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[活动] COMEON-----作文小组 yxx11.20作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2008-11-21 11:54:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Agree or disagree: Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age.

It’s always worthwhile to collect others’ advice. For an individual cannot judge clearly anytime and analysis every facet, one needs some alternative viewpoints and suggestions to navigate his/her decision. Who should one turn to for help, there come the argument on this specific issue: the older friends or friends of coherent age? Personally, I conceived though that the elder might offer more reliable advices sprung from their wisdom, experience and age, it’s the coeval I am apt to listen to and my reasons are as follows:

Firstly, peers go through the similar lives and the problems encountered might therefore be more or less the same. For instance, my friend Julie ran into some trouble in her relationship with boyfriend. The very problem is actually the one I once felt confused, however, it’s just the rare event for older persons since value and thought have changed through times and they cannot offer some useful ideas in this case. That’s to say, coevals are able to share with one and each other they opinions on most of their lives and the suggestion might be more practical and adoptable.

Moreover, friends at the same age comprehend more easily one’s feeling, and the similar age builds a bridge for communication. Peers who have no generational gap understand one much more than older friends. An individual might feel truly respected when staying with and talking with their peers as they are actually equal. Yet asking the older friends for favor, one might be obstructed by some manner or esteem created by age.

All in all, I regard valuable ideas as the ones which can offer effective directions and can be emotionally accepted. Consequently, I highly pose the idea from peers in the first place. According to the exact and fresh experience, the suggestions are practical and convincing. One also prefers to seek man at the same age for being understood better.

第一次写 还请同仁多多指教!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2008-11-22 21:01:27 |只看该作者
Agree or disagree: Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age.

It’s always worthwhile to collect others’ advice. For an individual cannot judge clearly anytime and analysis every facet, one needs some alternative viewpoints and suggestions to navigate his/her decision. Who should one turn to for help, there come the argument on this specific issue: the older friends or friends of coherent age 感觉不地道,就用peers吧? Personally, I conceived though that the elder might offer more reliable advices sprung from their wisdom, experience and age, it’s the coeval I am apt to listen to and my reasons are as follows:

Firstly, peers go through the similar lives and the problems encountered might therefore be more or less the same. For instance, my friend Julie ran into some trouble in her relationship with boyfriend. The very problem is actually the one I once felt confused, however, it’s just the rare event for older persons since value and thought have changed through times and they cannot offer some useful ideas in this case. That’s to say, coevals are able to share with one and each other they opinions on most of their lives and the suggestion might be more practical and adoptable.

Moreover, friends at the same age comprehend one’s feeling more easily 稍微调整了下,个人觉得更通顺 , and the similar age builds a bridge for communication. Peers who have no generational gap understand one much more 这儿缺少点东西 easier? than older friends. An individual might feel truly respected when staying with and talking with their peers as they are actually equal. Yet asking the older friends for favor, one might be obstructed by some manner or esteem created by age.

All in all, I regard valuable ideas as the ones which can offer effective directions and can be emotionally accepted. Consequently, I highly pose the idea from peers in the first place. According to the exact and fresh experience, the suggestions are practical and convincing. One also prefers to seek man at the same age for being understood better.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-11-23 23:41:23 |只看该作者
It’s always worthwhile to collect others’ advice. For an individual cannot judge clearly anytime (If you use 'anytime', it means an individual cannot judge clearly at all times) and analyse every facet (of what?), one needs some alternative viewpoints and suggestions to navigate to? his/her decision. Who should one turn to for help - there comes the argument on this specific issue: the older friends or friends of coherent (This word means 'logically ordered and integrated'. I guess you mean 'similar') age? Personally, I conceived though that though the elder friends might offer more reliable advices sprung from their wisdom, experience and age, it’s the coevals (Coevals are not necessarily of a similar age.) I am apt to listen to, and my reasons are as follows:

Firstly, peers go through the similar lives and the problems encountered might therefore be more or less the same. For instance, my friend Julie ran into some trouble in her relationship with her boyfriend. The very problem is actually the one I once felt confused about, however, it’s just the a rare event for older persons since values and thoughts have changed through times and they cannot offer some useful ideas in this case. (I actually had to read this whole long sentence twice to get what you mean. Don't make your examiner do that because he won't. The reason that older people can't help with a modern relationship problem is not that values have changed. If they have kept up with the changes, they are still able to offer useful ideas, however most old folks don't, so they don't have experiences in modern relationships.)That’s to say, coevals are able to share with one and each another they opinions on most of their lives and the suggestions might be more practical and adoptable.

Moreover, friends at the same age comprehend more easily one another’s feelings more easily, and the being similar in age builds a bridge for communication. Peers who have no generational gap understand one another much more easily? than older friends do. An individual might feel truly respected when staying with and talking with their peers, as they are actually equal. Yet in asking the older friends for favor, one might feel be obstructed hindered by some manner etiquette or the older friends' esteempride about their age created by age.(请避免把不同物主的题材混在一个句子里,该换的时候就要换,否则看起来第一中文直译的痕迹很重,第二会让母语非中文的人看得一头雾水。另外在美国没有像中国这么强调‘尊老’,所以很有可能考官根本猜不出你说的manner和esteem created by age是什么概念. 这些文章是要给美国人看的,所以请避免用国内的思维方式和价值观来直接论证)

All in all, I regard that valuable ideas are the ones which can offer effective directions and can be emotionally (I think you mean 'comfortably'. Again, I can guess what you're trying to get at with 'emotionally accepted', but that's an obvious direct translation from Chinese. It's likely to confuse your examiner, because 'emotional' means 'with a lot of strong emotions'.) accepted. Consequently, I highly pose place the ideas from peers in the first place. According to the exact and fresh (I'm completely confounded by what you're trying to say) experience, the suggestions are practical and convincing. One also prefers to seek man at the same age for being understood better. (I think you didn't see how this line looks like a dating advertisement. Please keep your sentence complete. It's perfectly okay to repeat the question in the summary paragraph. Do not sacrifice clarity for shorter sentences.)


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-11-24 17:23:25 |只看该作者
Agree or disagree: Getting advice from the older friends is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age.
1B7o(u?wQ/fM|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREIt’s always worthwhile to collect others’ advice. For an individual cannot judge clearly anytime and analysis every facet, one needs some alternative viewpoints and suggestions to navigate his/her decision. Who should one turn to for help, there come the argument on this specific issue: the older friends or friends of coherent age 感觉不地道,就用peers吧? Personally, I conceived though that the elder might offer more reliable advices sprung from their wisdom, experience and age, it’s the coeval I am apt to listen to and my reasons are as follows:
kFU-X Y"@O5vu5Qy留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAFirstly, peers go through the similar lives and the problems encountered might therefore be more or less the same. For instance, my friend Julie ran into some trouble in her relationship with boyfriend. The very problem is actually the one I once felt confused, however, it’s just the rare event for older persons since value and thought have changed through times and they cannot offer some useful ideas in this case. That’s to say, coevals are able to share with one and each other they opinions on most of their lives and the suggestion might be more practical and adoptable.
8Hf Ui%]yF|留学|签证|TOEFL|GREa8]0L!A0Jnj7o5Z0hz)L)Z
Moreover, friends at the same age comprehend one’s feeling more easily 稍微调整了下,个人觉得更通顺 , and the similar age builds a bridge for communication. Peers who have no generational gap understand one much more 这儿缺少点东西 easier? than older friends. An individual might feel truly respected when staying with and talking with their peers as they are actually equal. Yet asking the older friends for favor, one might be obstructed by some manner or esteem created by age. %n9Y3y*Z!f;{6GNm%J

0{DK v*CUu2X$y*HC(a]留学,考试,TOEFL,GRE,GMAT,IELTS,SAT,VISA,文书,签证,论坛,出国,申请,美国,英国,欧洲,加拿大,USAAll in all, I regard valuable ideas as the ones which can offer effective directions and can be emotionally accepted. Consequently, I highly pose the idea from peers in the first place. According to the exact and fresh experience, the suggestions are practical and convincing. One also prefers to seek man at the same age for being understood better.E.U#hg"\.N%v1Q2N


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