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TOPIC: ISSUE17 - "There are two typesof laws: just and unjust. Every individual in a society has a responsibility toobey just laws and, even more importantly, to disobey and resist unjustlaws."
WORDS: 501 TIME: 上午 57:52 DATE: 2008-2-17
What should be correct attitude towardslaws? I fundamentally agree with the author's conclusion that people should obeythose just laws, and resist unjust laws. Yet, to those "unjust laws",there is a lack of the adequate conception, thus I can only agree with thispoint from certain respects. All my perspectives will be presented as follows.
Admittedly, it is each individual'sresponsibility to obey laws, especially those just laws. Just laws are justbecause they conform to majority people's benefits. There are various lawsexerting their influence on nearly each respect of people's daily life. Forinstance, in the field of business, there is an old saying: do business is justlike experiencing a war. If so, how can people get most benefits while runningthe lowest risk of being hurt in this war? The answer is law, which providesall business men or women a same principle. Only with the principle will wemaintain the steadiness and prosperity of the business realm. Therefore lawsactually guarantee the normal running of the society, and people's obeying lawswill benefit themselves a lot.
Additionally, sometimes proper disobey orresist will accelerate the born of better laws. It is universally acknowledgedthat nearly all laws will experience a progress of stepping from immature tomature. When a law seems like unjust, perhaps it is because the government hasfailed to consider all circumstances the law might meet, and with the people'sopposition, the leaders will place more emphasis on the problematic law, thuscertain measures will be adopted to avoid confusion the problematic law mightbring.
In the final analysis, people should notalways disobey or even resist "unjust laws". The following twoexamples will illustrate my points. The first case, in the democratic country,due to the process of initiating laws, we always definite those which areacceptable by larger percent of people are just laws. Thus from the standpointsof the small proportion, the law perhaps is unjust. However, it is irrationalfor those who take an opposing attitude to resist the law, for the resist willonly put the society and government into chaos. In another case, if the law isdecided by a single person or the law just represent minority of people'srights, then the justification of the laws is severely affected, in thissituation, it is necessary or even desirable for people to disobey or resistthe law, otherwise their normal daily life will be negatively influenced by thelaw. From above respects, people should consider the law's nature first, andthen determine whether to accept it.
In conclusion, I fundamentally agree withauthor's conclusion, on the one hand, people's obeying to laws will serve tobuild a harmonious and steady society, on the other hand, people's disobey andresist will promote problematic laws to become much better. Yet, it is alsonecessary for us to consider the nature of the law before we against it, onlyby this way can our society avoid unnecessary chaos.
[ 本帖最后由 yimengshan 于 2008-2-18 22:48 编辑 ] |