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[活动] HERETIC作文小组——weenbopper12月3日作业 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2008-12-3 19:45:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Letting a friend make a mistake is better than saying or doing something that may destroy the friendship.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed" is a bible quotation, the content of which had been recognized for quite a long time. It means you should help your friend when he or she needs you, even take the risk of demolishing your friendship. In this case, the moment your friend needs you is when he or she makes mistakes; therefore, I wholeheartedly suggest you do something to save your friend at this moment.

First and foremost, as a trusted friend, you should be obliging. Being obliging is acclaimed as the most important quality for a real friend to possess. All too often, we can observe a lot of mutual help between friends at the expense of their own lives, not to mention the possibility of undermining the relationship. For example, if your friend addicts to drug, which is accepted as the most detrimental threat to human's physical health and even will and personality; in this case, it is the responsibility for a real friend to stop them from being immersed in drug any longer and even send them to the hospital, if needed. However, some awkward individuals, in order to maintain their friendship, assist the apparent friend hide the truth and even offer money to make them pass through financial problems thinking help them a lot, nevertheless, you have been pushing them down into a dark valley, rather than saved them.

Secondly, a real friendship can go through any kinds of challenges; and those ones, which is so vulnerable that even can be spoiled by some little conflicts, can never be called as an authentic friendship. For example, the friends might became a stranger even an enemy after a litter tiff; two close friends might fight against each other once had some quarrel on financial problems. As a matter of fact, these examples defying enumeration, especially in this modern society in which people are much less sensitive to interpersonal relationship.

Thirdly, mutual understanding, which is the the crucial factor for sustaining friendships, is needed desperately when confilicts airse between friends . Actually, no one can guarantee that they would not make any mistakes, even the most intelligent and successful man in the world. This is a truth that is accepted by Confucius who said" We are not so perfect to make any errors." When your friends make some mistakes in the process of helping you,  you should understand your friends, consider from their standpoints, and try your best to forgive them; needless to say their intention is to help you.

All in all, after all, letting it be or doing something to help your friend is your own attitude toward friendship. Personally, I can not keep being motionless observing my friends make mistakes.

[ 本帖最后由 weenbopper 于 2008-12-3 20:38 编辑 ]

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Rank: 2

发表于 2008-12-6 00:27:08 |只看该作者
"A friend in need is a friend indeed" is a bible quotation, the content of which had been recognized for quite a long time. It means you should help your friend when he or she needs you, even take the risk of demolishing your friendship. In this case, the moment your friend needs you is when he or she makes mistakes; therefore, I wholeheartedly suggest you do something to save your friend at this moment.

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First and foremost, as a trusted friend, you should be obliging. Being obliging is acclaimed as the most important quality for a real friend to possess. All too often, we can observe a lot of mutual help between friends at the expense of their own lives, not to mention the possibility of undermining the relationship. For example, if your friend addicts to drug, which is accepted as the most detrimental threat to human's physical health and even will and personality; in this case, it is the responsibility for a real friend to stop them from being immersed in drug any longer and even send them to the hospital, if needed. However, some awkward(不是很合适嗯) individuals, in order to maintain their friendship, assist the apparent friend hide the truth and even offer money to make them pass through financial problems thinking help them a lot, nevertheless, you have been pushing them down into a dark valley, rather than saved them.寄托家园+N8j7l'M$n

Secondly, a real friendship can go through any kinds of challenges; and those ones, which is so vulnerable that even can be spoiled by some little conflicts, can never be called as an authentic friendship. For example, the friends might became a stranger even an enemy after a litter tiff; two close friends might fight against each other once had some quarrel on financial problems. As a matter of fact, these examples defying enumeration, especially in this modern society in which people are much less sensitive to interpersonal relationship.bbs.gter.netK Gi]J?8uK']
Thirdly, mutual understanding, which is the the crucial factor for sustaining friendships, is needed desperately when confilicts airse between friends . Actually, no one can guarantee that they would not make any mistakes, even the most intelligent and successful man in the world. This is a truth that is accepted by Confucius who said" We are not so perfect to make any errors." When your friends make some mistakes in the process of helping you,  you should understand your friends, consider from their standpoints, and try your best to forgive them; needless to say their intention is to help you.
All in all, after all, letting it be or doing something to help your friend is your own attitude toward friendship. Personally, I can not keep being motionless observing my friends make mistakes.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8


美版2016offer达人 IBT Zeal IBT Smart IBT Elegance 2016 US-applicant

发表于 2008-12-6 22:29:03 |只看该作者
"A friend in need is a friend indeed" is a bible quotation (It's not. 你是想用bible作为classic的意思吗?bible不能作形容词的), the content of which (The bible? The quotation?) had been recognized for quite a long time. It means you should help your friend when he or she needs you, even take at the risk of demolishing your friendship. In this case, the moment your friend needs you is when he or she makes mistakes; therefore, I wholeheartedly suggest you (It's seldom that an essay question will ask you to 'suggest' anything to the reader. The actual question, I guess, will more likely ask which stand you'd choose given such a situation. You should then answer the question from a personal perspective in that case.) do something to save your friend at this moment.

First and foremost, as a trusted friend, you should be obliging. Being obliging is acclaimed as the most important quality for a real friend to possess. All too often, we can observe a lot of mutual help between friends at the expense of their own lives, not to mention the possibility of undermining the relationship. For example, if your friend is addicted to drugs, which (What? The drugs? The addiction?) is accepted as the most detrimental threat to human's physical health and even willpower and personality. In this case, it is the responsibility for of a real friend to stop them him from being immersed (This is normally associated with good things rather than bad things. A more proper word would be 'indulge'.) in drugs any longer and even send them to the hospital, if needed. However, some awkward (This is not really a word to describe human being. Do you mean 'odd'?) individuals, in order to maintain their friendship, assist the apparent friends to hide the truth and even offer money to make sustain them pass through financial problems, thinking they are helping them a lot. Nevertheless, you (怎么突然从第三人称换到第二人称?) have been pushing them down into a dark valley (没这种说法. I think you mean 'pushing them down the path of no return'.), rather than saving them. (这一段的人称和they指代很乱啊..)

Secondly, a real friendship can go through any kinds of challenges; and those ones, which is so vulnerable that they even can be spoiled by some little trivial conflicts, can never be called as an authentic friendships. For example, the friends might became a strangers even an enemies after a litter tiff (tiff已经有琐碎小吵的意思,不需要重复表示); two close friends might fight against each other once they had some quarrels on financial problems. As a matter of fact, these examples defying enumeration, especially in this modern society in which people are much less sensitive to interpersonal relationships. (这段例子举了跟没举一样。。最后一句还提出了之前完全没提过的观点。。大忌。)

Thirdly, mutual understanding, which is the the crucial factor for sustaining friendships, is needed desperately when confilicts airse between friends . Actually, no one can guarantee that they would not make any mistakes, even the most intelligent and successful man in the world (直接把even the most..部分移到guarantee前面变成even the most...cannot guarantee就好了,省一个很绕口的分句). This is a truth that is accepted by Confucius (孔子是一位理论家,他只是observe truth,而不是accept truth) who said" We are not so perfect to make any errors." When your friends make some mistakes in the process of helping you,  you should understand your friends, consider from their standpoints, and try your best to forgive them; needless to say their intention is to help you.(这讲的是朋友帮助我们的时候应该用什么态度去面对。。可是这跟应该帮助朋友指出错误还是维护他们的错误有什么关系呢?再用吃饭的比喻讲,服务员问你吃米饭还是面条,你却对服务员说吃米饭的时候应该配红肉吃面条应该配白肉。。)

All in all, after all, (重复啊。。) letting it be or doing something to help your friend is your own attitude towards friendship. Personally, I cannot keep being motionless observing my friends make mistakes (好经典的 无动于衷 的翻译啊。。I cannot sit and watch my friend making mistakes.).


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