics,Human Factors,Multimedia 分会征集: ArtlnHCl 2024 welcomes articles andpresentations in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Human-ComputerInteraction. The conference particularly invites and encourages prospectiveauthors to share their recent research work, findings, perspectives, and developmentsrelated to the above-mentioned topics. Interested organizers are invited to submitworkshop proposals for half-day sessions in the topic areas listed in call forPapers of the conference. The proposal for a workshop should include thefollowing items: Title Abstract Organizers A list of potential contributing authorswith their affiliations, contact e-mails, and presentation titles (optional) 联系方式 ConferenceSecretary:Ms.Elise Zhang
E-mail: info@artinhci.com
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