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[a习作temp] argument200 4月作文小组4月5日第十二次作业 by寂寞樱花 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-5 20:38:13 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT200 - Statistics collected from dentists indicate that three times more men than women faint while visiting the dentist. This evidence suggests that men are more likely to be distressed about having dental work done than women are. Thus, dentists who advertise to attract patients should target the male consumer and emphasize both the effectiveness of their anesthetic techniques and the sensitivity of their staff to nervous or suffering patients.
WORDS: 446          TIME: 0:30:00          DATE: 2007-4-5

In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that men are more likely to be distressed when they go to the dentist than women and advertise to be made to attract male consumer and emphasize on the effectiveness on anesthetic techniques and sensitivity of staff to nervous patients. The author also cites statistics which show that three more men than women faint while having dental work to support the conclusion. I find this argument is logically unconvincing in several respects.

First of all, the author's conclusion bases on the statistics collected from the dentists, but the author gives no information about the authority of the statistics. We do not know how these statistics collected and what sample the statistics bases on. Perhaps, the most statistics collected is provided by men, which obvious bias and cannot be believable. And if the author do not gives sufficient information to prove that the statistics is reliable, I cannot accept the conclusion bases on it.

Second, even if assumes that the statistics is believable, there also another problem in this argument. The statistics indicate that three times more men than women faint while visiting the dentist, yet there is no information about how many men and women visited dentist respect, it is possible that the number of men visiting the dentist is four times than that of women. And even the number of men and women who visited dentist is the same, the author also gives no information about the concrete reason they see dentist, maybe the illness of men is more critical than that of women. The author's failure to investigate or even consider these possibilities renders the conclusion based on it highly suspect.

Finally, advertise, which should target the male consumer and emphasize on anesthetic techniques and staff sensitivity as the author claim is also problematic. There is no evidence to show that more women visit dentist than men, it is possible that most people who do not visit dentist are women, maybe their expression of nervous is not faint but do not visit dentist. On the other hand, the reason people choose a dentist is not only anesthetic techniques and staff sensitivity but also the medical technique of the doctor and the cleaning condition of the clinic. We will not be convinced before the author shows convincing evidence of that advertising like author claiming could achieve its tend result.

In sum, the argument is not persuade as it seems, to make it more convincing, the author should rule out the possibilities state above and provided more concrete evidence to demonstrate that men are more likely to be distressed and the advertise could achieve its tend result.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2007-4-6 11:13:50 |只看该作者
In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that men are more likely to be distressed when they go to the dentist than women and advertise to be made to attract male consumer and emphasize on the effectiveness on anesthetic techniques and sensitivity of staff to nervous patients. The author also cites statistics which show that three more men than women faint while having dental work to support the conclusion. I find this argument is logically unconvincing in several respects.

First of all, the author's conclusion bases on the statistics collected from the dentists, but the author gives no information about the authority of the statistics. We do not know how these statistics collected and what sample the statistics bases on. Perhaps, the most statistics collected is provided by men, which obvious bias and cannot be believable. And if the author do(es) not gives sufficient information to prove that the statistics is reliable, I cannot accept the conclusion bases(based) on it.

Second, even if assumes that the statistics is(are) believable, there also another problem in this argument.(TS 要把错误指出来最好) The statistics indicate that three times more men than women faint while visiting the dentist, yet there is no information about how many men and women visited dentist respect, it(It) is possible that the number of men visiting the dentist is four times than that of women. And even the number of men and women who visited dentist is the same, the author also gives no information about the concrete reason they see dentist, maybe the illness of men is more critical than that of women. The author's failure to investigate or even consider(account也不错) these possibilities renders the conclusion based on it highly suspect.

Finally, advertise, which should target the male consumer and emphasize on anesthetic techniques and staff sensitivity as the author claims is also problematic. There is no evidence to show that more women visit dentist than men, it is possible that most people who do not visit dentist are women, maybe their expression of nervous is not faint but (they) do not visit dentist. On the other hand, the reason (why) people choose a dentist is not only anesthetic techniques and staff sensitivity but also the medical technique of the doctor and the cleaning condition of the clinic. We will not be convinced before the author shows convincing evidence of that advertising like author claiming could achieve its tend result.

In sum, the argument is not persuade as it seems, to make it more convincing, the author should rule out the possibilities stated( or ‘mentioned’) above and provided more concrete evidence to demonstrate that men are more likely to be distressed and the advertise could achieve its tend result.
结构完整 主要逻辑错误都攻击到了 但可能由于限时 语言和拼写问题不少 (哎 不过我现在半小时还打不了这么多)继续加油!

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Rank: 4

发表于 2007-4-6 21:58:06 |只看该作者

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RE: argument200 4月作文小组4月5日第十二次作业 by寂寞樱花 [修改]
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argument200 4月作文小组4月5日第十二次作业 by寂寞樱花
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