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[未归类] 托福作文特训——我的作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-16 15:18:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
6月16日  独立
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  

Undoubtedly, parents, in the growing of people, play vital roles in educating them. But are parents the best teachers? To me, the answer is no. The main reasons are followed.

First of all, not all parents are experts in every field.It might be true that one of the parents is an  excellent driver, but he or she knows very little about music or art. On other occasions, say, both parents have a wide range of knowledge, but none of them have deep research on those aspects. Thus, parents may not provide wide enough knowledge to benefit the education of children.

Despite the not enough knowledge, parents may be lack of method on educating their children. Unlike the teachers work in school, parents may never learn how to educate the children scientifically. For example, my neighbor aunt Lucy, who is a bank clerk, tried hard to educate her son, but without proper method. When she finds her son goes out without finishing the homework, Lucy gets frenzy and shouts to her son fiercely. Under this way of education, the poor son must feel pain when facing her mother. At this point, the lack of proper educate method may even sometimes hurt the children.

If the lack of knowledge and education method can be forgivable, parents who do not have healthy lifestyle may deeply harm the children. For example, some parents are addicted to drugs, so their children may be influenced negatively. Without enough care and love, without healthy  lifestyle, without positive attitude to life, how can the children be educated well? How can those parents be the teachers to their children? It is true that this is one of the extreme situation, but it does happen in our real life. Parents who lack a healthy life style may not be the best teachers to children.

From the examples above, we see that due to the lack of enough knowledge, proper education method and the healthy lifestyle, parents are not the best teachers to their children.

Word Count: 334

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-19 10:02:50 |只看该作者
Undoubtedly, parents, in the growing of people, play vital roles in educating them. But are parents the best teachers? To me, the answer is no. The main reasons are as follows.
$ `" ?, T% T6 P
First of all, not all parents are experts in every field.It might be true that one of the parents is an  excellent driver, but he or she knows very little about music or art. On other occasions, say, both parents have a wide range of knowledge, but none of them have deep research on those aspects. Thus, parents may not provide wide enough knowledge to benefit the education of children.
& G8 ]; ~0 t$ d# b$ c1 y% ^6 o5 N
Despite the not enough knowledge, parents may be lack of method on educating their children. Unlike the teachers working in school, parents may never learn how to educate the children scientifically. For example, my neighbor aunt Lucy(建议把aunt去掉吧,外国人aunt就是the sister of one's father or mother or the wife of one's uncle), who is a bank clerk, tried hard to educate her son, but without proper method. When she finds her son goes out without finishing the homework, Lucy gets frenzy and shouts to her son fiercely. Under this way of education, the poor son must feel pain when facing her mother. At this point, the lack of proper educate method(education就可以了吧,要么就education method吧,这里educate是很单纯的动词,用来形容method觉得怪怪的) may even sometimes hurt the children.# m8 ]! l  {" z; p0 S
8 J/ l( H! ]0 \$ o3 a" L
If the lack of knowledge and education method can be forgivable, parents who do not have healthy lifestyle may deeply harm the children. For example, some parents are addicted to drugs, so their children may be influenced negatively. Without enough care and love, without healthy  lifestyle, without positive attitude to life, how can the children be educated well?(你看看这里的三个without修饰的是什么哦。比如说,How can I fish the homework without your help. without修饰的是句子中的主语,这里修饰的是“我”,指的是我如果没有你的帮助。但是在你的句子中,我觉得你想修饰的是父母,是说,如果父母没有一个积极向上的生活态度什么的,就不能教育好孩子,对吧) How can those parents be the teachers to their children? It is true that this is one of the extreme situation, but it does happen in our real life. Parents who lack a healthy life style may not be the best teachers to children.% F. u4 y8 y6 t. \
' |3 i8 t% x) }0 S
From the examples above, we see that due to the lack of enough knowledge, proper education method and the healthy lifestyle, parents are not the best teachers to their children. 9 M*

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-19 17:11:50 |只看该作者
6月19日 独立
Some students prefer to study alone. Others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

That students study hard is quite the same, but the method of studying is quite different. Some study with a group, but others, including me, prefer to study alone. Virtually, studying alone has great benefit no matter on the assignment, on the students, or even on the others. Here the reasons follow.

The most direct benefit is to the assignment itself. When studying alone, I can concentrate totally on my assignment, thus always finishing the work in a high efficiency. To tell you the truth, I am always the student who finish the homework most quickly with best quality in my class. My secret is to study alone. I once study with others, but we usually start with serious attitude and finish with happy jokes and piles of unfinished papers. So I have to say that study alone can both save time and increase quality of the assignment.

Not only benifiting the homework, study alone can also benefit students themselves. Because studying alone can increase the ability of thinking alone. Take an example of myself. When I study alone, I  look up the related books and essays about my assignmets, and I surf the Internet to find more opinions and evidences about different arguments. Through studying alone, I  have strong ability to think and examine my own opinion and also to compare the different ideas and find the most convincing one, the one  most nears the truth. At this point, it is studying alone that helps me to think independantly and critically.

Despite the merits to assignment and students, study alone can also benefit other people. In many occasions, the questions we ask others can be sloved by ourselves if we study and think alone a little bit more. Haven't you met this kind of occasion? A student ask for a question, but as soon as asking for a few seconds, he or she immediately knows the answer. Thus, study alone can avoid this kind of situation and save time for other people.

Study alone, as one of  the study methods, can  benefit people in assignment, people themselves and other people. With these great merits, I surely choose to study alone rather than to study with others.

Word Count: 367

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-20 16:35:37 |只看该作者

6月20日 综合 Delta红皮 Test2

本帖最后由 90后她爹 于 2011-6-20 16:37 编辑

6月20日 综合 Delta红皮 Test2
11. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Hydropower, as one of the new power, is considered to have great benefits. But according to the listening material, this new power also has some shortcomings,which are usually ignored by people.

In the lecture, the first disadvantage of hydropower is its inconvinience. When a dam is built, people live near the dam have to move for the sake of the flood it brings. Thus, it truly troubles the citizens there. This idea disagrees directly with that in the reading material.

Despite the trouble the dam brings, the hydropower can also bring toxic waste to the environment. According to the lecture, the long-term building of the dam can inefferably bring pollutant to the bottom of the river. And the toxic waste in the bottom of the water is really hard to clean up.Hydropower, in this sense, does harm the environment, which directly contrasts with the reading part.

The hydropower also influences the creature under the water negatively. According to the listening part, the warmer water may force the fish which need cool water environmet to leave. And the insects can not live in the water due to the construction of the dam.So fish are hardly to live. At this point, the lecture contrasts the point made in the reading part that hydropower is not harmful to the environment.

People, according to the lecture, may not notice the pollution brought by the dam, not so apparently as feel the pollution of factory. But the warmer environment truly affects the whole weather pattern of the earth. This idea contrasts with the environment friendly image in the reading material.

Word Count: 265

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-20 17:31:02 |只看该作者
独立 185题库之3
3. Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the

way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Undoubtedly, the development of the technology decreases the complexity of

preparing food, but this change does not improve the way peple live. In

fact, no matter in physical level or in the mental level, most people have

to pay for the bad influence the change brings. Here follows the detailed


First of all, the easy-prepared foods may worsen the health conditions. Fast

foods, for instance, is really easy to prepared, but it also the source of

obesity. In many coutries around the world, many people, no matter the

adolesents, the adults or even the old, are becoming fater and fater for

eating too much fast foods. The fat stature may increase the burden of the

heart, thus bringing more health problems, such as heart disease.

What is even worse is that some black-heart food producer add harmful

addictive thus threatening lives.For example, some milk producer add unsafe

industry additives to milk in order to simple the process of consuming the

food. This kind of easy food causes many babies get ill , some even die. At

this point, the easy-prepared food does not improve the way people live.

The two points above are only the physical level the food affects. In the

mental level, those foods also harm people. The easy foods save time, but it

also makes people angry and anxious easily. Haven't you ever met this kind

of situation? People shout crazily just for the one more minute waiting for

the fast food. Undoubtedly, the easy food forces people to be increasingly

impatient. At this point, the easy food does not improve the lifestyles even


Both in the physical level and the mental level easy food does not improve

the lifestyle of peolple. The food makes people unhealthy and anxious

easily. People are spoiled by the convinient food, so as the way people


Word Count: 309

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-21 14:23:35 |只看该作者

RE: 托福作文特训

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-21 17:41:31 |只看该作者
6.21综合 Delta红皮 Test3
In the reading part, the author discusses some characteristics of language, and in the listening meterial, the professor talks about music and the similarities between language and music.Here the points follow.

According to the professor, the music consists of different parts, including notes, cords tones and so on, and this characteristic is similiar to the language which includes syllables, words, phrases and so on. Also, like the language, music can be distinguished from the single note and the whole theme because of its structure.

Music, indeed, restrains the use of notes, so people can tell the differences between the A and A pitch.This characteristic is quite similiar to that of language which the sound system limits the use of sound.

Like language which has syntax to organize the language and to make sense, music has the similiar function to organize the relations among the notes,chords and so on to form the fluent flow of information , or the patterns of mellody and harmonie.

In addition, language has the flexibility to enlarge its vocabualry when facing different foreign languages, and so does music. Music also evolves  and changes itself when facing the different music, usually the new instruments and undesedent vocal technology. For example, American Jazz is one kind of mixture of African and European music. The American Jazz is quite alike as the pidgin  in language.

Word Count: 225

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-21 18:24:59 |只看该作者
6.21 独立写作 TPO1

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

At universities and colleges, sports and social activities are just as

important as classes and libraries and should receive equal finacial


Some colleges and universities provide finacial support only to classes and

library , not to sports and social activities. But in my opinion, colleges

and universities should provide support to more than just knowledge, that

is, they should pay the equal attention to the sports and social activities

because they are eqaully important as the classes. Here the reasons

follow.Sports, virtually, is crucial to people ,especially to the

adolecents. Doing enough amount of sport activity can defenitely enhance the

health  condition, which is the basic to take classes and study in library.

Without enough sport exercises, students can finish their work efficiently.

Also, the habbit of playing sports can be beneficial to the whole life scale

to students, after all, health is the number one issue  throughout the whole

life. Thus, the sports should receive equal finacial support as that of

classes for its importance to the whole life of students.

Apart from the sports , the social activities are also important. By joining

different kinds of social activities, students can be more outgoing  and

better at communicating with others. This personality and this ability are

both crutial in the society which the connections among people become quite

important. Thus, the social activities can promote students to adopt the

society quickly and even become more successful than those who do not

experience the activities. At this point,  social activities are equally

important as the classes and the libraries, thus worth being supported.

From the reasons above, people can see the importance of sports and social

activities easily. Just like the classes and the libraries which provide

knowledge, sports and social activities provide health and ability of

adopting the society which are both equally vital to students. Thus, it is  

quite necessary for school to support sports and social activities

finacially and regard them the same important.

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-22 17:58:37 |只看该作者
6.22 独立 TPO2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is always the most important consideration in any relation between people.

Always telling

the truth, for some poeple, is the vital consideration among the

relationship beween people. But I definately disagree , for telling the

truth all the time can be a disaster  in some situations.Here the reasons


The most common relationship can be that between friends. But is

telling the truth the number one consideration? Apparently no. Let us take

my friend and me as an example. Once my friend Jenny took part in a speech

competition, but one week before the competition, she cried saying her

accent was too strong and her spoken English sounded horriblel! In fact,

Jenny  has only slight accent and her spoken English just did not sound so

sweet,  not disturbing the whole effect of her speech. As her best friend, I

encouraged her a lot and let her believe she thought too much about her

spoken English and in fact she did not have such problem at all! Now we are

still close friends and Jenny finally gets the first prize of that speech.

In fact, I lied to her about her accent, but that even helped her! So always

telling the truth is not the most important consideration.

Apart from the

friendship, the relation between patients and doctor is also quite common.In

this situation, doctor may usually lies to the patient when patient is going

to leave the world. This deed can comfort the anxious mood of patient and

can relight the hope of life. If the doctor tells the patient the truth, the

patient may not be peace and appretiative to life anymore. Thus, always

telling the truth is not the fist considertation in all relations between


Friendship and the relation between doctors and patients can be most

common in our daily life. In those relations, always telling the truth can

be frustrated and horrible to people. Thus , I surely disagree that always

telling the truth is the crutial consideration in any relation between


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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-22 18:00:59 |只看该作者
6.22 综合 Delta红皮 test4

The lecture and reading material talk about the philosophy of realism. There

are some ideas introduced in the reading part, but the lecture completeltly


In the lecture, the professor claims that the realism emphasises on fact and

reason , but ignores the total human. It ignores the passion and feelings of

human being. Also, the reading material believes that the realists can solve

serious problems, but the professor directly disagrees that the proverty is

a vety complicated issue that can not be sloved by mathmatics.

Apart from the point above, the lecture also contradicts the idea of

education of idealists. According to the lecture, the standard tests have

negative effects on students. This kind of tests ignore the passion and the

emotion of human being, and has no respect to human.The technology may

produce anti-human things. For example, the professor says some scientific

projects may produce bioweapons without waring the anti-human threaten.This

point directly contrasts with the idea in the reading material that the

scientific methods of education can solve the problems and make the world a

better place.

Word Count: 183

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-6-22 23:45:25 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 xiangtuo 于 2011-6-23 00:01 编辑

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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2011-6-22 23:56:15 |只看该作者
2、你帮我改的cast dounts是cast doubts是吗?
3、on the contrary的逻辑不对,具体是指的是什么呢?是这句话本身的逻辑不对,还是和上下文联系起来的逻辑不对呢?
4、我想说,我那个she 指代的不是lecture,是lecturer,是演讲者,你看错了吧?

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-24 16:46:56 |只看该作者
6.24 综合

The lecture and the reading material talk about the team work. The reading

material dicusses several points that the listening part believes quite


According to the listening part, some members of the team may get a free

ride and thus gaining benefit from the  achievement  of the whole team.This

point directly contrasts the reading part that team can benefit from the

various knowledge and experiences from everyone in the team.

Also, the professor claims that those who really contributes a lot to the

whole team assignment will defenetly feel quite down because of the low

recognation. Since the achievement which actually belongs to the individual

is regarded as the achievement of the whole team. So the individual will  

feel bad and even lose the chance to let him or her to be known. This idea

is directly contradict with the reading part.

Apart from the point above, the lecture also believes that working by team

may take even longer time. Since there are many members in the group, it

will take much time to hold meeting and come up with an agreement. This

argument directly disagrees with the idea in the  reading part that the

working with team may finish the work with great efficiency.

Finally, according to the listening material, the team work may not priduce

any creative solutions. In many occasions, there is one or two influential

person who can usually decide wheather a solution can be avalable. So when a

solution is dropped because of  the influential person , it will not be

discussed. But the responsibility of the failure is to all the members. This

point directly contrasts that in reading material that the responsibility is

spreaded to every person in the group.

Word Count: 287
start smiling :)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-6-24 16:48:28 |只看该作者
6.24 独立

Watching movies, as one of the most popular ways to relax, can bring people much entertainment. Many movies , such as soap operas, documentaries and fiction movies, can not bring people any instructions about life but remain  popular and are still worth watching. In fact , I believe these kind of movies are still invalue. Here the reasons follow.

Some movies, such as comedies, can bring people lot of  happpiness. For example, people can still feel happy even today watching The Little Tramp acted by Choplin. According to Choplin himself, he acted just wanted to make audiences laugh. To me, happiness is invalue to everyone, so although the comedies do not bring people instructions about life, they are still worth watching for the sake of happiness.

Apart from the comedies, many other movies can be valued due to the beauty they bring . Some documentaries about nature and animal, for instance, bring people great shock for the beauty of the nature. Movies about bears, the magration of birds and the life of the penguines present people the stunning beauty of life and the nature. These movies are really far from the human life, but they still valuable to be watched for people to learn more about this wonderful planet.

Also, some fiction movies have their implacable value to be watched. The fiction movies trigger the imagination and the hope for the future life of people, and can also help people to stop thinking about the pressure and the problems they face in the real life. At this point, some fiction movies can be quite worth watching for releasing the pressure.

From the points and examples above, we see that movies can also be worth watching even they do not teach something about the real life. People can gain happiness, enjoy the beauty of the nature and release the pressure in the real world by watching different kinds of  movies. Nowadays, the function of movie becomes increasingly various, so saying that only the movies which teach people about real life are worth watching is not correct.

Word Count: 342
start smiling :)

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Rank: 2

发表于 2011-7-14 18:31:13 |只看该作者
7.14 独立

Education, as we all know, is one of the crucial parts in the society as well as in the life of individuals.In some level, the quality of education decideds the the quality of the country. But is it really useful, as many people may assume, to increase the salary and thus  increasing the education quality? I do not think so. Here the reasons follow.

First of all, the salary of teacher is not related much with the quality of education. In fact, the increased salary can only be sure to improve the quality of teacher's life, not the quality of education. But not that saying there is no connection at all.Increased salary might motive the teacher to work harder, but , in many occasions , many teachers become lazier when getting more salaries. Rather than concentrating on their work, many teachers spend more time on entertainment which they once were not rich enough to enjoy. Thus,  increasing the salary is not the best way to improve the educational quality.

Apart from the reason above, the education quality is not totally determined by teachers themselves.Even though teachers, under the motivation of higher salaries, work harder on students, the education quality can not be truely improved, either.Since the education at school is only limited on the acdemic education, the increased salaries can only partly increase the quality of education. Only when every part of the education is supported can we say the quality of education is truely improved. Education includes the personality education, living ability education and so on, so it is quite not proper to say that increased acdemic education quality is the increased education quality. At this point, increase the salaries of teacher can not truely increase the education quality. Thus this way is not the best.

From the reasons above, we can see that higher salary is not the best way to increase the education quality. Neither the increased salary is tightly related to the education quality nor it can truely increase the quality of education.So in my point of view, increasing the salary of teacher is not the best way to increase the education quality.

Word Count: 355
start smiling :)

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