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[a习作temp] 3 25 Argument145 [peresistence小组] 第二十三次作业~ [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2008-3-25 13:58:34 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
TOPIC: ARGUMENT145 - A new study collected data that shows that people who snore are more likely to gain weight than are people who do not snore. It is well known that many people who snore also stop breathing frequently during the night for a few seconds, a condition called sleep apnea. The interruption of breathing wakes the person-often so briefly that the waking goes unnoticed-and can leave the person too tired during the day to exercise. Anyone who snores, therefore, should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more.
WORDS: 388          TIME: 00:27:00          DATE: 2008-3-25 12:02:47

Before accepting the suggestion that people who snores should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more, the evidence given in this argument should be examined more carefully. The arguer seems to assume that it is the snore that finally leads to weight gain without examining other possible factors which could also influence people's health or even determine the result of gaining weight.

To begin with, the arguer fails to provide exactly information about the people who snore. He just mentions "many" people stop breathing frequently during the night. However, this data is too vague to convince me that there are truly a large number of people stop breathing a few seconds during the night. At least we need to know what fraction of people who snore actually suffer from sleep apnea. If the fraction is small, then the whole fruit the arguer attained would be weakened.

Secondly, granted that the number of people who have the phenomenon "sleep apnea" is large enough to represent the whole people who snore, there is no evidence that this kind of people will feel tired to exercise during the day. In fact, we cannot rule out the possibility that though this kind of people feel tired, they still take some exercises intentionally or unintentionally. Perhaps they would use the stairs rather than use the elevators. Or they may run with the running machine while watching TV. In short, the arguer does not provide any evidence to convince me that the people who suffer from sleep apnea do not take exercise during the day.

Thirdly, even if the arguer can substantiate all the assumptions mentioned above, the conclusion that snore renders gaining weight is still logically unsound. The arguer fails to consider many other factors which may also affect body weight. We have good reason to ask ourselves such questions enlightened by our common sense," Will the gene factor affect people's weight?" “Are there several people who eat less than average and take enough exercises are still fat?" Since the answers could not be gained from this short argument, the conclusion made by the arguer is unreliable at best.

As a matter of fact, there is a good chance that the arguer confuses the causal relationship between snore and gaining weight. We have good reason to consider that the fact is quite the reverse: Because people who is gaining weight and become obese, they start to snare at night and suffer from the sleep apnea.

To sum up, the argument is not justifiable as it stands. To make it more reliable, the arguer should to provide convincing evidence support the causal relationship between snore and gain weight.  To enhance the argument, any other factors which could also result in weight gain should be eliminated.


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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2008-3-26 08:40:10 |只看该作者
Before accepting the suggestion that people who snores should try to eat less than the average person and to exercise more, the evidence given in this argument should be examined more carefully. The arguer seems to assume that it is the snore that finally leads to weight gain without examining other possible factors which could also influence people's health or even determine the result of gaining weight.

To begin with, the arguer fails to provide exactly information about the people who snore. He just mentions "many" people stop breathing frequently during the night. However, this data is too vague to convince me that there are truly a large number of people stop breathing(for) a few seconds during the night. At least we need to know what fraction of people who snore actually suffer from sleep apnea. If the fraction is small, then the whole fruit the arguer attained would be weakened.

Secondly, granted that the number of people who have the phenomenon "sleep apnea" is large enough to represent the whole people who snore, there is no evidence that this kind of people will feel tired to exercise during the day. In fact, we cannot rule out the possibility that though this kind of people feel tired, they still take some exercises intentionally or unintentionally.(what’s the meaning) Perhaps they would use the stairs rather than use the elevators. Or they may run with the running machine while watching TV. In short, the arguer does not provide any evidence to convince me that the people who suffer from sleep apnea do not take exercise during the day.

Thirdly, even if the arguer can substantiate all the assumptions mentioned above, the conclusion that snore renders gaining weight is still logically unsound. The arguer fails to consider many other factors which may also affect body weight. We have good reason to ask ourselves such questions enlightened by our common sense," Will the gene factor affect people's weight?" “Are there several people who eat less than average and take enough exercises are still fat?" Since the answers could not be gained from this short argument, the conclusion made by the arguer is unreliable at best.

As a matter of fact, there is a good chance that the arguer confuses the causal relationship between snore and gaining weight. We have good reason to consider that the fact is quite the reverse: Because people who is gaining weight and become obese, they start to snare at night and suffer from the sleep apnea.

To sum up, the argument is not justifiable as it stands. To make it more reliable, the arguer should to provide convincing evidence support the causal relationship between snore and gain weight.  To enhance the argument, any other factors which could also result in weight gain should be eliminated.


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