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[i习作temp] ISSUE185【Aero小组】第6次作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-1-17 10:56:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether inpolitics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention onproblems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."
WORDS: 543          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2008-1-17 10:01:19

Can scandals, especially in politics, academiaand some other areas, be useful, as the speaker maintain? In my view, thespeaker unfairly generalizes. In some situations, scandals can show the publictrue fact. However, in other conditions, practically in politics, scandalsmight become a tool to win the election, and mislead the public to make a wrongdecision.

Scandals always attract the publicattention on the people who had the scandal or only the scandal itself. Thepublic neglect the problems, hidden in the scandals, and solutions of them. Andwhen the scandals pass away, the problems are still existing and harming ourlife and work. For example, three years ago, the collapsing of the famousbuilding, called international trade mansion, became the headline in nearly allthe newspaper in China.And along with the deep investigation, the research group draw the conclusionthat the money, used in building, had been defalcated by some relatedgovernment officials and contractors is the main reason caused the qualityproblems of building and the collapsing in the end. However, in practically thecollapsing of building, instead of the corrupt problem, attract more attentionof the public. At present, the corrupt problems still exist, but there is notanother mansion to collapse. Scandals might not exert their effect to help thepublic to find the problems, and therefore they are not useful for solving theproblems.

In some time, the scandals would misleadthe public, and make the public do the mistakes. In practically, evaluating aperson should be from different aspects, however, the scandals alwaysexaggerate one or two aspects and mislead the public to neglect other aspectswhich are also important. For instance, Clinton, the ex-president in USA, become more famous just because of thesex-scandal in the whole world included in China. And after the scandalhappened, more and more people consider that he is not a excellent presidenteven is not a great man. These persons, however, might not pay attention to hiscontributions, cannot be ignored, in promoting economical development in USA. Takinginto account all his contributions and mistakes, Clinton actually is a qualified leader. Ifthe scandals mislead the public to make the decision or feel, they can not onlybe useless, but also be harmful for the public and the world.

However, the scandals still have someuseful to help the public find some true facts which are neglected or hidden insome times indeed. And the public can consider some issues from these aspects. Thoughthe scandals, we find there is not a perfect person in the world. And we findthe person, who is considered as god in the past, is just a simple man in theend. For example, Michael Jordan, considered as god of the basketball, has asex-scandal, and from the scandal a lot people, included many basketball fans, knowthat he is not only an unbelievable player but also a simple man like us.

To sum up, the speaker overlooks some serious harm caused by scandals, especially in evaluating some persons or findingthe essences of the things. Even though the scandals can focus our attention onproblems, we should have to learn to analysis the scandals and not be misled orbeclouded.

[ 本帖最后由 可乐加冰84 于 2008-1-17 11:02 编辑 ]

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-1-18 21:15:03 |只看该作者

回复 #1 可乐加冰84 的帖子

TOPIC: ISSUE185 - "Scandals-whether inpolitics, academia, or other areas-can be useful. They focus our attention onproblems in ways that no speaker or reformer ever could."

Can scandals, especially in politics, academia and some other areas, be useful, as the speaker maintain? In my view, the speaker unfairly generalizes. In some situations, scandals can show the public true fact. However, in other conditions, practically in politics, scandals might become a tool to win the election, and mislead the public to make a wrong decision.

Scandals always attract the public attention on the people who had the scandal or only the scandal itself. The public neglect the problems, hidden in the scandals, and solutions of them. And when the scandals pass away, the problems are still existing and harming our life and work. For example, three years ago, the collapsing of the famous building, called international trade mansion, became the headline in nearly all the newspaper in China. And along with the deep investigation, the research group draw the conclusion that the money, used in building, had been defalcated by some related government officials and contractors is the main reason caused the quality problems of building and the collapsing in the end. However, in practically the collapsing of building, instead of the corrupt problem, attract more attention of the public. At present, the corrupt problems still exist, but there is not another mansion to collapse. Scandals might not exert their effect to help the public to find the problems, and therefore they are not useful for solving the problems.

In some time, the scandals would mislead the public, and make the public do the mistakes. In practically, evaluating a person should be from different aspects, however, the scandals always exaggerate one or two aspects and mislead the public to neglect other aspects which are also important. For instance, Clinton, the ex-president in USA, become more famous just because of the sex-scandal in the whole world included in China. And after the scandal happened, more and more people consider that he is not a excellent president even is not a great man. These persons, however, might not pay attention to his contributions, cannot be ignored, in promoting economical development in USA. Taking into account all his contributions and mistakes, Clinton actually is a qualified leader. If the scandals mislead the public to make the decision or feel, they can not only be useless, but also be harmful for the public and the world.

However, the scandals still have some useful to help the public find some true facts which are neglected or hidden in some times indeed. And the public can consider some issues from these aspects. Though(through) the scandals, we find there is not a perfect person in the world. And we find the person, who is considered as god in the past, is just a simple man in the end. For example, Michael Jordan, considered as god of the basketball, has a sex-scandal, and from the scandal a lot people, included many basketball fans, know that he is not only an unbelievable player but also a simple man like us.

To sum up, the speaker overlooks some serious harm caused by scandals, especially in evaluating some persons or finding the essences of the things. Even though the scandals can focus our attention on problems, we should have to learn to analysis the scandals and not be misled or beclouded.

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