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[i习作temp] issue10 有拍必回-请留链接 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-28 14:45:35 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
10"Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated."(高频)
1.        大城市确实集中了相当多的文化遗产,从某种程度上说,一个国家的文化传统主要在大城市中得以保存。(例子:北京,Florence)
2.        在一些发展中国家,比如中国,民俗风情文化精品源于小城市和农村地区,更能体现国家的文化传统(也是国家文化传统的一部分)。(例子:京剧)
3.        政府需要给财政支持,不仅是大城市,也包括小城市和边远地区。理由:大城市文化受到全球化的严重冲击,小城市和边远地区的文化遗产基本处于无保护状态; 文化遗产的维护需要一大笔资金, 这笔资金光靠民间的力量是不够的;这也是政府的职责来保护民族文化。
说明:历时1小时25分, 比上一篇少用15分钟。478words.
   I agree with the speaker that governments must subsidize major cities’ cultural traditions, because big cities preserve and generate a nation’s cultural traditions primarily in most countries. But meanwhile small cities and rural regions can not be ignored, where cultural traditions are also preserved and generated.
I concede that big cities did preserve a great deal of traces of cultural traditions from which modern people can learn knowledge of history, and to some extent we can say that big cities are the cultural centers of a nation. For example, Beijing, the capital of China, preserves enormous traces of cultural traditions such as the Forbidden City, the great wall, and the summer palace which are distinguished. And Florence of Ranaissance was filled with artists and aesthetics competing for fame and recognition, and therefore marvelous art works are left to us so that we modern people have a chance to appreciate the masterpieces.
Yet in some developing countries, it is in the small cities and rural areas that a nation’s cultural traditions are generated and preserved. Quite a lot of cultural traditions are firstly generated in small cities and rural areas and then transmitted to big cities. For instance, Peking Opera which is a precious stone of world’s cultural traditions generated in some rural areas far from Beijing and was not known by inhabitants of it until 18th century. And Zhouzhuang, a small town in the north of China, preserved the architectures of Ming and Qing Dynasties perfectly which can represent the folk culture while the traces of cultural traditions in Beijing represent the loyal culture and neither of them can be replaced by each other.
I also agree that governments must subsidize cultural traditions, not only in major cities as the speaker asserts, but also in small cities and rural areas. One reason is that in the process of globalization big cities’ cultural traditions are vulnerable and the characteristics of big cities are fading away. If most of us can differentiate the Gothic architecture and the Chinese classic architecture, can we still tell the differences between the newly-built architectures in New York and Shanghai----a big city of China? Another reason is that most traces of cultural traditions in small cities and rural areas are in a no-protection state because of some financial and geographical problem. And subsidizing cultural traditions call for a great amount of money and it is not far from enough if we pin our hope totally on private funding. In that case, it is justify for government to give financial support to small cities and rural areas as well as big cities.
To sum up, governments have responsibilities to subsidize cultural traditions not only in major cities but also in small cites and rural areas both of which preserved and generated a nation’s cultural traditions and it is unfair to ignore anyone of them deliberately.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-28 at 15:05 ]

使用道具 举报

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-7-28 17:55:28 |只看该作者
观点鲜明,层次也挺好,角度可以更多些 “资助和文化生存问题”“文化竞争问题 ”等

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-30 16:07:36 |只看该作者


10.Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support they need in order to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions are preserved and generated.

Nowadays, the traditional culture of a country is really essential to people of a nation that most of them think the big cities must be given better support of finance to have the cultural traditions to be kept. I firmly contend to have the precious culture assert be protected, but there might be no need to make sure financing the cities as to get the result of  the traditions protection.

Firstly, in the most consequence, the big cities have no need to resort for the government economically for protecting the cultural traditions. As peking opera is a good example to attest the problem that it is really need much money to survive as the industry development or maintenance but not need the government financial support.Many peking opera aficionados would like to pay for their interest in many ways: they pay the entrance fee for watching the Peking opera, they work for free, and richer ones of them indeed will give more support for it. Therefore the government support economically for some cultural traditions as peking opera really has little sense, and without the support this nation traditions can be kept and developed healthily.

Secondly,the governments may not focus on the cultural development solely, but pay more attention to the ecnomical development of a city or health or social security. Cited as shanghai, a international and well-developed city of China, it focus all on developing economic and achieved a proud success.And then as the economical driving, the culture development followed.

There is no doubt that for more developed countries which have higher city density , a nation's cultural traditions is more possibly to be preserved well. Cited as London in England,Romer in Italand,Paris in France, which have so much distinguishing features of cultural traditions that you can recognize the characristic of the country from their cities .In this case, government should finance more in protecting the city culture ,especially the traditional culture, as they are the soul of the country.

In conclusion, I hope I have showed that the cultural traditions of a nation should be best preserved through the city but not must resort to government to have financial support .Although more economical support of the government will be better for the project of preservation and development of traditions, there is no need to give the economical help to all the cities which have the demand.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-8-3 16:03:53 |只看该作者
I agree with the speaker that governments must subsidize major cities’ cultural traditions, because big cities preserve and generate a nation’s cultural traditions primarily in most countries. But meanwhile small cities and rural regions can not be ignored, where cultural traditions are also preserved and generated.
I concede that big cities did preserve (觉得用现在时比较统一吧)a great deal of traces of cultural traditions from which modern people can learn knowledge of history, and to some extent we can say that big cities are the cultural centers of a nation. For example, Beijing, the capital of China, preserves enormous traces of cultural traditions such as the Forbidden City, the great wall, and the summer palace which are distinguished. And Florence of Ranaissance was filled with artists and aesthetics competing for fame and recognition, and therefore marvelous art works are left to us so that we modern people have a chance to appreciate the masterpieces. 不错不错,8过我觉得会不会后面在总结一下更好呢?
Yet in some developing countries, it is in the small cities and rural areas that a nation’s cultural traditions are generated and preserved. *怪怪的, 好像有没有错误Quite a lot of cultural traditions are firstly generated in small cities and rural areas and then transmitted to big cities. For instance, Peking Opera which is a precious stone of world’s cultural traditions generated in some rural areas far from Beijing and was not known by inhabitants of it until 18th century. And Zhouzhuang, a small town in the north of China, preserved the architectures of Ming and Qing Dynasties perfectly which can represent the folk culture while the traces of cultural traditions in Beijing represent the loyal culture and neither of them can be replaced by each other.
I also agree that governments must subsidize cultural traditions, not only in major cities as the speaker asserts, but also in small cities and rural areas. One reason is that in the process of globalization big cities’ cultural traditions are vulnerable and the characteristics of big cities are fading away. If most of us can differentiate the Gothic architecture and the Chinese classic architecture, can we still tell the differences between the newly-built architectures in New York and Shanghai----a big city of China? Another reason is that most traces of cultural traditions in small cities and rural areas are in a no-protection state because of some financial and geographical problem. And subsidizing cultural traditions call for a great amount of money and it is not far from enough if we pin our hope totally on private funding. 好像很好的用词In that case, it is justify for government to give financial support to small cities and rural areas as well as big cities.
To sum up, governments have responsibilities to subsidize cultural traditions not only in major cities but also in small cites and rural areas both of which preserved and generated a nation’s cultural traditions and it is unfair to ignore anyone of them deliberately.

:$如果不是太超时了真的很不错呀,用词很准确, 但是似乎高深词汇不是很多.也没关系啦
句型变化不是太多吧,可以试试强调句啦, 什么都加个do,我最近就是这样变化句型的

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