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Issue48 同主题 第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧! [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-31 10:21:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue48  第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
Position: 应该重视对individuals的学习
1、        学生通过学习individuals,可以了解他们生活的年代的历史。
2、        他们身上有很多优秀品质值得学生们学习。
3、        从学生的角度来讲他们也愿意学习这些名人。理由:
a.        通过了解一个人来学习历史可以节省他们的时间
b.        他们本身对名人的事迹也充满兴趣。

The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
The speaker asserts that too much emphasis has been put on individuals when we study history, and that we should pay more attention on groups of people, who made the most significant events and trends possible in our history. In my view, however, I do not agree with the speaker's assertion, and I firmly believe that studying about the most important individuals in history indeed is the best way to study history for some reasons discussed below.

First of all, the most famous persons of history would tell us the stories of the day, which is likely to be the most important part for students’ learning about history. The history of America bears out this view. When we begin with Columbus, he would guide us to the American continent; when we study about George Washington, we would know through fighting against colonialism America becomes independent; when we are taught about Abraham Lincoln, the history of Civil War with the background of setting the slaves free comes to our mind; when Roosevelt is introduced to us, we are informed how American dealt with the economic depression; when Clinton comes to us, a picture of 8 years rapid development of American economy is shown to us. Most famous person of different times would be representative of the temporal characteristics of the society, and their life experiences certainly would be the best reflection of the day they lived. Therefore, through studying about some crucial individuals, the students could know the history of the time.

Secondly, it is also important for the students to learn many good characters from these famous individuals in the history. As persons making great achievements in the history, these individuals would be the best teachers to teach the students how to be a man of value. Bruno tells us we should hold the truth even when we are in danger of life; Einstein teaches us that even Newton's theory would be questioned and criticized; Edison's 1800 times failures in building a bulb indicate that enough failure surely leads to success eventually. They are so worthy of being learned. Yet only when the students know the stories about them, can the students set them as examples and learn from them.

Finally, not only are the crucial individuals of history worth learning, but also the students would want to. Firstly, as we know, in the era of information, there will be a lot of knowledge waiting for the students to study. And usually they are too busy to learn a detail at the expense of a lot of time. Thus, it will be unadvisable to require them to deal with a group of people for the purpose of knowing about just a period of history. Secondly, what the students are most interested in is probably the heroic stories about some famous persons, and it will be unattractive for them to learn about some common persons. Therefore, as for the students, the best way for them to study history probably is to learn about some famous persons of the history.

In sum, emphasizing some crucial individuals in the history is helpful for the students to study history in an effective way, not only because experiences of famous people reflect the conditions of the society of the time, but also because these individuals could be the best examples for students to learn. Additionally, accounting for the needs of students, I would clearly conclude that enough emphasis should be paid on significant individuals of history.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-31 at 12:14 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-3 12:28:35 |只看该作者
Issue48 同主题 第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!

Issue48  第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
Position: 应该重视对individuals的学习
1、        学生通过学习individuals,可以了解他们生活的年代的历史。
2、        他们身上有很多优秀品质值得学生们学习。
3、        从学生的角度来讲他们也愿意学习这些名人。理由:
a.        通过了解一个人来学习历史可以节省他们的时间
b.        他们本身对名人的事迹也充满兴趣。

The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten.
The speaker asserts that too much emphasis has been put on individuals when we study history, and that we should pay more attention on groups of people, who made the most significant events and trends possible in our history. In my view, however, I do not agree with the speaker's assertion, and I firmly believe that studying about the most important individuals in history indeed is the best way to study history for some reasons discussed below.

First of all, the most famous persons person似乎只用单数吧,复数用people of history would tell us the stories of the day, which is likely to be the most important part for students’ learning about history. The history of America bears out this view. When we begin with Columbus, he would guide us to the American continent; when we study about George Washington, we would know through fighting against colonialism America becomes independent; when we are taught about Abraham Lincoln, the history of Civil War with the background of setting the slaves free comes to our mind; when Roosevelt is introduced to us, we are informed how American dealt with the economic depression; when Clinton comes to us, a picture of 8 years rapid development of American economy is shown to us. 这段排比很丰富啊!牛~Most famous person of different times would be representative of the temporal characteristics of the society, and their life experiences certainly would be the best reflection of the day用time好一点吧 they lived. Therefore, through studying about some crucial individuals, the students could know the history of the time.

Secondly, it is also important for the students to learn many good characters from these famous individuals in the history. As persons making great achievements in the history, these individuals would be the best teachers to teach the students how to be a man of value. Bruno tells us we should hold the truth even when we are in danger of life; Einstein teaches us that even Newton's theory would be questioned and criticized; Edison's 1800 times failures in building a bulb indicate that enough failure surely leads to success eventually. 又是事例的排比,存储量不错嘛:P They are so worthy of being learned. Yet only when the students know the stories about them, can the students set them as examples and learn from them.

Finally, not only are the crucial individuals of history worth learning, but also the students would wantlike to. Firstly, as we know, in the era of information, there will be a lot of knowledge waiting for the students to study. And usually they are too busy to learn a detail at the expense of a lot of time. Thus, it will be unadvisable to require them to deal with a group of people for the purpose of knowing about just a period of history. Secondly, what the students are most interested in is probably the heroic stories about some famous persons, and it will be unattractive for them to learn about some common persons. Therefore, as for the students, the best way for them to study history probably is to learn about some famous persons of the history.

In sum, emphasizing some crucial individuals in the history is helpful for the students to study history in an effective way, not only because experiences of famous people reflect the conditions of the society of the time, but also because these individuals could be the best examples for students to learn. Additionally, accounting for似乎不是这么用的吧~ the needs of students, I would clearly conclude that enough emphasis should be paid on significant individuals of history.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-5 12:38:33 |只看该作者
不是吧 我觉得study应该是研究,不是学习的意思啊

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Issue48 同主题 第4篇 让砖头来得更猛烈些吧!
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