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[活动] bixueer独立作文12月11号 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-11 22:59:02 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
It’s well known that human like to hear secrets and scandals, which are human nature and no one want to be cheated. So that's why there are so many reporters or journalists dig the real things which are hidden deeply by some people. When it comes to the ways to get the realities whether from newspaper or TV, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I have to admit that speed from newspapers fail to conquer the TV, however, the realities from the newspaper are more reliable.  
Firstly, as the numerous number of newspapers, explored information could be grasped by reporters from any department easily and directly, so which for us ,it is a wonderful chance to obtain the real news. By contrast, although TV even the living TV would show some suddenly break-up accidents, ordinary people would not understand the hidden lines or relationships. So people want comments from others who know well about the problems like reason, result, and process. Like the Watergate, although TV show the scene about the accidents but it is newspaper that indicates the whole comments from negative aspects and positive aspects regardless of the pressure from government.
On the other hands, newspapers are under the relaxed rules by the government ,not like the TV, even more some private newspapers are legal which lead to the related talking-free level.
Moreover, in terms of function, TV could broadcast some show games, movies, news, talking show, competition, and so forth, on the contrary, newspapers only focus on the news or some advertisements for interests. So it seems too simplistic to compare the weigh of telling truth between newspapers and TV as the only things staff in newspaper companies cared about are truth, reality, and some hidden secrets.
In all, only the newspaper could bring the truth for the public rather than the TV which always has perfect covers absorbing people's attention.


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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-13 00:28:15 |只看该作者
It’s well known that human like to hear secrets and scandals, which are human nature and no one want to be cheated. (从人们乐衷绯闻后加入cheated还是有些突兀 这应该是分开的两点)So that's why there are so many reporters or(and) journalists dig the real things which are hidden deeply by some people. When it comes to the ways to get the realities (这里直接用reality似乎不是很好~get to know the reality~)whether from newspaper or TV, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I have to admit that speed from newspapers fail to conquer the TV(speed of newspaper 不准确~ refresh rate &speed of updating information之类~我也不知道如何最为准确), however, the realities from the newspaper are more reliable.  ; I7 X* \+ r7 |. Y$ k& x. Z
Firstly, as the numerous number of newspapers, explored information could be grasped by reporters from any department easily and directly, so which for us ,it is a wonderful chance to obtain the real news. By contrast, although TV (缺少一个连词) even the living TV would show some suddenly break-up (是break out 合成词最好要考究一下~)accidents, ordinary people would not understand the hidden lines or relationships. So people want comments from others who know well about the problems like reason, result, and process. Like the Watergate, although TV show the scene about the accidents but it is newspaper that indicates the whole comments from negative aspects and positive aspects regardless of the pressure from government.
On the other hands, newspapers are under the relaxed rules by the government, not like the TV, even more some private newspapers are legal which lead to the related talking-free(没有查到恩~无法考究了) level.(这个是另起一段还是合在前一段内的?)
Moreover, in terms of function, TV could broadcast some show games(game shows), movies, news, talking show(s), competition(s), and so forth, on the contrary, newspapers only focus on the news or some advertisements for interests. So it seems too simplistic to compare the weigh of telling truth between newspapers and TV as the only thing (that) staff in newspaper companies cared about are truth, reality, and some hidden secrets.
In all, only the newspaper could bring the truth for the public rather than the TV which always has perfect covers absorbing people's attention.  (TV 没有cover吧? 尾段过于仓促 并且用ONLY太过绝对了)

文章的结构还可以 看的出在注意句子的变化 有蛮多用物作主语的句子就要稍加注意一下非谓语动词的选用了 否则比较容易暴露问题
英文文章思路与句子构造上再稍加注意 现在感觉还是比较中译英 :) 一起加油~  
已有 1 人评分声望 收起 理由
bixueer111 + 1 谢谢~

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-14 14:05:16 |只看该作者
1# bixueer111
It’s well known that human like to hear secrets and scandals, which are human nature and no one want to be cheated.我觉得这里的非限制性定语从句不好。 定语从句的which 只能指代前面的名词,不是前面的句子;比如你这里就不能指代人们喜欢听丑闻听隐私) So that's why there are so many reporters or journalists dig the real things which are hidden deeply by some people. When it comes to the ways to get the realities whether from newspaper or TV, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I have to admit that speed from newspapers fails to conquer the TV, however, the realities from the newspaper are more reliable.  

7 e: d, G" ]$ Z) E2 Z& vFirstly, as the numerous number of newspapers, explored information could be grasped by reporters from any department easily and directly, so which for us(
这个短语是干吗用的?什么成分,没看明白) ,it is a wonderful chance to obtain the real news. in contrast, although TV even the living TV would show some suddenly break-up accidents, ordinary people would not understand the hidden lines or relationships. So people want comments from others who know well about the problems like reason, result, and process. Like the Watergate, although TV show the scene about the accidents but it is the newspaper that indicates the whole comments from negative aspects and positive aspects regardless of the pressure from government.

& ?0 B- j- w0 e( QOn the other hands, newspapers are under the relaxed rules by the government, not like the TV, even more some private newspapers are legal which lead to the related talking-free level.
9 i- ]) V$ \$ y, Q' q/ H% y$ yMoreover, in terms of function, TV could broadcast some show games, movies, news, talking show, competition, and so forth, on the contrary, newspapers only focus on the news or some advertisements for interests. So it seems too simplistic to compare the
??of telling truth between newspapers and TV as the only things staff in newspaper companies cared about are truth, reality, and some hidden secrets. 4

i5 {* g7 ^$ ~5 j

In all, only the newspaper could bring the truth for the public rather than the TV which always has perfect covers absorbing people's attention.

改迟了 非常抱歉.



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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-16 21:54:36 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 bixueer111 于 2009-12-16 21:56 编辑

12月16日~加油~~basic science knowledge.~~
It is indisputable that education turns to be the most important aspect for people. And there is a heated discussion about whether college students should take basic science courses or not as well as the subject knowledge. When it comes to this issue, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I agree with the point that college students should not only take the major knowledge but also the basic science courses like politics, logic, history and so forth.

Firstly, basic science courses would broaden the horizon and enhance the interpersonal characters. As everybody knows, college students have to take the responsibility of whole society developing while independent by themselves financially and psychologically, at the same time college students always feel confused about their job and learning. It is basic science courses that provide the answer for the problems. From history, they know hundreds thousands of backgrounds and experiences about others which would help avoiding their fault. What is a hero like Martine Luther King? Why there broke a World War? Which is the main reason of Water gate? And they could learn so many history till they got know what is right and what is wrong.

In addition, basic science courses could develop the ability of relation of different major and reign. It is well known to all the people on the contemporary society, one know more could have a favorable chance to get job opportunity and promotion opportunity, especially the man who can connect different aspects of knowledge together. And via the learning of basic science courses, students could get the whole rough scale of the science and easily achieve the goal. Take my friend's experience for example, our major are medicine but she is an introvert girl and fail to stand the scary of anatomy, however, when she touched the aspect of logic in the first year of college studying, she got so much feeling about logic, finally, she went to study logic in her postgraduate school which she liked so much.

However, I have to admit that the subject knowledge is the key point for one to get the job or useful for the society, it is too simplicity to deny the advantages of basic science courses.
In all, for the college students, not only the subject knowledge but also the basic science courses are crucial. And any student who is bland to this basic science courses would lost the most skills or ways to achieve success.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-17 08:51:02 |只看该作者
4# bixueer111
It is indisputable that education turns to be the most important aspect for people. And there is a heated discussion about whether college students should take basic science courses or not as well as the subject knowledge. When it comes to this issue, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I agree with the point that college students should not only take the major knowledge but also the basic science courses like politics, logic, history and so forth. Z
% h  h# |+ `* h6 w+ K$ d5 o% z
Firstly, basic science courses would broaden the horizon and enhance the interpersonal characters. As everybody knows, college students have to take the responsibility of whole society developing while independent by themselves financially and psychologically, at the same time college students always feel confused about their job and learning. It is basic science courses that provide the answer for the problems. From history, they know hundreds thousands of backgrounds and experiences about others which would help them avoid their fault. What is a hero like Martine Luther King? Why there broke a World War? Which is the main reason of Water gate? And they could learn so many history till they got know what is right and what is wrong. * F9 V9 A' K3 p0 Z

" D1 H/ n) B7 [) j4 @# i; Z) KIn addition, basic science courses could develop the ability of relation of different major and reign. It is well known to all the people on the contemporary society, one who knows more could have a favorable chance to get job opportunity and promotion opportunity, especially the man who can connect different aspects of knowledge together. And via the learning of basic science courses, students could get the whole rough scale of the science and easily achieve the goal. Take my friend's experience for example. Our majors are medicine but she is an introvert girl and fail to stand the scary of anatomy. However, when she touched the aspect of logic in the first year of college studying, she got so much feeling about logic; finally, she went to study logic in her postgraduate school which she liked so much." U+ l& _' J" _: S0 \7 o
' o. r# b& P) c& s8 n
However, I have to admit that the subject knowledge is the key point for one to get the job or useful for the society, it is too simplicity to deny the advantages of basic science courses. , m7 A! @9 r' m- y+ \$ K4 c' m8 U, [
* H' H% J6 t7 {In all, for the college students, not only the subject knowledge but also the basic science courses are crucial. And any student who is bland to this basic science courses would lost the most skills or ways to achieve success


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-17 11:40:57 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 shiwei83 于 2009-12-17 11:42 编辑

It is indisputable that education turns to be the most important aspect for people. And there is a heated discussion about whether college students should take basic science courses or not as well as the subject knowledge. When it comes to this issue, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I agree with the point that college students should not only take the major knowledge but also the basic science courses like politics, logic, history and so forth.

Firstly, basic science courses would broaden the horizon and enhance the interpersonal characters. As everybody knows, college students have to take the responsibility of whole society developing while independent by themselves financially and psychologically, at the same time college students always feel confused about their job and learning. It is basic science courses that provide the answer for the problems. From history, they know hundreds thousands of backgrounds and experiences about others which would help avoiding their fault. What is a hero like Martine Luther King? Why there broke a World War? Which is the main reason of Water gate? And they could learn so many history till they got know what is right and what is wrong.(这一段我个人认为你对science课程的理解有点偏差,basic science课程一般来说是数理化天地生等,并不包括history,history属于humanity science的范畴。因此最好不要举 history的例子

In addition, basic science courses could develop the ability of relation of different major and reign. It is well known to all the people on the contemporary society, one know more could have a favorable chance to get job opportunity and promotion opportunity, especially the man who can connect different aspects of knowledge together. And via the learning of basic science courses, students could get the whole rough scale of the science and easily achieve the goal. Take my friend's experience for example, our major are medicine but she is an introvert girl and fail to stand the scary of anatomy, however, when she touched the aspect of logic in the first year of college studying, she got so much feeling about logic, finally, she went to study logic in her postgraduate school which she liked so much.
However, I have to admit that the subject knowledge is the key point for one to get the job or useful for the society, it is too simplicity to deny the advantages of basic science courses.
In all, for the college students, not only the subject knowledge but also the basic science courses are crucial. And any student who is bland to this basic science courses would lost the most skills or ways to achieve success.

总体来说你的语言还不错,注意文章的结构,第三个要点论证不够充分,有点虎头蛇尾的感觉,最好能稍微扩充一点,有5行的篇幅为好。个人水平有限,以上意见仅供参考!大家一起努力,共同进步! X

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Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-17 15:10:22 |只看该作者
It is indisputable that education turns to be the most important aspect for people. And there is a heated discussion about whether college students should take basic science courses or not as well as the subject knowledge(什么意思?). When it comes to this issue, people have different opinions and perspectives because of distinct backgrounds and experiences. For me, I agree with the point that college students should not only take the major knowledge but also the basic science courses like politics, logic, history and so forth.

Firstly, basic science courses would broaden the horizon and enhance the interpersonal characters. As everybody knows, college students have to take the responsibility of whole society(social) developing(development) while (remaining) independent by themselves(删去) financially and psychologically, at the same time(另起一句,上句太长了吧?) college students always feel confused about their job(career) and learning(studying). It is basic science courses that provide the answer(solutions) for(to) the problems. From history, they know hundreds thousands of backgrounds and experiences about others which would help avoiding their fault. What is a hero like Martine Luther King? Why there broke a World War? Which is the main reason(cause) of Water gate? And they could learn so many history till they got know what is right and what is wrong.
In addition, basic science courses could develop the ability of relation(connecting) different major and reign. It is well known to all the people on the contemporary society, one know more could have a favorable chance to get job opportunity and promotion opportunity, especially the man who can connect different aspects of knowledge together. And via the learning of basic science courses, students could get the whole rough scale of the science and easily achieve the goal. Take my friend's experience for example, our major are medicine but she is an introvert girl and fail to stand the scary of anatomy, however, when she touched the aspect of logic in the first year of college studying, she got so much feeling about logic, finally, she went to study logic in her postgraduate school which she liked so much.

However, I have to admit that the subject knowledge is the key point for one to get the job or useful for the society, it is too simplicity to deny the advantages of basic science courses.
  In all, for the college students, not only the subject knowledge but also the basic science courses are crucial. And any student who is bland to this basic science courses would lost the most skills or ways to achieve success

In addition那段,说的是connecting different major and reign的好处,但那个例子说的是转专业,好像不太合适。

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