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[未归类] 出国物品列表(含国外同学建议) [复制链接]

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Sagittarius射手座 荣誉版主

发表于 2003-3-30 12:54:14 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
发信人: eelsh (我爱), 信区: AdvancedEdu      
标  题: 出国物品列表(含国外同学建议)
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Mon Jul  2 22:06:54 2001)


xxxxxxxx.And if it's not troublesome, could you help me to post it on smth
bbs if there isn't post alike? I hope it'll be useful to you and other
ppl. It's too slow to connect smth bbs here.xxxxx


1.1 英汉科技字典 --Depends on major. I don't think
EEer or CSer need it.
1.2 英汉大词典 --forget it. U'll find good deal
online here.
1.3 韦氏词典  --as above
1.4 汉英词典  --wen qu xing  is enough
1.5 计算机专业基础课程中文书  --English books are
better unless your favorite textbooks used before
1.6 计算机专业基础课程清华影印版英文书  --Yes. Much cheaper
than those here.
1.7 常用工具书(如数学手册和基础数学书)  --Yes
1.8 走遍美国  --No
1.9 新概念英语  ---No
1.10 英语磁带  ---No
1.11铅笔: 4   --If you like use it. And automatic one.
1.12圆珠笔:6  --NO
1.13 格尺:1  --No
1.14三角板:1 套  --No
1.15橡皮:5  --Maybe
1.16书包:1  - Get one in Silk Street when getting Visa.
Ppl here like brands as 'The North face, Europe,
EMS...' If you want one of good qulity, buy one here.
1.17 笔记本:4 -If you don't think it's heavy. I use free
A4 papers in lab. :P
1.18 签字笔:6 --Yes
1.19 计算器:1 --Yes
1.20 曲别针:1盒  ---- Free here in lab or department.
1.21 订书机:1 --No
1.22 订书针:1盒 --No
1.23 夹子:1盒  ----Yes. Those good metal paper clippers.
(Black body, white handle, 0.25RMB for one, I remeber)
1.24 文件夹:1  ---If u have space in ur luggage.
1.25 文曲星:1
1.26 活页夹:1
1.27 活页纸:2
2.1中文流行歌曲. 包括磁带, CD, VCD等Favorite tapes   -Yes. Make
2.2小说 --Yes
2.3地图 --Can you find English ones given details? I
doubt. We use Yahoo map for driving. Also there're
good ones in bookstore and free ones in car renting
2.4 象棋 --Up to u.
2.5 扑克 --Yes
2.6 乒乓球和拍 -Up to U
2.7 羽毛球和拍  --Up to u. Badminton birds are
expensive here--$1.00 each. But if you take part in
some club, it won't be a problem.
3. 衣物及床上用品
3.1 T恤: 各种质地,色泽,长短,厚薄一打以上  --Good qulity
T-shirts are neccesary. 100% ones will shrink a bit.
When you get familiar around, you can buy some here, a
bit expensive, but good and fashion.
3.2西装: 1套  --Make sure it fits you well. Don't take
those with too wide shoulder. Navy blue and dark grey
are good. No golden buttons.
3.3 领带: 2-3条 Yes
3.4 衬衣: >7 -Yes. Grey, Blue, grey-green, grey-red for
daily dress if you don't like T-shirt much. (I like
men in good shirt :P) The white one has to be in very
good qulity for very formal place. All of them should
not be too thin!
3.5 牛仔裤>=3 --Yes
3.6 休闲裤:3-5条 --Yes
3.7 薄毛衣:2-3 (of different color and styles) -Or less.
With air condition indoors, shirts and T-shrits are
enough.  For girls, use them instead of shirts. So the
quantity should be the same as shirt above.
3.8 夏日短裤: 12  -Yes. Those leisure shorts in good
quility! I don't like beach shorts, but you may need
it when going beach.
3.9 内衣:14 (套) -They shrink! So buy larger size ones
than usual. You can also buy some here. Very good
qulity and not too expensive.
3.10 夹克(春秋穿)或外衣: 3-6 -Yes. Leisure ones are better. 3
is enough. Grils, more.
3.11风衣和大衣各一 --yes. Not much chance to wear
long coat. But having a good one may not be bad. Also
you can buy one later either here or going back to
3.12羽绒衣或皮衣, 雪衣  -- for East-north peoples
only. If you like skiing, buy the style for skiing
(short) or get one here, not too expensive. Leather
jacket is good, but if you don't like the style in
China, buy one here, you'll find some good deal
3.13 皮鞋:3-4  -One leisure, one formal. Add any else u
3.14 旅游鞋:2-3 -No. Same price or even cheaper here.
Just take the Nike/Reebok if you have it already in
3.15 拖鞋:2-3  -Yes. Durable ones. ($4-20 here!)
3.16 凉鞋:1-2 -Yes
3.17 袜子:>=14 -Yes. Good ones. Also you can buy some
here. Good qulity and a bit more expensive than in
3.18手套:1 --Yes
3.19 薄棉被:1  --Yes
3.20枕头:1 --Yes
3.21床单:2-3 --Yes
3.22 被罩:2-3 --Yes
3.23毛毯:1  --May not be useful
3.24 睡袋:1 -No. Buy one here. No need to bring it from
3.25 毛巾:5-10. -We use bath towel more.
3.26 鞋垫: 10 -Up to U
3.27 枕头套:2 -Yes. ***In fact, you can also buy all
bedding here. But if you like homemade beddings you
are familiar with, take them from China.
4 生活用品
4.1 太阳镜: 2 -yes. Maybe 1 is enough.
4.2 太阳帽: 2 -1 is enough. Girls, up to u.
4.3 针线包:1 --Yes
4.4 剃须刀:1  -yes. Or buy one here. But I find electronic
ones are cheaper in China, not sure.
4.5 指甲剪:1 --Yes
4.6 常用护肤品 --Or buy them here with the same price
or cheaper. Girls like 'Shiseido' may bring some. That
brand products are quite expensive here. Or get some
in airport tax-free shops.
4.7 伞:2 -Yes. China has good qulity umbrellas.
4.8 雨衣:1  --Those water-proof leisure coat is good.
4.9 随时听(复读机):1
4.10 充电电池:10  -and those unchangable ones, for
electronic shaver, camera, watch and ????     Very
expensive here ($2.5 for #5).
4.11 眼镜: 2-3 --Yes
4.12 理发工具:1套 --Yes
4.13 修理工具:1套 --Yes
4.14 香皂: 4 --No
4.15 香皂盒:1 --No
4.16 洗发水:2-3 --No
4.17 洗衣粉:3-4 --No
4.18 开瓶器:1 --Yes
4.19 鞋刷:1  -Up to u. We don't clean shoes much. So
clean here.
4.20 鞋油:3(各色) -As above
4.21 鞋带:5 -What's these for? //think hard.
4.22 牙膏:5 -Yes, and 5 brushes. $4 each for both (Crest
and Colgatt).
4.23 剪刀:1  -I like Switherland Army knives. You can
also find good deal online here.
4.24 衣架:10 -Or buy them here. Not expensive.
4.25 真空袋 在双安对面的利客隆最便宜:¥27.6两个加一个抽气筒。
4.26 牙膏:5
4.27 梳子:2
4.28 嗜哩水:1
4.29 胶卷:6
4.30 相机:1
4.31 空白磁带:10
5 药 --Yes. Expensive here.
5.1 抗生素
5.2 绑迪
5.3 维他命
5.4 眼镜:3, 并将验光单随身携带.
5.5消化不良(泻痢停, 黄连素, 霍香正气丸,丽珠肠乐)
5.6水土不服 过敏(息斯敏, 扑尔敏)
5.7感冒药, 流感(银翘片, 康泰克, 感冒通, 阿斯匹林)
5.8消炎, 消火(牛黄解毒片, 西瓜霜润喉片)
5.9镇痛, 止痛药, 消炎药(APC,芬必得)
5.10外伤, 烫伤, 外伤急救药物(云南白药,创可贴,正红花油)
5.12 失眠药
5.13 体温表
5.14 眼药水
6 厨房用品
6.1 菜刀:1  -yes. But  I bought one here, $9, pretty
6.2 水果刀:1  --Yes
6.3 塑料饭盒:1套 --yes, for microwave oven
6.4 擀面杖:1 --Yes
6.5 菜谱:1 --Yes
6.6 不沾锅:1 -Good ones here and  much cheaper.
6.7 高压锅:1  --If u do like it. Rice cooker are better,
which can be bought here (110V power supply!)
6.8 高压锅垫圈:5 --yes if u take the pot
6.9 磨刀石:1 --Yes
6.10 案板:1  -Or buy it here.
6.11 汤勺:1 -Or buy it here.
6.12 饭勺:1  -Or buy it here.
6.13 勺子:3  -Or buy it here.
6.14 筷子:5  --Yes
6.15 炒菜铲:1 -yes. But you need that for non-stick pot,
not made of metal. Or buy it here.
7. 软件  --Bring those you like to use for you own
computer at home.
7.1 Chinese Star中文之星
7.2 RichWin
7.3 Good typing training software
7.4 VC++
7.5 Vjava++
7.6 VB
7.7 Win2k/98
7.8 Office 2000
7.9 AutoCAD
7.10 Photoshop
7.11 CorelDraw
7.12 Math Lab (Full version better)
7.13 Mathematics AutoCAD
7.14 UNIX/Linux和书
7.15 走遍美国
7.16 中文影片
7.17 媒体放映软件
7.18 网络软件
7.19 并行打印线(for printer)
7.20 鼠标:4
7.21 网线
8. 身份材料
8.1 I-20
8.2 护照
8.3 照片(1寸和2寸)  -Only 2 inches. Colorful ones are
8.4 成绩单
8.5 推荐信
8.6 公证  --Hehe, it may be useless :P
8.7 G/T成绩单
8.9旅行支票  --We need it to open account here in
8.10 现金
8.11 机票
8.12 体检证明  --May be useless :P
8.13 录取通知书
8.14 毕业证书
8.15 学位证书
8.16 获奖证书
8.17 珍藏相册
8.18 烟,酒和茶叶 --I think tea is best as present
or for yourself. Generally we don't give presents to
professors (maybe Chinese ones are different). For
those friends helped you, Chinese like CD/VCD,
foreigners like tea. :P


※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]

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Libra天秤座 荣誉版主 挑战ETS奖章 QQ联合登录

发表于 2006-7-15 11:38:09 |只看该作者
thanks for sharing~


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