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[i习作temp] Issue224 695words, 简单提纲后模考。 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-8-15 00:08:41 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
作者:寄托家园作文版普通用户     共用时间:45分2秒     695 words
Censorship is rarely, if ever, justified.
Is censorship justified or not? The author claims that censorship is hardly justified. Here I agree with the author in that censorship is inconsistent with the essential part of democratic society and the authority, in itself is inept to judge whether a work is justified or not. Yet this agreement is with my conservation that in some aspects censorship indeed do benefits to our society.

First and foremost, censorship stand in the way of the road to democracy, for the reason that the conductor of censorship is just the potentate, rather than the majority of the society, namely, that masses. In this sense, censorship usually perform as a tool for guiding the control of the dominator, but not protecting the public benefits. To witness this point, one need only to cast a look back the Middle Ages of Roman, in which the Church almost forbid all the forms of art, scientific research, literature, as long as these works place any threat on their domination. Here a even more remarkable and specific example involves Copernicus, who proposed his world-famous heliocentricism. Without giving any opportunity to this scholar to attest his thought, the "arbiter"  judge this theory as none sense, or even the evil, and bring the poor man unbelievable punishment. Albeit hundreds of year later this theory was accepted by the masses, the censorship of the potentate do appeared as an obstacle of the scientific progress. All of this is merely because the unwillingness of the dominator, rather than the desires of most people. In this sense, censorship does stand opposite to democracy.

What is more, censorship is unjustified in the sense that the authority is not capable for evaluate the works, no matter these works involves science, art, literature or any other realms. In fact, there exist no absolute standard for judge whether a work is suitable or not. In fact, the rule varies all the time and is influenced by many factors such as the economic conditions, level of scientific advancement, politic environment, social circumstances, and the like. One example lending credence for my perspective involves the film industry. In today's America, there exists large number of films related to sexual matters which are limited to children but open to other parts of the social members. However, if we put these movies to the age before the sexual liberation movement, these works, beyond doubt, will be forbidden by the government. In a word, even the most knowledgeable experts can not judge whether a film or other work is justified or not, let along the potentate.

However, although I support the sentiment that censorship can hardly be absolutely justified, most of us should realize that censorship is still helpful for our communities. On the one hand, there are still some special groups in our society who need our protection to keep them far away from dangers. The teenagers, for instance, is a good illustration for such groups. As a result, the goverment is responsible for ensuring that these special members will not touch the "poison" almost everywhere in the society. On the other hand, even the majority of the society, say, the adults, is still not capable for guiding themselves. One telling example of this statement is about the audience rating of television. A recent survey in India reveals that the most popular programs on TV are what involve more or less sexual affairs, violence or warfare. They suvey points out that even the so-called mature ones in our community also inclined to touch something unhealthy. Albeit I concede that adults have freedom to come into contact with these matters, the result of this survey hint that, if the government fails to limit some other more evil matters, these matters will also attract the public attention. Therefore, in some sense censorship indeed does good to our community.

To sum up, it is difficult to make censorship entirely justified since the conductor of it are not the majority of the society and this administrator in itself is not capable enough to ensure the equity of censorship. Nonetheless, it is not the time that we should eliminate censorship because of the positive effect of it.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-8-15 at 11:39 ]

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