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[a习作temp] argument221 hand-in-hand [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-1-23 22:11:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Argument211 The following appeared in a memorandum to faculty from the academic vice president of Waymarsh University.

"So that we can better accomplish Waymarsh University's academic goals, we should adopt the job-opportunity (job-op) program offered at Plateau Technical College and strongly encourage all students at Waymarsh to participate in it. The success of the job-op program at Plateau is evident: over the past two years, more than 75% of the freshmen at Plateau have enrolled in the optional job-op program. Moreover, at Plateau, the grades of job-op students are consistently higher than those of other students, 90% of the job-op students receive job offers within a month after their graduation, and most former job-op students report much success in their careers."
( 通过分析现象得出结论)

1. The job-op programes是否有效值得怀疑
2. 即使在plateau 学校成功的,但是不一定在Waymarsh university 能成功
3. 并不易定要求所有的学生都参加该计划。

The argument is seriously flawed in the following aspects. First, whether the job-op program in the Plateau Technical College is successful is open to question. Secondly, the author unfairly predicts of success of the job-op program in Waymarsh University. Finally, the suggestion that all students are encouraged to participate the program is naive.

To begin with, the author fails to provide enough evidence showing that the job-op program is  successful in the Plateau Technical College. Although that most of the students who have  participated in the job-op program got higher grades, it is possible that those students are already with a very solid foundation of knowledge before they take part in the job-op program. The phenomenon that 90% of job-op students receive job offers very quickly after their graduation could  
be due to the nation's economic revival and therefore a great number of employees were in demand. Besides, even most former job-op students are successful in their careers does not necessarily lead to the efficiency of the program, since it could also be the case that the overall teaching quality of the Plateau Technical College is so excellent that other students who did not take  
the program  triumph or even become more successful in their professions because they have more time to be engaged in their personal devotions. Finally, without any solid evidence showing the efficiency of the program, the argument is failed at first step.

In addition, even granted that the job-op program is successful, there is no evidence predicting its  efficiency when applied to the Waymarsh University. For example, if the students of the   Plateau  Technical College are generally more brilliant and capable than those from the Waymarsh University, then job-op program may turn out to be failure in the latter university, since the curriculum for students of Waymarsh University is already a heavy burden and they can not spare  
their time and energy on that program.

Last but not least, the author naively suggests that all students should take part in the program. What if some students are fond of researching and wish to further their education after graduating, or if there are others who plan to set up their own business, this hasty demand would result in a ineffective learning procedure and finally counterproductive force for those students' development.

In short, this argument unpersuasive. To from a stronger one, the author has to provide substantial  evidence to show the success of that program in the  Plateau Technical College as well as the  adequacy of applying the same program in Waymarsh University. This argument could be more improved if the author is careful when coming down to conclusions.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2006-1-24 17:27:36 |只看该作者
The argument is seriously flawed in the following aspects. First, whether the job-op program in the Plateau Technical College is successful is open to question. Secondly, the author unfairly predicts of success of the job-op program in Waymarsh University. Finally, the suggestion that all students are[should be] encouraged to participate the program is naive.

To begin with, the author fails to provide enough evidence showing that the job-op program is  successful in the Plateau Technical College. Although that [去掉]most of the students who have  participated in the job-op program got higher grades, it is possible that those students are already with a very solid foundation of knowledge before they take part in the job-op program. The phenomenon that 90% of job-op students receive job offers very quickly after their graduation could  be due to the nation's economic revival and therefore a great number of employees were in demand. Besides, even most former job-op students are successful in their careers does not necessarily lead to the efficiency of the program, since it could also be the case that the overall teaching quality of the Plateau Technical College is so excellent that other students who did not take  the program  triumph or even become more successful in their professions because they have more time to be engaged in their personal devotions. Finally, without any solid evidence showing the efficiency of the program, the argument is failed at first step. [这段很充分]

In addition, even granted that the job-op program is successful, there is no evidence predicting its  efficiency when applied to the Waymarsh University. For example, if the students of the   Plateau  Technical College are generally more brilliant and capable than those from the Waymarsh University, then job-op program may turn out to be failure in the latter university, since the curriculum for students of Waymarsh University is already a heavy burden and they can not spare  their time and energy on that program.[这里很绕啊,job-op在WU会失败的原因到底是什么?学生不聪明和课业负担重两个原因叠在一起比较乱。 我觉得job-op在WU的效果不一定好主要是两所学校培养目标不一样,PT是技术学院,培养实用型的技术人才,工作培训对他们来说很重要,目标也很明确;而WU是综合大学,培养的是各个领域的人才,工作培训的方向会很散,学生即使参加了也不一定对未来的工作能力有帮助]

Last but not least, the author naively suggests that all students should take part in the program. What if some students are fond of researching and wish to further their education after graduating, or if there are others who plan to set up their own business, this hasty demand would result in a ineffective learning procedure and finally counterproductive force for those students' development.

[还有一条,job-op和校长的目标是不符合的,他的目的是达到 academic goals,而工作培训的作用是提高实用技能,更学术关系可能不大]

In short, this argument unpersuasive. To from a stronger one, the author has to provide substantial  evidence to show the success of that program in the  Plateau Technical College as well as the  adequacy of applying the same program in Waymarsh University. This argument could be more improved if the author is careful when coming down to conclusions.

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