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[i习作temp] issue196 科学技术的利与害,请多拍! [复制链接]

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-23 10:03:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1 科技的目的是解决问题而不是产生问题。例如用来提高生活质量,email ,online。例如探索真理发现也需要科技。
2 但是往往由于人为的原因而产生问题,使得其威胁人们的生活。A 会带来环境问题,gene 公司排放污水。B  人工智能的发明威胁人类
3 但不能因为它带来的威胁和破坏就停止发展科技,因为它的危害和威胁是可以得到控制和预防的。要寻求一种平衡使它良性发展。例如制定科技法。
TOPIC:ISSUE 196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
WORDS:501          TIME:0:45:00          DATE:2006-2-23

In the fast moving society, technology has exerted an closly inpact on our quality of life. Some people may hold the views that techonology creates more problems than it solves, however, as to me, we can not negative its possitive fact and it needs a balance to treat technology.

To begin with, we should admite that the goal  of developing technology is to solve problems other than creat them. Because of our need of improving our lives, technological productions such as office machines, operation machines and health care  treatment and so forth, which are very essential for our daily lives do more help than troubles that we can not denied. The use of e-mail can be illustrated, it is very convenient that nearly everyone need it to transmmit information and messages with it. Without the development of internet and the technology of computer, we can hardly imagine that how difficult it is to send a mail to the people in the other part of the world. Another example that technology is necessary for us is in the academic field. Science should be developed with the help of technology then exploration isolated forests and mountains, exploration under the sea, finding out the micro world of biology, all these attribute to the contributon of technology.

However, because of a great deal of reasons, most of which have close relationship with people's activities, techonology may threaten and damage the quality of  life. Firstly,take artificial intellegence as a illustration, most people believe that in one day it can theaten people's quality of life and even our lives as well. Several works of movies have introduced the possibility of future theaten to the world by artificial intellegence. A saying goes " every work of art is the reflection of our lives". They are not only the art works that can bring us optical enjoyment but also give us the sense of crisis that may happen in the near future.  Secondly, the facet of influence in environment has been a damage to the quality of life. The air, water and solid waste pollution are even concerned as tougher and tougher for long times, which is also the contribution of technology. A gene factory which produce genes according to people's will is a factory that should pure out a great deal of poison water to the river has been a rather dangerous thing that theaten people's lives and the environment.

Therefore, we should turn to face the difficulty of problems of technology and even it may do damage to our life and have indeed theatened us, we can not stop to develop it because it is essential for our lives and we should fight with the negative problems that technology arise. We can protect our environment and well develop our daily lives through controling the technolgy and put out the acccording laws to make good use of it.

In sum, it should be a banlance between technology and our lives and we should better make good use of it。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-23 12:05:10 |只看该作者
In the fast moving society, technology has exerted an closly (closely)inpact on our quality of life("on the quality of our life".) . Some people may hold the views (view)that techonology creates more problems than it solves, however, as to me, we can not negative its possitive fact and it needs a balance to treat technology.(观点很清晰,值得学习)
To begin with, we should admite(admit) that the goal  of developing technology is to solve problems other than creat them. Because of our need of improving our lives, technological productions such as office machines, operation machines and health care  treatment and so forth, which are very essential for our daily lives do more help than troubles that we can not denied("do more helps than causing troubles that we cannot deny."). [/color](加一句引入:“In the light of this statement,")The use of e-mail can be illustrated, it is very convenient that nearly everyone need it (delete"it")to transmmit information and messages with it. Without the development of internet and the technology of computer, we can hardly imagine that how difficult it is to send a mail to the people in the other part of the world. Another example that technology is necessary for us is in the academic field. Science should be developed with the help of technology then exploration isolated forests and mountains, exploration under the sea, finding out the micro world of biology, all these attribute to the contributon of technology.(这句中的"exploration"是否应该改为”explorating"?)
However, because of a great deal of reasons,("a great deal of"好像是修饰不可数名词的吧~) most of which have close relationship with people's activities, techonology may threaten and damage the quality of  life. Firstly,take artificial intellegence as a illustration, most people believe that in one day it can theaten people's quality of life and even our lives as well. (this sentence is a little confusing~)Several works of movies have introduced the possibility of future theaten to the world by artificial intellegence. A saying goes " every work of art is the reflection of our lives". (good quotation)They are not only the art works that can bring us optical enjoyment but also give us the sense of crisis that may happen in the near future. (Good statement!) Secondly, the facet of influence in environment has been a damage to the quality of life. The air, water and solid waste pollution are even concerned as tougher and tougher for long times, which is also the contribution of technology. A gene factory which produce genes according to people's will is a factory that should pure(pour) out a great deal of poison water to the river has been a rather dangerous thing that theaten people's lives and the environment.

Therefore, we should turn to face the difficulty of problems of technology and even it may do damage to our life and have indeed theatened us, we can not stop to develop it because it is essential for our lives and we should fight with the negative problems that technology arise. We can protect our environment and well develop our daily lives through controling the technolgy and put out the acccording laws to make good use of it.

In sum, it should be a banlance between technology and our lives and we should better make good use of it。

1. 例子充足,联系实际比较紧密

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Virgo处女座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录

发表于 2006-2-23 23:49:43 |只看该作者
In the fast moving society, technology has exerted an closly inpact on our quality of life. Some people may hold the views that techonology creates more problems than it solves, however, as to me, we can not negative its possitive fact and it needs a balance to treat technology.

To begin with, we should admite that the goal  of developing technology is to solve problems other than creat them. Because of our need of improving our lives, technological productions such as office machines, operation machines and health care  treatment and so forth, which are very essential for our daily lives do(have) more help than troubles that we can not denied. The use of e-mail can be illustrated, it is very convenient that nearly everyone need it to transmmit information and messages with it. Without the development of internet and the technology of computer, we can hardly imagine that how difficult it is to send a mail to the people in the other part of the world. Another example that technology is necessary for us is in the academic field. Science should be developed with the help of technology then exploration isolated forests and mountains, exploration under the sea, finding out the micro world of biology, all these attribute to the contributon of technology.

However, because of a great deal of reasons, most of which have close relationship with people's activities, techonology may threaten and damage the quality of  life. Firstly,take artificial intellegence as a illustration, most people believe that in one day it can theaten people's quality of life and even our lives as well. Several works of movies have introduced the possibility of future theaten to the world by artificial intellegence. A saying goes " every work of art is the reflection of our lives". They are not only the art works that can bring us optical enjoyment but also give us the sense of crisis that may happen in the near future.  Secondly, the facet of influence in environment has been a damage to the quality of life. The air, water and solid waste pollution are even concerned as tougher and tougher for long times, which is also the contribution of technology. A gene factory which produce genes according to people's will is a factory that should pure out a great deal of poison water to the river has been a rather dangerous thing that theaten people's lives and the environment.

Therefore, we should turn to face the difficulty of problems of technology and even it may do damage to our life and have indeed theatened us, we can not stop to develop it because it is essential for our lives and we should fight with the negative problems that technology arise. We can protect our environment and well develop our daily lives through controling the technolgy and put out the acccording laws to make good use of it.

In sum, it should be a banlance between technology and our lives and we should better make good use of it。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-24 00:20:16 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Virgo处女座 荣誉版主 QQ联合登录

发表于 2006-2-24 00:26:25 |只看该作者

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2006-2-24 19:03:49 |只看该作者
In the fast moving society, technology has exerted an closly inpact on our quality of life. Some people may hold the views that techonology creates more problems than it solves, however, as to me, we can not negative its possitive fact and it needs a balance to treat technology.(开头据说挺重要得,可以加一些比较好得句式)

To begin with, we should admite that the goal  of developing technology is to solve problems other than creat them. Because of our need of improving our(去掉) lives, technological productions such as office machines, operation machines and health care  treatment and so forth, which are very essential for our daily lives do more help than troubles that we can not denied. (这边并没有说道制造问题啊,不存在比较呀)The use of e-mail can be illustrated, it is very convenient that nearly everyone need it to transmmit information and messages with it. Without the development of internet and the technology of computer, we can hardly imagine that how difficult it is to send a mail to the people in the other part of the world. Another example that technology is necessary for us is in the academic field. Science should be developed with the help of technology then exploration isolated forests and mountains, exploration under the sea, finding out the micro world of biology, (这边排比不错)all these attribute to the contributon of technology.(我觉得你可以把好处分些层次说,感觉有点乱)

However, because of a great deal of reasons(aspect), most of which have close relationship with people's activities, techonology may threaten and damage the quality of  life. Firstly,take artificial intellegence as a illustration, most people believe that in one day it can theaten people's quality of life and even our lives as well. Several works of movies have introduced the possibility of future theaten to the world by artificial intellegence. A saying goes " every work of art is the reflection of our lives". They are not only the art works that can bring us optical enjoyment but also give us the sense of crisis that may happen in the near future. (这边好像没有说到具体的对生活质量的危害啊) Secondly, the facet of influence in environment has been a damage to the quality of life. The air, water and solid waste pollution are even concerned as tougher and tougher for long times, which is also the contribution of technology. A gene factory which produce genes according to people's will is a factory that should pure out a great deal of poison water to the river has been a rather dangerous thing that theaten people's lives and the environment. (底下这两个方面就比第一个artificial intellegence 具体深入多了)

Therefore, we should turn to face the difficulty of problems of technology and even it may do damage to our life and have indeed theatened us,(这句让我感觉是把目光转向危害面而不是转离危害面,是这样的吗) we can not stop to develop it because it is essential for our lives and we should fight with the negative problems that technology arise. We can protect our environment and well develop our daily lives through controling the technolgy and put out the acccording laws to make good use of it.

In sum, it should be a banlance between technology and our lives and we should better make good use of it。


使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-26 00:36:47 |只看该作者
1 科技的目的是解决问题而不是产生问题。例如用来提高生活质量,email ,online。例如探索真理发现也需要科技。
2 但是往往由于人为的原因而产生问题,使得其威胁人们的生活。A 会带来环境问题,gene 公司排放污水。B  人工智能的发明威胁人类
3 但不能因为它带来的威胁和破坏就停止发展科技,因为它的危害和威胁是可以得到控制和预防的。要寻求一种平衡使它良性发展。例如制定科技法。
TOPIC:ISSUE 196 - "Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life."
WORDS:501          TIME:0:45:00          DATE:2006-2-23

In the fast moving society, technology has exerted an(a) closly inpact on our quality of life. Some people may hold the views that techonology creates more problems than it solves, however, as to me, we can not negative its positive fact and it needs a balance to treat technology(need treat it in balance).
To begin with, we should admite that the goal  of developing technology is to solve problems other than creat them. Because of our need of improving our lives, technological productions such as office machines, operation machines and(省略。改逗号) health care  treatment and so forth, which are very essential for our daily lives do more help than troubles that we can not denied(这句需要在斟酌,help和 trouble). The use of e-mail can be illustrated, it is very convenient that nearly everyone need it to transmmit information and messages with it(with it省略). Without the development of internet and the technology of computer, we can hardly imagine that how difficult it is to send a mail to the people in the other part of the world. Another example that technology is necessary for us is in the academic field. Science should be developed with the help of technology then exploration isolated forests and mountains, exploration under the sea, finding out the micro world of biology, all these attribute to the contributon of technology.(这句不理解,science 和exploration两个名词在句子结构上什么关系)
However, because of a great deal of reasons, most of which have close relationship with people's activities, techonology may threaten and damage the quality of  life. Firstly,take artificial intellegence as a illustration,(断句) most people believe that in one day it can theaten people's quality of life and even our lives as well. Several works of movies have introduced the possibility of future theaten to the world by artificial intellegence. A saying goes " every work of art is the reflection of our lives". They are not only the art works that can bring us optical enjoyment but also give us the sense of crisis that may happen in the near future.  Secondly, the facet of influence in environment has been a damage to the quality of life. The air, water and solid waste pollution are even concerned as tougher and tougher for long times, which is also the contribution of technology. A gene factory which produce genes according to people's will is a factory that should pure out a great deal of poison water to the river has been a rather dangerous thing that theaten people's lives and the environment. (本段建议:1按提纲强调“由于人为的原因而产生问题”,是人的滥用、管理不严格等原因造成,而并非是技术本身带来的危机2 找threaten 的同义词,想办法替换)

Therefore, we should turn to face the difficulty of problems of technology and even it may do damage to our life and have indeed theatened us, we can not stop to develop it because it is essential for our lives and we should fight with the negative problems that technology arise. (这个句子也太长了,完全可以断开。)We can protect our environment and well develop our daily lives through controling the technolgy and put out the acccording laws to make good use of it.(本段建议:1 把要说的问题展开,就算没时间,说点实际的应该比只说“我们应该,我们能”有用点吧,就像你提纲中所列的,制定法律,说得更具体一点
2 适当考虑本段句型的变化,留意一下,本段的句子,几乎都是“we can”“we should”开头)

In sum, it should be a banlance between technology and our lives and we should better make good use of it。

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-26 00:41:59 |只看该作者
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