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[i习作temp] Issue36 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-20 23:38:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
36 The greatness of individuals can bedecided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

When welook back into history, we can easily find that so many brilliant figuresseldom won their fame in their time. Galileo received the reputation he deservesonly after his death, and Georg Cantor, father of set theory and modern logic, onceregarded as a wacky person, was finally highly valued by those mathematicians who live after him.

Why it is so common that people fail tomake a fair and proper appraisement about their contemporaries? One reason isthat people in their time lack a comprehensive viewpoint when judging thegreatness of contemporaries. It is quite often that society pays greatattention to popular people, and chases their thoughts and aesthetic views. Thoseless popular people, on the contrary, might be ignored. For example, V. Van Gogh,one of the greatest painters, lived an era when impressionism is prevail. Duringhis lifetime he broke through the common drawing of
early impressionism, but hisdrawing was not taken seriously by the contemporaries. Only after his death,his drawings began to be accepted and treasured by people living afterward.Another typical example is the medieval Europewhich is dominated by the religious forces, and philosophy, are and science areregarded as the slave of theology. Theories provided by these intellectualindividuals may compromise or even betray the religious beliefs, for thesepolitical and religious reasons, those great people are obscured of theirdiscoveries or even persecuted for their violating of the religious power.

Moreover, as most brilliant accomplishmentsare always ahead of the times, that is to say, beyond most people’s understandingand tolerance, descendants are more likely to make right appraisement for thatafter a certain period, these accomplished are gradually learned, understoodand identified by society. Generally speaking, new theories change people'scognition of the world and undermine their sense of security and therefore mostreact to fundamental challenges to their knowledge system by resistance oroutrage, consciously or unconsciously. Pasteur, the father of vaccine, oncesaid, “Scientists should care about the evaluation of posterior people ratherthan the insulting or complimenting of his contemporaries.” The contributionfrom Pasteur about disinfection before operation, for example, was firstlyopposed and he even was laughed by people and regarded as a buffoon,not to say the recognition of the significance of his discovery in thedevelopment of medicine. But after a period, his creative and discerning theoryhas been confirmed greatly and his value to society has been realized andcommented very well, in other words, his greatness has been decided ordetermined by us, the followers of him.

In addition, some accomplishments inscience or technology take years or even a century to be tested, and exerttheir real function and efficiency, thus they can only be evaluated by descendants. Such as Copernicus’ theory of heliocentricism which contradicted thetraditional and in-powered theological canon which dictated geocentricism, issure to be a great achievement in astronomy. However, this great effort onastronomy was not recognized until 1882 when Pope bowed down to the truth thatthe sun is the center of universe. The great heliocentricism theory has beenstruggled for three centuries and finally people acknowledged the facticity ofCopernicus’ theory of heliocentricism, and historians of later generationhonored his theory as “Copernicus’ revolution”.

Asdiscussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that right judgments on thecontributions of individuals are always made by their descendants, since contemporariescannot hold a full-scale standpoint and understand and accept such accomplishments in a short time. What’s more, to verify progress in science andtechnology is a long time-consuming process.

10"Governmentsmust ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need inorder to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's culturaltraditions are preserved and generated."

28"Studentsshould memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, andconcepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only factshave learned very little."

46"Whilesome leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute theirsuccess to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepareits young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense ofcooperation."

142"Thewell-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people questionauthority."


[ 本帖最后由 woodman 于 2007-7-21 16:22 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 12:34:45 |只看该作者
36 The greatness of individuals can bedecided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

When we look back into history, we can easily find that so many brilliant figures seldom won their fame in their time. Galileo received the reputation he deserves only after his death, and Georg Cantor, father of set theory and modern logic, once regarded as a wacky person, was finally highly valued by those mathematicians who live after him.

Why it is(is it) so common that people fail tomake a fair and proper appraisement about their contemporaries? One reason is that people in their time lack a comprehensive viewpoint when judging the greatness of contemporaries. It is quite often that society pays greatattention to popular people, and chases their thoughts and aesthetic views. Thoseless popular people, on the contrary, might be ignored. For example, V. Van Gogh,one of the greatest painters, lived an era when impressionism is prevail. During his lifetime he broke through the common drawing of
early impressionism, but his drawing was not taken seriously by the contemporaries. Only after his death,his drawings began to be accepted and treasured by people living afterward.Another typical example is the medieval Europe which is dominated by the religious forces, and philosophy, are and science are regarded as the slave of theology. Theories provided by these intellectual individuals may compromise or even betray the religious beliefs, for these political and religious reasons, those great people are obscured of their discoveries or even persecuted for their violating of the religious power.

Moreover, as most brilliant accomplishments are always ahead of the times, that is to say, beyond most people’s understandingand tolerance, descendants are more likely to make right appraisement for that after a certain period, these accomplished are gradually learned, understoodand identified by society. Generally speaking, new theories change people's cognition of the world and undermine their sense of security and therefore most react to fundamental challenges to their knowledge system by resistance or outrage, consciously or unconsciously. Pasteur, the father of vaccine, oncesaid, “Scientists should care about the evaluation of posterior people rather than the insulting or complimenting of his contemporaries.” The contributionfrom Pasteur about disinfection before operation, for example, was firstly opposed and he even was laughed by people and regarded as a buffoon,not to say the recognition of the significance of his discovery in the development of medicine. But after a period, his creative and discerning theory has been confirmed greatly and his value to society has been realized and commented very well, in other words, his greatness has been decided ordetermined by us, the followers of him.

In addition, some accomplishments in science or technology take years or even a century to be tested, and exert their real function and efficiency, thus they can only be evaluated by descendants. Such as Copernicus’ theory of heliocentricism which contradicted the traditional and in-powered theological canon which dictated geocentricism, issure to be a great achievement in astronomy. However, this great effort on astronomy was not recognized until 1882 when Pope bowed down to the truth that the sun is the center of universe. The great heliocentricism theory has been struggled for three centuries and finally people acknowledged the facticity of Copernicus’ theory of heliocentricism, and historians of later generationhonored his theory as “Copernicus’ revolution”. (这一段最后再小结下感觉好些)

As discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that right judgments on the contributions of individuals are always made by their descendants, since contemporariescannot hold a full-scale standpoint and understand and accept such accomplishments in a short time. What’s more, to verify progress in science andtechnology is a long time-consuming process.


唯一的问题我觉得三四两段似乎有overlap的现象, 从举的例子的相似性来说也感觉到有这点

10"Governmentsmust ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need inorder to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's culturaltraditions are preserved and generated."

28"Studentsshould memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, andconcepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only factshave learned very little."

46"Whilesome leaders in government, sports, industry, and other areas attribute theirsuccess to a well-developed sense of competition, a society can better prepareits young people for leadership by instilling in them a sense ofcooperation."

142"Thewell-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people questionauthority."


使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-21 20:56:41 |只看该作者
36 The greatness of individuals can bedecided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries.

When we look back into history, we can easily find that so many brilliant figures seldom won their fame in their time. Galileo received the reputation he deserves only after his death, and Georg Cantor, father of set theory and modern logic, once regarded as a wacky person, was finally highly valued by those mathematicians who live after him.

Why it is (is it)so common that people fail to make a fair and proper appraisement about their contemporaries? One reason is that people in their time lack a comprehensive viewpoint when judging the greatness of contemporaries. It is quite often that society pays great attention to popular people, and chases their thoughts and aesthetic views. Those less popular people, on the contrary, might be ignored. For example, V. Van Gogh,one of the greatest painters, lived (in) an era when impressionism is prevail. During his lifetime he broke through the common drawing of early impressionism, but his drawing was not taken seriously by the contemporaries. Only after his death,his drawings began to be accepted and treasured by people living afterward.Another typical example is the medieval Europe which is dominated by the religious forces, and philosophy, are and science are regarded as the slave of theology.(红色部分看的不是很明白,动词有点问题) Theories provided by these intellectual individuals may compromise or even betray the religious beliefs, for these political and religious reasons, those great people are obscured of their discoveries or even persecuted for their violating of the religious power. (这一段说得很清楚,例子也很恰当,就是句式有些偏长)

Moreover, as most brilliant accomplishments are always ahead of the times, that is to say, beyond most people’s understanding and tolerance, descendants are more likely to make right appraisement for that after a certain period, these accomplished are gradually learned, understood and identified by society. Generally speaking, new theories change people's cognition of the world and undermine their sense of security and therefore most react to fundamental challenges to their knowledge system by resistance or outrage, consciously or unconsciously. Pasteur, the father of vaccine, once said, “Scientists should care about the evaluation of posterior people rather than the insulting or complimenting of his contemporaries.” The contribution from Pasteur about disinfection before operation, for example, was firstly opposed and he even was laughed by people and regarded as a buffoon,not to say the recognition of the significance of his discovery in the development of medicine. But after a period, his creative and discerning theory has been confirmed greatly and his value to society has been realized and commented very well, in other words, his greatness has been decided or determined by us, the followers of him.(这一段比上一段好,一个例子讲的也很清楚)

In addition, some accomplishments in science or technology take years or even a century to be tested, and exert their real function and efficiency, thus they can only be evaluated by descendants. Such as Copernicus’ theory of heliocentricism which contradicted thetraditional and in-powered theological canon which dictated geocentricism, issure to be a great achievement in astronomy. However, this great effort onastronomy was not recognized until 1882 when Pope bowed down to the truth thatthe sun is the center of universe. The great heliocentricism theory has beenstruggled for three centuries and finally people acknowledged the facticity ofCopernicus’ theory of heliocentricism, and historians of later generationhonored his theory as “Copernicus’ revolution”. (进一步阐述上一段的观点)

As discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that right judgments on the contributions of individuals are always made by their descendants, since contemporaries cannot hold a full-scale standpoint and understand and accept such accomplishments in a short time. What’s more, to verify progress in science and technology is a long time-consuming process.

[ 本帖最后由 zhangjing106 于 2007-7-21 20:58 编辑 ]

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-21 21:04:47 |只看该作者

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