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[i习作temp] Issue51 V6站队 7.31 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-31 14:47:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
“Education will be truly effective only when it is specifically designed to meet the individual needs and interests of each student.”

Someone alleges that only when it is designed to meet the individual needs and interests, the education is truly effective. I agree insofar with the contention that interests as well as needs could help develop individual, however, it never means that the purpose and instrumentality of education is to meet the students’ own interests and needs, and it will not be truly effective yet.

Admittedly, interests and needs have their advantage in the development of individuals. Someone once said interest is the best teacher. That is to say interests, which can evoke the individuals’ passion, are the main source prompting them to learn. On the contrary, we may all once experience such uncomfortable feeling that facing so many uninteresting courses, boredom would easily come to hit us. It is just the interest leading Bill Gates to dropping from college and organizing his own company – Microsoft. And it is also the interest pushing Einstein forward step by step and achieving the great scientific fruits. Obviously, the power gained from interests is enormous.

However, overemphasis on the students’ own interests and needs in their early time is of disadvantage for their future development. First of all, the basic knowledge which is needed by all students can not be ignored. As a novice, learning language helps communicate fluently with others, while math helps think in logical ways. These are all the basic abilities a student should master in order to step into the further development. And when it comes to the deeper field of research, the close interconnection among the knowledge makes it necessary to know something outside one’s own field. Thus, if the education just meets students’ own interests and needs, the students would not receive a balanced knowledge on their growing way which would have negative effects on their future.

Furthermore, the interests and needs of an individual will possibly change with the growth and the different circumstance. Many students, especially the younger ones, do not really understand what they are interested in and what exactly they need. Maybe at one time, they will be interested in something due to the influence of their families, friends, the society, or some certain things that attract them then, but some time later, with the accumulation of knowledge, their respect and depth of observation may both largely changed and they may feel no more interested in the things they originally thought.

In addition, it is impossible for any schools to focus on every student’s interests and needs. Different people have different ideas, talents and interests that schools are very difficult to take everyone into account due to the limitation of both money and faculty. What schools should do is through comprehensive education, cultivating and developing students’ effective interests. And in order to satisfy and develop students’ needs and interests, schools can set more optional courses and developing more extracurricular activities.

To sum up, the importance of interests and needs in the process of students’ development could not be ignored. However, education should be comprehensive not just meeting someone’s certain interest and need.


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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-7-31 15:10:23 |只看该作者
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

使用道具 举报

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

发表于 2005-7-31 17:50:53 |只看该作者
Someone (不具体speaker)alleges that only when it is designed to meet the individual needs and interests, the education is truly effective. I agree insofar with the contention that interests as well as needs could help develop individual, however, it never means that the purpose and instrumentality of education is to meet the students’ own interests and needs, and it will not be truly effective yet.(从开头看,对整个的对题目的理解还是很有高度的,学习ing)

Admittedly, interests and needs have their advantage in the development of individuals(直接写education更点题).(,as said thatinterest is 。。。,因为个人认为短句主要还是为了铿锵有力的强化观点,作一判断用的,例子和名言应该尽可能的和说理融和) Someone once said interest is the best teacher. That is to say interests, which can evoke the individuals’ passion, are the main source prompting them to learn. On the contrary, we may all once experience such uncomfortable feeling that facing (so many删去更顺) uninteresting (tedious)courses,(which actually deprive us of the original interest about the discipline) boredom would easily come to hit us. It is just the interest leading Bill Gates to dropping from college and organizing his own company – Microsoft. And it is also the interest pushing Einstein forward step by step and achieving the great scientific fruits. Obviously, the power gained from interests is enormous.

However, overemphasis on the students’ own interests and needs in their early time is of disadvantage for their future development. First of all, the basic knowledge which is needed by all students can not be ignored. As a novice, learning language helps communicate fluently with others, while math helps think in logical ways. These are all the basic abilities a student should master in order to step into the further development. And when it comes to the deeper field of research, the close interconnection among the knowledge makes it necessary to know something outside one’s own field. (这一句感觉根题目有点远)Thus, if the education just meets students’ own interests and needs, the students would not receive a balanced knowledge on their growing way which would have negative effects on their future.

Furthermore, the interests and needs of an individual will possibly change with the growth and the different circumstance. (随时间变化这个论点感觉也不是对题目很有力的理解)Many students, especially the younger ones, do not really understand what they are interested in and what exactly they need. Maybe at one time, they will be interested in something due to the influence of their families, friends, the society, or some certain things that attract(influence) them then, but some time later, with the accumulation of knowledge, their respect and depth of observation may both largely changed and they may feel no more interested in the things they originally thought.

In addition, it is impossible for any schools to focus on every student’s interests and needs. Different people have different ideas, talents and interests that schools are very difficult to take everyone into account due to the limitation of both money and faculty.(这一段是有力的论证utopia) What schools should do is through comprehensive education, cultivating and developing students’ effective interests. And in order to satisfy and develop students’ needs and interests, schools can set more optional courses and developing more extracurricular activities.

To sum up, the importance of interests and needs in the process of students’ development could not be ignored. However, education should be comprehensive not just meeting someone’s certain interest and need.
If you think English is easy, take GRE
If you think math is easy, take wavelet
If you think life is easy, take a girlfriend

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