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[i习作temp] issue153 请各路高人留几句话吧,留链回拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2008-2-27 23:01:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism to whatever they study. They should question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively."
WORDS: 745          TIME: 00:44:57          DATE: 2008-2-27 22:56:01

In my view, skepticism plays a vital and indispensable role in the process of students' study, which draws an outline concerning the need for their learning. At the same time, the statement that questions and skepticism towards anything is too narrow and extreme, and needs further discussion.

In the first place, in order to comprehend the importance of skepticism, we should dig out the essence of study, at least in a limited but concentrated scope. In fact, the essence of study roots in the original desire of human for explaining the unknown, through expanding their knowledge, judging the right and wrong, and solving problems. There is a conflict between the lack of knowledge and people's need for the solution of problems, thus the reason for learning more knowledge and absorbing ideas is qualified and natural, which would provide the highest efficiency in stduy. We could image what would it be like if all the students has little awareness of why they are learning. The result of unwared study is likely to be an unique one-- being bored and tired. In view of these, the most effecient way and ideal method for improving the result of students' study is to encourage them to learn for solving their own problems and answering their questions.

In a historical perspective, the importance and usefulness of sketicism have been proved by numerous examples, especially the ones in science and art. As an illustration, the great astronomist Copernicus, who discoverys the heliocentric theory, questions the tradition theories which proves to be fallacy later. Without his spirit of skepticism, we do not know how many years would human have to wait to find the truth about solar system. For another instance, Picasso, the founder of impressionism, would probably be a normal artist with no particular features, and would not establish a new art genre, if he has no skepticism about traditional art genres and follow the masses. Skepticism provides a new perspective to examin the existing kownledge system, and bring about possibilities of revolution and inovation.

But we should recognize a fact that skepticism is a representation of questioning the validity of existing knowledge, which requires a certain amount of raw materials, meaning that there must be resources where the arguers could set out to question and express their doubt. In view of this, skepticism actually does not exist at the beginning of learning. For example, a three-year-old child is not qualified to express his doubt towards the correctness of the Law of Relative, because he or she does not have enough physical knowledge to support his or her views and skepticism. Similarly, a the evaluation of a physist towards a certain architecture seems ridiculous, since he or she probably is not familiar with that field of architecture. Thus, under some circumstances, especially at the beginning of study in certain fields, it is necessary for people learn the basic knowledge with a respect and sincere attitude, without skeptism.

Furthermore, we all know the fact that anything changes its quality and character when it goes to extreme. If skepticism is encouraged at any places, any time and towards any issues, there is a high possibility that energy of students would be wasted. Besides, it is also an action that undervalues the achievements of people's ancestors. Supposing that a student affirmly does not agree with Newton on his three classical laws and makes a decision to turnover them, the action of the student is more a stubborn and ridiculous action than one meriting praise and encourage, since the three classical laws have been tested by hundreds of thousands scientists through hundreds of years. It is wise for us to abosb the existing achievements that our ancestors have left  for us. As Newton says, "I have made great success because I stand on the shoulder of the giants." This is applicable to each one of us. In short, skepticism is worth our attention and practice, but the extent of it should never be extreme, considering the essence of the entirly human sociey-- step after our ancestors.

In conclusion, it would be disastrous to eliminate skepticism out of study, for in that way, the essence of study is lost and human would be dogged in the sea of misunderstanding without any innovation and progress. However, balance on the extent of skepticism should be maintained, which would assure the value of our ancestors' brilliant achievments, and save our time for other issues that more worth our time.
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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-2-28 17:25:35 |只看该作者

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TOPIC: ISSUE153 - "Students should bring a certain skepticism towhatever they study. They should question what they are taught insteadof accepting it passively."
WORDS: 454          TIME: 00:45:00          DATE: 2008-2-28 17:19:45

In every issue of , there is a columncalled "Skepticism", on which the columnist's picture with a smirkingand confident smile is presented. That give a notion to me that he isgloating at his finding of the possible mistakes in someone's theory.We are not here to judge whether it is appropiate to laugh at thefallacy in scientific findings. That smirk can give us some hint thatbeing skeptist is a good thing in science, it promotes ourunderstanding to the world.

As a threshold matter, skepticism serves to enhance learning andunderstanding in education. Since being skeptist is an active thinking,not like the traditional notion of education that students take in onlywhat was taught passively.

What is more important, skepticism is uninevitable in the progress ofscience. We are raised in different evironments, so of course we holddifferent view on the same issue, and think differently. Science, asthe crystal of human being, is served to be universal, if notapplicable in a wide range. It is our constant skepticism contribute tothe every modification of basic law, finally making it to be complete.Take Albert Einstein for example, his world renowned theory ofrelativity was sprout from a simple skepticism that "Is the Newton'slaw applicable to object travels at the speed of light? What will onesee if he travel at the speed of light?" This simple skepticismsfinally turned to the ever earthquack in the physics world. Also at thebeginning of the last century, classical electromagnitic theoryencountered some troubles in explaining the behavior of hydrogen.Danish physicist Niels Bohr, also the player of the National FootballTeam, hold this skepticism on the theory that had been long rooted inthe field, and promoted three basic assumption in the motion of atomicscale. These three assumption was seminal to Quantum Mechanics, one ofthe two crown jewle in the physics world of the 20th century.

As the old saying goes, "Every coin has its two sides", undueskepticism is an extreme behavior, and it certainly prohibits learning.The old philosophor Confucious hold a insightful comment on study:Always being skeptical but neglect learning serves to be confused,while always learning but neglect being skeptical serves to be tired.Being skeptic without knowing the basic assumptions in the field, orlearning what was done by former intellectual people, is reckless, andshows stupidity only.

As a conclusion, we must hold a critical mind to skepticism. It is anacitve way to learn, make decent contribution to the develpment of ourknowledge about the world, and a representative of diversity anddemorcracy in scientific world. However, extreme stressing in beingskeptical is definitely harmful.


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