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issue196 欢迎拍砖 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-23 14:21:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue196 Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.

  Technology is a key word in 21th century. Anyone holding technology is believed to grasp the biggest opportunity in society.In fact, technology solves a lot of problems facing us and greatly enhances the quality of life. Most of us without bias on technology would acknowledge that we benefit more from technology than suffer from negative effects which technology bring to us. Obviously, the author exaggerates the menace of technology,even to the extent that technology may threaten the quality of life.

  In the history of human beings, every great invetion and innovation in technology serves as impetus for the development of our society. In ancient times, the ancestors used stone tools to prevent them from being attacked by beasts. Then they knew how to make iron tools by chance and applied this technology to everyday life. The productivity had been improved greatly and the living conditions were also improved. From then on, human beings had undergone a long and painstaking process to solve problems in daily life and explore truth of the universe.  It was not until 19th century that a milestone came into being. Watt invented (蒸汽机) in(年代), which marked that Industry Revolution began. Many countries in the world had experienced industrilization in less than 100 years. Ways of living of human beings were almost completely altered. In the middle of 20th century, computer was invented, causing another revolution throughtout the world. Thanks to technology, we have chance to sit before computers surfing the Internet and communicating with friends abroad, we are able to hank after knowledge about the universe by transmitting various satelites to the Space, we can conveniently travel to a place far from our hometown within a few hours by plane, we can go to see the docter to cure diseases we are suffering. On the whole, we are living in the world to settle different kinds of problems, and new technology appears to meet our demands. Undoutedly, the quality of life is promoted.

  Howerver, negative effects of technology become more and more evident and impose anxieties on us recent years. When we enjoy the relaxation of work because of the introduction of machinery, we have to smell polluted air in metropolis and drink dirty water at the same time. What’s more, shortage of resourses becomes a more and more sereve problem. We have to consider how to deal with this problem and then take immediate actions. If we do not treat it seriously, environment disarsts will inevitably come into being. Another problem is overpopulation. With the development of medical treatment, a lot of serious diseases once regarded as incurable can be treated now. Scientists are still seeking new technologies to cure other diseases. People live longer than ever before, the death rate drastically declines. Therefore, it is predictable that population on the earth will continually increase for a long time. We have to find more food and space to satisfy them.

  Adimittedly, new technology creates new problems. However, compared with the advantages of technology, these problems are really not so prominent. But this doesnot mean that we can neglect them, in contrast, we must be aware of these problems and adopt new technologies to eliminate them. When we use new technology to solve problems, we should avoid introducing new problems.

  To sum up, technology is a two-edge weapon, which promotes the development greatly as well as causes many problems . When we benefit from it, we have to prevent technology from being misused by evil people. In essence, technology is momentum of society progress and cannot be replaced by any factor. Our society can also place limits on technology in order to make good use of it. We are responsible for our own behaviours. Thus, the author’s assertion is misunderstanding of the usage of technology.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2006-2-23 19:50:44 |只看该作者
Issue196 Technology creates more problems than it solves, and may threaten or damage the quality of life.

  Technology is a key word in 21st century. Anyone holding technology is believed to grasp the biggest opportunity in society. In fact, technology solves a lot of problems facing us可以这样用吗?and greatly enhances the quality of life. Most of us without bias on technology would acknowledge that we benefit more from technology than suffer from negative effects which technology brings to us. Obviously, the author exaggerates the menace of technology, even to the extent that technology may threaten the quality of life.

  In the history of human beings, every太绝对了 great invention and innovation in technology serves as impetus for the development of our society. In ancient times, the ancestors used stone tools to prevent them from being attacked by beasts. Then they knew how to make iron tools by chance and applied this technology to everyday改成daily吧 life. The productivity had been improved greatly and the living conditions were also improved. From then on, human beings had undergone a long and painstaking process to solve problems in daily life and explore truth of the universe.  It was not until 19th century that a milestone came into being. Watt invented (蒸汽机) in(年代), which marked that Industry Revolution began. Many countries in the world had experienced industrialization in less than 100 years. Ways of living of human beings were almost completely altered. In the middle of 20th century, computer was invented, causing another revolution throughout the world. Thanks to technology, we have chance to sit before computers surfing the Internet and communicating with friends abroad, we are able to hank after knowledge about the universe by transmitting various satellites to the Space, we can conveniently travel to a place far from our hometown within a few hours by plane, we can go to see the doctor to cure diseases we are suffering这里没有强调technology. On the whole, we are living in the world to settle different kinds of problems, and new technology appears to meet our demands. Undoubtedly, the quality of life is promoted.

However, negative effects of technology become more and more evident and impose anxieties on us recent years. When we enjoy the relaxation of work because of the introduction of machinery, we have to smell polluted air in metropolis and drink dirty water呵呵,有点夸张了~ at the same time. What’s more, shortage of resources becomes a more and more severe problem. We have to consider how to deal with this problem and then take immediate actions. If we do not treat it seriously, environment disasters will inevitably come into being. Another problem is overpopulation. With the development of medical treatment, a lot of serious diseases once regarded as incurable can be treated now. Scientists are still seeking new technologies to cure other diseases. People live longer than ever before, the death rate drastically declines. Therefore, it is predictable that population on the earth will continually increase for a long time. We have to find more food and space to satisfy them. 这里我有一点疑问,那就是人口增长究竟是不是因为科技的原因,可以说是因为科技,但是应该说是因为科技增加了新生儿的成活率而不是延长了人的寿命,最简单的例子,为什么发达国家的人口没有显著增长甚至某些还有后退趋势?这是个值得探讨的点,建议楼主最好改一下,这里容易被挑的。

Admittedly, new technology creates new problems. However, compared with the advantages of technology, these problems are really not so prominent. But this does not mean that we can neglect them, in contrast, we must be aware of these problems and adopt new technologies to eliminate them. When we use new technology to solve problems, we should avoid introducing new problems.

To sum up, technology is a two-edge weapon, which promotes the development greatly as well as causes many problems. When we benefit from it, we have to prevent technology from being misused by evil people. In essence, technology is momentum of society progress and cannot be replaced by any factor. Our society can also place limits on technology in order to make good use of it. We are responsible for our own behaviors. Thus, the author’s assertion is misunderstanding of the usage of technology.结尾似乎有点不足。



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