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[活动] smerkwuker 12.16独立写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2009-12-16 22:06:22 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 smerkwuker 于 2009-12-16 22:08 编辑

关于大学生有没有必要学basic science courses,不学就可以学专业知识.

The issue whether it is necessary to study basic science as a college student or not has generated a heated debate. The proponents claim that students could spend more time studying specialized knowledge without any basic science course in their curriculums. As far as I am concerned, contrary to the opinion of those people, I believe that it is indispensable to take some basic science courses.

Initially, basic science courses pave the way to specialized field. As we all know, to dig into specialized area, a person must have some prerequisites including knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the list will go on. The basic scientific knowledge acts as a necessary tool when somebody is handling some professional problems. For instance, communication technology involves many principles, such as mathematics, physics and computing. Without it, the individual will not grasp the core idea of communication. Therefore, for undergraduates, especially the freshmen, basic science courses are a must.

It constitutes another cause for my argument that learning some basic science knowledge will be beneficial for a student’s future career. In high school, the subject range of a student is very narrow .Meanwhile the content of their textbooks is too sufficient to get a good understanding of science. However, in the university, they will have a long list of subjects from which they could choose some interesting ones. These subjects may be some ones they are very curious about but never have a chance to learn before. From them, a student would learn many useful skills and knowledge for their future careers. On the contrary, if a student only takes specialized courses, his/her career will be greatly limited. For example, a friend of mine has focused on his major for his entire college time with little basic science courses. When he graduated, he did not want to undertake a job in his field. Due to his limited knowledge about other area, he didn’t find a desirable job. So enough basic scientific knowledge will widely broaden somebody’s future road.

An equally essential factor which braces my point is that professional subjects will not march greatly without the development of basic science. All too often we observe that many specialized areas stopped developing due to the limitation of fundamental science. Once there is a great leap in some realms of basic science, many professional fields will follow to thrive. In a word, the advancement of basic science determines the height of specialized areas.

In summary, due to the above-mentioned reasons which always correlate with each other to generate a comprehensive conclusion, we are comfortable to believe that even though a student should grasp the knowledge of his/her major, universities should never remove their attention from basic science education.

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2009-12-17 09:05:02 |只看该作者
1# smerkwuker
The issue whether it is necessary to study basic science as a college student or not has generated a heated debate. The proponents claim that students could spend more time studying specialized knowledge without any basic science course in their curriculums. As far as I am concerned, contrary to the opinion of those people, I believe that it is indispensable to take some basic science courses.

' F2 I5 b- N) S
Initially, basic science courses pave the way to specialized field. As we all know, to dig into specialized area, a person must have some prerequisites including knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the list will go on. The basic scientific knowledge acts as a necessary tool when somebody is handling some professional problems. For instance, communication technology involves many principles, such as mathematics, physics and computing. Without it(这个it指代的谁啊?), the individual will not grasp the core idea of communication. Therefore, for undergraduates, especially the freshmen, basic science courses are a must.

V3 q% t  r; K8 @9 W
It constitutes another cause for my argument that learning some basic science knowledge will be beneficial for a student’s future career. In high school, the subject range of a student is very narrow .Meanwhile the content of their textbooks is too sufficient to get a good understanding of science. However, in the university, they will have a long list of subjects from which they could choose some interesting ones. These subjects may be some ones they are very curious about but never have a chance to learn before. From them, a student would learn many useful skills and knowledge for their future careers. On the contrary, if a student only takes specialized courses, his/her career will be greatly limited. For example, a friend of mine has focused on his major for his entire college time with little basic science courses. When he graduated, he did not want to undertake a job in his field. Due to his limited knowledge about other area, he didn’t find a desirable job. So enough basic scientific knowledge will widely broaden somebody’s future road.

|3 D  ?! G6 M7 h- X
An equally essential factor which braces my point is that professional subjects will not march greatly without the development of basic science. All too often we observe that many specialized areas stopped developing due to the limitation of fundamental science. Once there is a great leap in some realms of basic science, many professional fields will follow to thrive. In a word, the advancement of basic science determines the height of specialized areas.2 _  T$ l/ N# W* G$ F
  l5 W9 |* C' z& t6 K1 l7 A
In summary, due to the above-mentioned reasons which always correlate with each other to generate a comprehensive conclusion, we are comfortable to believe that even though a student should grasp the knowledge of his/her major, universities should never remove their attention from basic science education.

但是有个别地方我觉得写的有点套话,比如最后一段的首句好长啊,可以写的简洁点 which (always correlate with each other to) generate a comprehensive conclusion

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2009-12-17 11:40:23 |只看该作者
The issue whether it is necessary to study basic science as a college student or not has generated a heated debate. The proponents claim that students could spend more time studying specialized knowledge without any basic science course in their curriculums. As far as I am concerned, contrary to the opinion of those people, I believe that it is indispensable to take some basic science courses.9 ?# x% b3 f8 h6 L, Y' H8 y& g
1 R; o$ ~1 g# q$ |" n& p
Initially, basic science courses pave the way to specialized field. As we all know, to dig into specialized area, a person must have some prerequisites including knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry and the list will go on. The basic scientific knowledge acts as a necessary tool when somebody is handling some professional problems. For instance, communication technology involves many principles, such as mathematics, physics and computing. Without it, the individual will not grasp the core idea of communication. Therefore, for undergraduates, especially the freshmen, basic science courses are a must.

It constitutes another cause for my argument that learning some basic science knowledge will be beneficial for a student’s future career. In high school, the subject range of a student is very narrow .Meanwhile the content of their textbooks is too sufficient to get a good understanding of science. However, in the university, they will have a long list of subjects from which they could choose some interesting ones. These subjects may be some ones they are very curious about but never have a chance to learn before. From them, a student would learn many useful skills and knowledge for their future careers. On the contrary, if a student only takes specialized courses, his/her career will be greatly limited. For example, a friend of mine has focused on his major for his entire college time with little basic science courses. When he graduated, he did not want to undertake a job in his field. Due to his limited knowledge about other area, he didn’t find a desirable job. So enough basic scientific knowledge will widely broaden somebody’s future road.  X+ u: I7 [& |( I! O
4 m5 y2 u5 J; S: v9 x
An equally essential factor which braces my point is that professional subjects will not march greatly without the development of basic science. All too often we observe that many specialized areas stopped developing due to the limitation of fundamental science. Once there is a great leap in some realms of basic science, many professional fields will follow to thrive. In a word, the advancement of basic science determines the height of specialized areas.
0 ^: @9 h# r/ |' g% P# ^, [
In summary, due to the above-mentioned reasons which always correlate with each other to generate a comprehensive conclusion, we are comfortable to believe that even though a student should grasp the knowledge of his/her major, universities should never remove their attention from basic science education.

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