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[i习作temp] ISSUE48【0906G背水一战三月小组】第3次作业 by gy2006211 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-4 15:17:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Three years ago, when people around world celebrate the success of The Second World War against Nazism, when many people still accuse Hitler of breaking the world peace and butchering Jew, when still lot of people believe that we can avoid from this disaster only if Hitler was killed by the British shooter who let him go. Contrary to general accepted viewpoint, I believe that when review the history we should not place too much emphasis on individuals.

I concede that we should not neglect the effect of the individuals towards history. For example, if someone take position of George Washington his freedom of American people might be put off or Lincoln Abraham did not win in the election liberty of people may be postponed for a long time too. Some famous people may inspire people for a long period of time.

However, we should not overemphasis the individual influence in the history for several reasons. Firstly, individual is the typical representation of the society. Most people who are remembered by the history must stand for some people then. Just like I refer to in the beginning of paragraph Hitler stands for a lot of people especially common people in German. In 1930s, due to exhausting all the national resources, the huge money pay to England and France, and the speculators who are mainly Jews destroy the economic systems, German people live pretty rough that starvation is the common thing. Hence Hitler who account for most people in G then come first to cleanup the Jew's speculators and this trend develop into catch all the Jew not only the speculators. The conditions of people’s living immediately steadily improved. It is difficult to predict will history will be like if Hitler is not he.

Finally, as a study, study of history should deeply analyze the background of the situations not only focus on single person. Sometimes what kind of decision then people made is not so important as to find out what reasons led them to make such decision.

In sum, even some individuals play important roles in the history. But if we want to acknowledge an actual and more detailed history, we should not only analyze the individuals but more important to analyze background of then situations.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-3-5 08:41:57 |只看该作者
Three years ago, when people around world celebratecelebrated the success of The Second World War against Nazism注意表达,可以说celebrate the memorial of WWII where justice prevailed over the vicious Nazism eventually。不能直接用中文语序翻译二战的胜利,意思是不通的。, when many people still accuse Hitler of breaking the world peace and butchering Jew the Jews 或者 Jewish people,后面那个更常用, when (there are,否则没有主句了)still 加a lot of people believe that we can avoid from this disaster only if Hitler was killed by the British shooter who let him go. Contrary to general accepted viewpoint,however, I believe that when review the history we should not place too much emphasis on individuals.

I concede that we should not neglect the effect of the individuals towards history. For example, if someone takehave took the position of George Washington his freedom of (maneuver to free)American people might be put off or (另开了一个句子if还是要重新说的)Lincoln Abraham did not win in the election liberty of people may be postponed for a long time too. Some famous people may inspire people for a long period of time.(论证不足。)

However, we should not overemphasis the individual influence in the history for several reasons. Firstly, individual is the typical representation of the society. Most people who are remembered by the history must stand for some people then. Just like I refer what I have referredto in the beginning of paragraph Hitler stands for a lot of people especially common people in German. In 1930s, due to exhausting(an exhaust或者 having exhausted) all the national resources, the huge money pay to England and France, and the speculators who are mainly Jews destroy the economic systems, German people live pretty rough (tough,rough是粗糙)that starvation is the common thing. Hence Hitler who account for most people in G then come first to cleanup the Jew's speculators and this trend develop into catch 此词用法不对all the Jew not only the speculators. The conditions of people’s living immediately steadily improved. It is difficult to predict will(what) history will wouldbe like if Hitler is not he.(最后一句话建议重写。语法很有问题。)

Finally, as a study, study of history should deeply analyze the background of the situations not only focus on single person. Sometimes what kind of decision then people made is not so important as to find out what reasons led them to make such decision.完全没有论证。

In sum, even some individuals play important roles in the history. 另起句子时千万注意But if we want to acknowledge an actual and more detailed history, we should not only analyze the individuals but more important to analyze background of then situations.1.语法有问题。2.一定要点题,强调background是跟groups of people有关的

2. 内容上,论证非常不充分。且你如果在第一段就以一个例子开头的话,后面最好各段都以这个事件为例,就其各个方面展开非常深入的分析。比如读完第一段希特勒再看第2段美国就觉得非常突兀。

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ISSUE48【0906G背水一战三月小组】第3次作业 by gy2006211
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