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[a习作temp] Argu147 GREAW小组第二次作业  关闭 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2007-8-12 00:38:24 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The arguer assume the decline in the sales of the Whirlwind video will be reversed, and he anticipates that the sale will increase dramatically based on a recent survey which reveals that the video players treat the lifelike graphics as the most appealing merit for them to choose a game, considering that the Whirlwind has just introduced several games, the argue is confident on the prospect of their products. Reasonable as it seems at the first glance, the argumentation suffers some serious fallacies.

First of all, the respondent of the survey on which the whole conclusion is drawn from is not representative for its major consumer. According to the arguer ,the company's target consumer is aged from 10-25, while the video player of the survey may well be beyond this group and thus fails to reflect the genuine requirement of the market. Thus the extensive advertising emphasizing the good graphics of the campaign may have little effect in boosting the sales.

Secondly, the new products of the Whirlwind require the most up-to date computers, which, may raise a question for the consumer: can they afford the advanced machine? Given the fact that most of the consumers of this video would be teenagers and young adult, who don't have much money for entertainment, no evidence would indicate that they would buy a costly high-resolute computer to go with the game, rather, most likely, they would choose to either give up this game or just turn to another game which require less in the equipment.

Thirdly, the arguer's underlying assumption that by satisfying the demand for good graphics can they make considerable sale record is unwarranted, since he fails to take into account the price of the product, and how much demand the market has. If the market happened to be saturated by the other products, it would be a tough task to drive them out of the market and replace them with Whirlwind games.

Finally, there's no causal relationship between the quality of graphics and the sale record. although the decline may have something to do with the quality of graphics of the game, there is no evidence to show it is the only factor that contribute to the decline of the sales. there maybe a shift from the emphasis on quality of graphics to the plot of the games, or to the potable games. Therefore, it is hasty to take it for granted that it is the quality of graphics that decide the final sales of the products.

To sum up, the arguer's contention suffers a lack of representation of the target consumer and the ignorance in pricing. Nor did he take in to account the situation of the market without careful analysis of the opponents and their products. To better assess the argumentation, it would to useful to do a effect survey among the target consumers and also a in-depth one in the current market; Also would be useful if the arguer can rule out other factors that may influence the sale of the products.

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