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[i习作temp] issue7 高频 数码相机比纸笔记录重要 请战友们互拍 [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-7-28 10:09:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
issue 7 The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.


In modern world, the development of electrical technology bring the amazing video camera to human's life and provides people an convincing record of contemporary life thus brings great challenges to traditional form of documentation---written records. Although I admit the video camera's virtues, I could not agree with the statement that the video camera has already become a more important form of documentation than written records.

Firstly, I do admit the video camera's advantages towards written records. Records made by it are always accurate, vivid and the whole process can be operated easily. Assuming that a girl is holding her sweet sixteen party, beautiful flowers, favourite musics, happy smiles, surprised gifts and so on and so forth, which one is better to record this special moment and give her the best memories, vivid records by video camera or fine descriptions in diary? Obviously the accurate video camera one. And also in many other situations when moving images are more effective in documenting such as records about an important national meeting, reports about the Olympic Games, the evidence about picking out the criminals, the accuracy and outstanding display of video camera absolutely beat the stiff descriptions of written records.

However, when people want to get some quantitative information about certain facts or want to know other people's thoughts, the documentation of video seems utterly useless. For example, we can feel the magnificence of the Olympic's opening ceremony through the video, but the total number of the athletes can never be told by it while in such conditions a written records can tell you accurately and easily. In fact, the video camera is always useless when it encounters statistics. What is worse, since it provides informations dependent on visible things, invisible information can never be obtained from it. Unfortunately, these invisible information play an essential role in society. Such as the accurate descriptions and items in law, the great thoughts of philosophers, policies executed by the government. Moreover, even in gaining visible information situations, the video cameras can not be always useful since it is not practical to record everything by it.

Finally, if we compared the two forms of documentation, we can find out that the written records is more broadly used thus more important. Because without vivid images we can also imagine what the scene like, without the living broadcast we can feel the exciting atmosphere through fine descriptions by written records, without the direct evidence of a crime, we can also analyse. But without written records, it would be impossible to get quantitative information by staring at the screen of the camera and the precious ideas, analysis, great thinkings could never be known to the public. Therefore, the statement that video camera has already become a more important form of documentation than written records is totally wrong

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-28 at 12:31 ]

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-28 12:13:40 |只看该作者
issue 7 The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.


In modern world, the development of electrical technology bring the amazing video camera to human's life and provides people an convincing record of contemporary life thus brings great challenges to traditional form of documentation---written records. Although I admit the video camera's virtues, I could not agree with the statement that the video camera has already become a more important form of documentation than written records.

Firstly, I do admit the video camera's advantages towards written records. Records made by it are always accurate, vivid and the whole process can be operated easily. Assuming that a girl is holding her sweet sixteen party, beautiful flowers, favourite musics, happy smiles, surprised gifts and so on and so forth, which one is better to record this special moment and give her the best memories, vivid records by video camera or fine descriptions in diary? Obviously the accurate video camera one. And also in many other situations when moving images are more effective in documenting such as records about an important national meeting, reports about the Olympic Games, the evidence about picking out the criminals, the accuracy and outstanding display of video camera absolutely beat the stiff descriptions of written records.(两个方面的例子举的蛮好,衔接的也不错)

However, when people want to get some quantitative information about certain facts or want to know other people's thoughts, the documentation of video seems utterly useless. (For example, we can feel the magnificence of the Olympic's opening ceremony through the video, but the total number of the athletes can never be told by it while in such conditions a written records can tell you accurately and easily. In fact, the video camera is always useless when it encounters statistics. 我理解你的意思,但是你没有说清楚,应该强调一下:这里video camera是针对移动的东西,否则video camera拍摄一下记分牌不是也可以提供statistics了吗?)(What is worse, since it provides informations dependent on visible things, invisible information can never be obtained from it. Unfortunately, these invisible information play an essential role in society. Such as the accurate descriptions and items in law, the great thoughts of philosophers, policies executed by the government. Moreover, even in gaining visible information situations, the video cameras can not be always useful since it is not practical to record everything by it.后面一半分析得比较到位)

Finally, if we compared the two forms of documentation, we can find out that the written records is more broadly used thus more important. Because without vivid images we can also imagine what the scene like, without the living broadcast we can feel the exciting atmosphere through fine descriptions by written records, without the direct evidence of a crime, we can also analyse. (But without written records, it would be impossible to get quantitative information by staring at the screen of the camera and the precious ideas, analysis, great thinkings could never be known to the public. Therefore, the statement that video camera has already become a more important form of documentation than written records is totally wrong.这个观点有点没有说服力,建议把这段写成将video camera 结合起来written documents也许会好一些)


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Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-28 12:37:32 |只看该作者


我是想写一个结尾的,可是把最后一段写着写着就觉得这两者一对比(因为是针对前面两个body的对应,似乎不能算是专门的理由,所以也有一点总结论点的味道),不就是结论么?那干脆直接在后面写上statement is totally wrong 算了。(不知道你有没有这个感觉)

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RE: issue7 高频 数码相机比纸笔记录重要 请战友们互拍 [修改]
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issue7 高频 数码相机比纸笔记录重要 请战友们互拍
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