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[i习作temp] Issue144 [勇往直前小组]第六次作业ByPuding [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-25 20:42:32 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.
WORDS: 496          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-25

I agree with the statement that the artists bring us something worthwhile through their artistic works. However, in my view the critics also provide us with some valuable things. Both of the artists and critics cannot be overemphasized or overlooked.

The artists can give society numbers of things of lasting value through their works, in two respects: Firstly, they give us a sense of beauty and stimulation when we enjoy their work. Through the enjoyment of their works, we gain several spiritual pleasures and happiness, so that our body and mind are relaxed. Consider the Renaissance painting of Madonna for example. It brings us pleasure of transcendent spirituality. When we look the eyes of Madonna, we get a feeling of serenity. As we listening to the Fate (Symphony No.5) composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, we find ourselves on a slippery slope into a world of furious soul power. What the symphony takes to us is the convulsion that buried deeply in our heart. And secondly, the artistic art provide an invaluable unique mirror of culture of the time during which the work was produced -- a mirror for the artist's contemporaries and for future generations to gaze into for appreciation of history. For instance, when the famous writer Leo Tolstoy listened to the “Andante cantabile conmoto” presented by Tchaikovsky, he bursted into tears and said: “I have touched the deep soul of the distressful people". It is true that Tchaikovsky's symphony reflects and depicts a truth that the people in Russia that time are in a hardship. Thus we get to know that the art can reflect the reality.

However, the critics also give us something that are valuable. First and foremost, they can help us to comprehend and account for the work of the artists. Some of the works may contain a deep meaning that common people cannot understand. A critic who is familiar with the artist might tell us the certain insight involves in this work. Moreover, the critics are just like a sifter to the work he comments on: he helps us to decide which kind of artistic work is worthwhile for our attention and time. Consider a best-selling book that are worthless to read, the critics can call our attention and make us turn to the more worthwhile literature. Last but not least, the critics evaluate the work and give feedbacks to the artist; in this case, the artist will amend his work to a higher level. In short, the critics give us something valuable as well.

Consequently, artists and critics supplement each other. The wonderful work are those which are created by artists and evaluated by critics which draw people's attention towards those works. The role of each one cannot be overlooked.

In sum, both the artists and critics give us things with lasting value. The artist creates a work and the critic evaluates it to make it better understood by common people. We cannot merely pay attention to artist and neglect the contribution of the critics.





1.     科学技术方面的确伟大的成就来自质疑
2.     然而政治方面就大不相同了
3.     与别人不同的前提应该是你手握的是真理。


,人类为了自己的需要,造出了各种各样的机器帮忙机器承担了很多繁重strenuous危险的仅靠人类自己不能完成工作:例如:在有核辐射nuclear radiation的条件下采矿,探测火星Mars


basically agree

1.  It is true that there is no absolute objective observation since no one can figure out everything.
2.   On the other hand, one cannot observe a thing objectively because the methods and tools that play essential part in one’s observation are man-made. The defect of the methods and tools can easily influence the results’ credibility.
3.  However, with the development of science and technology, observation is becoming more and more objective.

[ 本帖最后由 Puding 于 2007-7-25 20:43 编辑 ]

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Rank: 1

发表于 2007-7-25 21:17:04 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2007-7-26 19:57:08 |只看该作者
I agree with the statement that the artists bring us something worthwhile(valuable?) through their artistic works. However, in my view the critics also provide us with some valuable things. Both of the artists and critics cannot be overemphasized or overlooked.

The artists can give society numbers of things of lasting value through their works, in two respects: Firstly, they give us (a去掉) sense of beauty and stimulation when we enjoy their works. Through the enjoyment of their works, we gain several去掉 spiritual pleasures and happiness, so that our body and mind are relaxed. Considering the Renaissance painting of Madonna (for example.=>,) It brings us pleasure of transcendent spirituality. When we look at the eyes of Madonna, we get a feeling of serenity. As we listening to the Fate (Symphony No.5) composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, we find ourselves on a slippery slope into a world of furious soul power. What the symphony takes to us is the convulsion that去掉 buried deeply in our heart. And去掉 secondly, the artistic art provide an invaluable unique mirror of culture of the time during which the work was produced -- a mirror for the artist's contemporaries and for future generations to gaze into for appreciation of (to appreciate)history. For instance, when the famous writer Leo Tolstoy listened to the “Andante cantabile conmoto” presented by Tchaikovsky, he bursted into tears and said: “I have touched the deep soul of the distressful people". It is true that Tchaikovsky's symphony reflects and depicts a truth that the people in Russia that time are in a hardship. Thus we get to know that the art can reflect the reality.建议本段可以再分几个段落,使层次更加清晰

However, the critics also give us something that are valuable. First and foremost, they can help us to comprehend and account for the work of the artists. Some of the works may contain a deep meaning that common people cannot understand. A critic who is familiar with the artist might tell us the certain insight involves in this work. Moreover, the critics are just like a sifter to the work he comments on: he helps us to decide which kind of artistic work is worthwhile for our attention and time. Consider a best-selling book that are worthless to read, the critics can call our attention and make us turn to the more worthwhile literature. Last but not least, the critics evaluate the work and give feedbacks to the artist; in this case, the artist will amend his work to a higher level. In short, the critics give us something valuable as well.

Consequently, artists and critics supplement each other. The wonderful work are those which are created by artists and evaluated by critics which draw people's attention towards those works. The role of each one cannot be overlooked.这段可以跟结尾段合并,在这里显得有些多余

In sum, both the artists and critics give us things with lasting value. The artist creates a work and the critic evaluates it to make it better understood by common people. We cannot merely pay attention to artist and neglect the contribution of the critics.


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2007-7-26 23:42:55 |只看该作者
TOPIC: ISSUE144 - "It is the artist, not the critic,* who gives society something of lasting value."

*a person who evaluates works of art, such as novels, films, music, paintings, etc.

WORDS: 496          TIME: 0:45:00          DATE: 2007-7-25

I agree with the statement that the artists bring us something worthwhile through their artistic works. However, in my view the critics also provide us with some valuable things. Both of the artists and critics cannot be overemphasized or overlooked.

The artists can give society numbers of things of lasting value through their works, in two respects: Firstly, they give us a sense of beauty and stimulation when we enjoy their work. Through the enjoyment of their works, we gain several spiritual pleasures and happiness, so that our body and mind are relaxed. Consider the Renaissance painting of Madonna for example. It brings us pleasure of transcendent spirituality. When we look the eyes of Madonna, we get a feeling of serenity. As we listening to the Fate (Symphony No.5) composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, we find ourselves on a slippery slope into a world of furious soul power. (这句是北美句的应用吧,不错。 不过slippery slope 是指灾难性的急剧下滑~)What the symphony takes to us is the convulsion that buried deeply in our heart. And secondly, the artistic art provide an invaluable unique mirror of culture of the time during which the work was produced -- a mirror for the artist's contemporaries and for future generations to gaze into for appreciation of history. For instance, when the famous writer Leo Tolstoy listened to the “Andante cantabile conmoto” presented by Tchaikovsky, he bursted into tears and said: “I have touched the deep soul of the distressful people". It is true that Tchaikovsky's symphony reflects and depicts a truth that the people in Russia that time are in a hardship. Thus we get to know that the art can reflect the reality.

However, the critics also give us something that are valuable. First and foremost, they can help us to comprehend and account for the work of the artists. Some of the works may contain a deep meaning(意思出来了,但是感觉) that common people cannot understand. A critic who is familiar with the artist might tell us the certain insight involves in this work. (举个例子吧,比如没人给我们评析谁谁的著作的优点啊我们没办法理解这么透。别这么快moreover)Moreover, the critics are just like a sifter to the work he comments on: he helps us to decide which kind of artistic work is worthwhile for our attention and time. Consider a best-selling book that are worthless to read, the critics can call our attention and make us turn to the more worthwhile literature. Last but not least, the critics evaluate the work and give feedbacks to the artist; in this case, the artist will amend his work to a higher level. In short, the critics give us something valuable as well.

Consequently, artists and critics supplement each other. The wonderful work are those which are created by artists and evaluated by critics which draw people's attention towards those works. The role of each one cannot be overlooked.(应该是没时间展开了吧)

In sum, both the artists and critics give us things with lasting value. The artist creates a work and the critic evaluates it to make it better understood by common people. We cannot merely pay attention to artist and neglect the contribution of the critics.

驾驭语言的能力不错, 最开始限时时间可以调长点-如果时间不是很紧张的话,呵呵

[ 本帖最后由 norns 于 2007-7-27 15:38 编辑 ]

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Issue144 [勇往直前小组]第六次作业ByPuding
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