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[i习作temp] issue29 sally作业,限时 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-2-27 18:14:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ISSUE29 - "Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy."

In our age, people are interested more and more about the privacy of public figures. The boom of mass media also greatly contributes to the trend. Some argue that before these people seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of the privacy. However, I have to point out that though people's desire to know more about public figure's private life can be understood to some extent, our society should try to protect the privacy of these public figures.

First, since the attention from the mass is sometimes the lifeline of these public figures, it is hard for them to . Especially for public figures in show business such as actors, professional players, people's attention is actually the base on which they careers could possibly move on. If they try their best to protect their privacy, their careers can be threatened by danger of losing people’s attention. Imagine all of the actors and professional players from now on hold all their privacy from the public, we may actually first see a lot of reporters lose their jobs, and then a lot of stars or professional players experience the decadence of their fame. For example, if people do not know any news about the marriage of David Beckham and Victoria, they would probably remain a handsome soccer and a nice singer. However, in reality their marriage spread their names in both sports fans and music fans and won both of them improved fame and fortune. Simply put, without public attention on their private lives, public figures such as actors and professional players would actually suffer from the quietude of their personal lives.

Second, people's curiosity about the private lives of public figures are more and more satisfied by modern mass media. Modern mass media enable the twenty-four hours investigation or even live broadcast about the public figures' private lives and would make their private life known to more people even if the public figures try to protect themselves from that. There has always been conflict between reporters and public figures. However, since our society try to protect people's right of free speech and thus it is impossible for the public figures to forbid such efforts of the mass media to protect their privacies. In addition, the potential profit of reporting public figures' private lives enables the mass media to employ every means to exploit public figures' lives even if doing so may possibly cause trouble. Simply put, before people seek a public role, they should be well trained about the potential influence of mass media on their private lives.

Third, although this trend to know the private lives of public figures is common, our society should try to protect the private lives of the public figures. Although it is true public attention is essential for these public figures, whether they are politicians, actors, athletes to continue their careers, inordinate or unlawful curiosity may actually exert negative on their careers, which may possibly lead to a sacrifice of the public at end. For example, an athlete whose house is always surrounded by fans and reporters may hardly enjoy his private life and this confusion may at last lead to lowered performance in the training ground that none of us wish to see.

In conclusion, although our society usually welcome the relevation of public figure's private lives and some of them even benefit from it, our society should try to maintain a balance between the public curiosity and the rights of these public figures to protect their own lives as an equal citizen like most of us.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2006-3-1 12:26:40 |只看该作者
issue29 sally作业,限时

TOPIC: ISSUE29 - "Public figures such as actors, politicians, and athletes should expect people to be interested in their private lives. When they seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of their privacy."

In our age, people are interested more and more about the privacy of public figures. The boom of mass media also greatly contributes to the trend. Some argue someone arguers that before these people seek a public role, they should expect that they will lose at least some of the privacy. However, I have to point out that though people's desire to know more about public figure's private life can be understood to some extent, our society should try to protect the privacy of these public figures.

First, since the attention from the mass is sometimes the lifeline of these public figures, it is hard for them to? . Especially for public figures in show business such as actors, professional players, people's attention is actually the base on which they careers could possibly move on. If they try their best to protect their privacy, their careers can be threatened by danger of losing people’s attention. Imagine all of the actors and professional players from now on hold all their privacy from the public, we may actually first see a lot of reporters lose their jobs, and then a lot of stars or professional players experience the decadence of their fame. For example, if people do not know any news about the marriage of David Beckham and Victoria, they would probably remain a handsome soccer and a nice singer. However, in reality their marriage spread their names in both sports fans and music fans and won both of them improved fame and fortune. Simply put, without public attention on their private lives, public figures such as actors and professional players would actually suffer from the quietude of their personal lives. 感觉这两个例子不是非常合适来说明这个观点,容易让人产生怀疑,建议慎重考虑,的确这个不好写,我都忘了自己写的什么了,呵呵,一会看看你给我改的,趁现在还能上网!

Second, people's curiosity about the private lives of public figures are is more and more satisfied by modern mass media. Modern mass media enable the twenty-four hours investigation or even live broadcast about the public figures' private lives and would make their private life known to more people even if the public figures try to protect themselves from that. There has always been conflict between reporters and public figures. However, since our society try to protect people's right of free speech and thus it is impossible for the public figures to forbid such efforts of the mass media to protect their privacies. In addition, the potential profit of reporting public figures' private lives enables the mass media to employ every means to exploit public figures' lives even if doing so may possibly cause trouble. Simply put, before people seek a public role, they should be well trained about the potential influence of mass media on their private lives.

Third, although this trend to know the private lives of public figures is common, our society should try to protect the private lives of the public figures. Although it is true public attention is essential for these public figures, whether they are politicians, actors, athletes or not to continue their careers, inordinate or unlawful curiosity may actually exert negative on their careers, which may possibly lead to a sacrifice of the public at end. For example, an athlete whose house is always surrounded by fans and reporters may hardly enjoy his private life and this confusion may at last lead to lowered performance in the training ground that none of us wish to see.

In conclusion, although our society usually welcome the relevation of public figure's private lives and some of them even benefit from it, our society should try to maintain a balance between the public curiosity and the rights of these public figures to protect their own lives as an equal citizen like most of us.


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