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[主题活动] [REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.13] [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


荣誉版主 AW活动特殊奖 Leo狮子座

发表于 2010-1-13 05:40:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Education: The Great EvasionMonday, May. 19, 1952

Modern U.S. educators are always trying to define the "aims" of education. But to a swelling chorus of critics, the definitions have a hollow sound. Last week, in an eloquent little book called Faith and Education (Abingdon-Cokesbury, $2), one of Manhattan's leading Protestant clergymen told why. The Rev. George A. Buttrick. longtime (25 years) pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, believes that modern education is nothing more than one gigantic evasion.

"We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ."

Cash & Gadgets. These questions, says Dr. Buttrick, the educators do not answer, for "recent education has almost deified an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life. We may suspend judgment . . . about the cause of the sudden inroad of lamprey eels in Lake Michigan, but we cannot suspend judgment on whether to steal or be honest, or on whether man is a mechanism or a soul.

"The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny . . . The mockery is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned. For education has assumed that human nature is a receptacle for 'facts,' and that this diet of facts will of itself somehow lead to knowledge, and that knowledge by an even more mysterious alchemy will then become wisdom . . . Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly believing that man is a romantic creature destined to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.' Every tenet of this creed has been falsified: progress has become a rather nasty mixture of cash and gadgets, and the road of evolution has reached—Buchenwald!"

The Homeless. The fact is that these "aims" of education are not aims but escapes; "the uneasiness that comes of letting major issues go by default has fallen like mildew on our schools." The real aim of education cannot be "different from the total purpose of life . . . The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."

The major question that education must face, in short, is God, for "if God is the sovereign fact of life, God is the sovereign fact for education . . . Education cannot live under any hermetic seal, but only under the countersign of man's nature and destiny. If God is, education must live under the acknowledgment of God."

In acknowledging God, says Dr. Buttrick, the educator cannot compromise with half measures; he cannot "be content to let the student add God as an extracurricular according to choice . . . the blasphemy which says of God: 'Season according to taste.' " What is needed leanings. In the U.S., educators became more & more absorbed with the equally radical ideas of Columbia's John Dewey. Even some of her own followers betrayed her: they transformed her doctrine of guided freedom into a doctrine of anarchy, and many educators turned away in disgust.

Though old and exiled, Maria Montessori continued to preach. She wandered to Barcelona, where she had to be rescued by a British cruiser during the civil war. She went to India, where she was interned as an enemy alien. And she went to The Netherlands, where she set up a new training center. Wherever she went, her message was always the same. "You must fight for the rights of the child," she would exclaim, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.

Last week, in The Netherlands, Maria Montessori's own fight came to an end. She had helped to revolutionize a whole generation's concept of primary education, but at 81, she had no intention of stopping there. Her last words were directed to her adopted son Mario, who has gradually taken over her work: "What are you planning for the reform of the world?"
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dingyi0311 + 1 很少很好
海王泪 + 1 John Dewey~~^_^
pluka + 1 赞!

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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2010-1-13 09:43:21 |只看该作者

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-1-13 11:52:22 |只看该作者

But to a swelling chorus of critics, the definitions have a hollow sound

"We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ."

...recent education has almost deified(神化) an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life.

"The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny . . . The mockery is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned. For education has assumed that human nature is a receptacle for 'facts,' and that this diet of facts will of itself somehow lead to knowledge, and that knowledge by an even more mysterious alchemy will then become wisdom . . . Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly(温和地殷勤地) believing that man is a romantic creature destined to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto(到,向,直到) the perfect day.' Every tenet of this creed has been falsified(伪造): progress has become a rather nasty mixture of cash and gadgets, and the road of evolution has reached—Buchenwald(地名,德国法西斯曾在此设立集中营残杀反法斗士)!"

The Homeless. The fact is that these "aims" of education are not aims but escapes; "the uneasiness that comes of letting major issues go by default has fallen like mildew(霉菌) on our schools." The real aim of education cannot be "different from the total purpose of life . . . The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."

The major question that education must face, in short, is God, for "if God is the sovereign fact of life, God is the sovereign fact for education . . . Education cannot live under any hermetic(密封的,与外界隔绝的)seal, but only under the countersign(口令,答令)of man's nature and destiny. If God is, education must live under the acknowledgment of God."

In acknowledging God, says Dr. Buttrick, the educator cannot compromise with half measures; he cannot "be content to let the student add God as an extracurricular according to choice . . . the blasphemy which says of God: 'Season according to taste.' " What is needed leanings. In the U.S., educators became more & more absorbed with the equally radical ideas of Columbia's John Dewey. Even some of her own followers betrayed her: they transformed her doctrine of guided freedom into a doctrine of anarchy, and many educators turned away in disgust.

Though old and exiled, Maria Montessori continued to preach. She wandered to Barcelona, where she had to be rescued by a British cruiser during the civil war. She went to India, where she was interned as an enemy alien. And she went to The Netherlands, where she set up a new training center. Wherever she went, her message was always the same. "You must fight for the rights of the child," she would exclaim, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.

Last week, in The Netherlands, Maria Montessori's own fight came to an end. She had helped to revolutionize a whole generation's concept of primary education, but at 81, she had no intention of stopping there. Her last words were directed to her adopted son Mario, who has gradually taken over her work: "What are you planning for the reform of the world?"

The overemphasis on aims and results erodes not only education, but today's life. It seems that all of our learning, working and interpersonal actions are primarily the preparation for better life in tomorrow. But where is "tomorrow"? And as Dr B questioned: what is "a better life"? Standardized criteria such as income and social status does not guarantee a comforted living, rather, it imposes so much pressure that people get exhausted to be aim-directed or result-oriented.

While the utilitarian conception results in depressing situation on adults, the clear and authoritative purpose for education may leave even deeper wounds in children, whose nature is of the pursuit of freedom, creativity and indiscriminate discovery. When they enter school, most kids are nowhere near sophisticated enough to realize the importance of "preparation for tomorrow", let alone concentrate on it. They, however, have been imposed with stiff curriculum, whose meanings, in their eyes, are hard to capture and contents are nothing but detached statistics or so-called objective truth. Without being aware of the purpose themselves, they fall into prey of the "caring" yet indifferent system. Larger tragedy awaits ahead.  To the time that students can make their own judgment, they have been subliminally constrained within the system: institutionalized--as Shawshank described the life in prison.

Ironically, instilled with the conception that all make for some purposes, educators forget the original and ultimate function(if I can call it function) of education: education serves as tool or path in life, yet without some kind of goals. John Dewey advocated for this idea for years, with little fruition. It seems all too rare a chance that we can stand sth with no definite destination--though we have to admit that life itself is, actually, without fixed destination.

错别字:preparation prey curriculum

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-13 13:00:59 |只看该作者

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Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-13 18:07:20 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 qisaiman 于 2010-1-13 20:27 编辑

evasion 逃避 借口
deified 奉为神
连署 会签

the aim of education

the aim of education
i do not quite follow the ideas of this article, since the religion and god always seems unfamilar.
but this does not prevent my ideas on the aim of education. unlike the question in the article, I reckon the aim does not have to be connected to the God. just recall the very initial period of human beings, the experience and common sense are passed down to the young to enable the tribute survive.
nowadays, education serves as the necessary measurement to translate the young into a normal individual who can respect the universal value of mankind, get along with others peacefully and support himself /herself in the society with more uncertainty and mobility.
however, education can be utilized as a tool to implant the wrong value, to prevent the public from becoming enlightened thus maintaining the dictatorship.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2010-1-13 19:20:03 |只看该作者

New words
swelling  the undulating movement of the surface of the open sea
chorus  any utterance produced simultaneously by a group
hollow  not solid; having a space or gap or cavity
protestant  the Protestant churches and denominations collectively
clergymen  a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
pastor  牧师
suspend  暂时剥夺...的权利
cult 狂热崇拜
scrutiny 详细审查
mockery 嘲笑
fictitious 假的
tenet 信念
falsify 篡改
gadget 小机械
mildew the process of becoming mildewed
sovereign  a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
hermetic 秘术的
extracurricular 课外的
blasphemy 亵渎
preach  deliver a sermon

Good sentences and main idea
Modern education is nothing more than one gigantic evasion.

education is preparation for the 'good life', but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content.

Man is a romantic creature destined to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.'

The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm.

If God is the sovereign fact of life, God is the sovereign fact for education.

Season according to taste.

You must fight for the rights of the child, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.

My comment
It is necessary to discuss about the way to educate around the world. The passage talks about the purpose of the education. As Harvard's James Bryant Conant said, education is preparation for the good life. However, I have already been received education for almost 15 years, and I really can't believe that I will have a bright future, for example, enough salary can make me to have enough money to buy a comfortable house to live in and to enjoy delicious food whenever I want. The number of graduates keeps growing every year and the opportunity of finding a suitable job is becoming smaller and smaller.  

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


Pisces双鱼座 荣誉版主

发表于 2010-1-13 19:34:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 海王泪 于 2010-1-13 19:41 编辑

[REBORN FROM THE ASHES][comment][01.13]

Useful Expressions and Matierials

But to a swelling chorus of critics, the definitions have a hollow sound.

Modern education is nothing more than one gigantic evasion.

Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ."

"The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny . . .

For education has assumed that human nature is a receptacle for 'facts,' and that this diet of facts will of itself somehow lead to knowledge, and that knowledge by an even more mysterious alchemy will then become wisdom . . . Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,'

The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."

Education cannot live under any hermetic seal, but only under the countersign of man's nature and destiny.

"You must fight for the rights of the child," she would exclaim, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.


John Dewey

Maria Montessori


Nazi concentration camp in the Second World War)

My Comment
This is an article about the purpose of primary education. It unveils a swelling chorus of critics on education today as nothing but a gigantic evasion. In the author’s view, such aims for education, as preparing for the good life, growth of children, or foster responsibility to help bring a better society, are ambiguous, meaningless and definitely betray children’s nature.

Should Education need purpose?
Human behaviors need purpose, and thus education, one of the most important activities of human, could not be an exception. But aims of education should not obey what parents, teachers and public want. It is an exploration of children itself. Quoting today’s article, “Education cannot live under any hermetic seal, but only under the countersign of man's nature and destiny.”

For creativity, for great ability of absorption, for rights of what children choose, we should not hitch our children to a designed destination. But parents, teachers and public today enjoying their own success or suffering from their own failure could not wait to brand a goal on children’s forehead. In their words, “It is good for you, deer, referring to our experience”, or “Do not do stupid things! Trust me, that would be what you regret for.” Ironically, all they do for their children are nothing but psychologically incarnation of themselves in a “receptacle”. They earn their second life when they have a child.

That reminds me of this Issue Topic:
130"How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society."

Sometimes we may not know what a better society is. Future better society may come into being with great difference from the world we expected, because we are the representation of past. Any goal for our children assuming 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change' may not work because no one know exactly “what kind of change and in what direction.”
In Passion We Trust

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-13 20:59:58 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 hugesea 于 2010-1-13 21:48 编辑

Education: The Great EvasionMonday, May. 19, 1952

Modern U.S. educators are always trying to define the "aims" of education. But to a swelling chorus of critics, the definitions have a hollow sound. Last week, in an eloquent little book called Faith and Education (Abingdon-Cokesbury, $2), one of Manhattan's leading Protestant clergymen told why. The Rev. George A. Buttrick. longtime (25 years) pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, believes that modern education is nothing more than one gigantic evasion.

"We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ."

Cash & Gadgets. These questions, says Dr. Buttrick, the educators do not answer, for "recent education has almost deified(把…神化) an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life. We may suspend judgment . . . about the cause of the sudden inroad of lamprey eels in Lake Michigan, but we cannot suspend judgment on whether to steal or be honest, or on whether man is a mechanism or a soul.

"The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny . . . The mockery(嘲弄,笑柄) is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned. For education has assumed that human nature is a receptacle for 'facts,' and that this diet of facts will of itself somehow lead to knowledge, and that knowledge by an even more mysterious alchemy will then become wisdom . . . Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly believing that man is a romantic creature destined to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.' Every tenet of this creed has been falsified: progress has become a rather nasty mixture of cash and gadgets(诡计), and the road of evolution has reached—Buchenwald!"

The Homeless. The fact is that these "aims" of education are not aims but escapes; "the uneasiness that comes of letting major issues go by default has fallen like mildew on our schools." The real aim of education cannot be "different from the total purpose of life . . . The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."

The major question that education must face, in short, is God, for "if God is the sovereign fact of life, God is the sovereign fact for education . . . Education cannot live under any hermetic(密封的) seal, but only under the countersign(口令) of man's nature and destiny. If God is, education must live under the acknowledgment of God."

In acknowledging God, says Dr. Buttrick, the educator cannot compromise with half measures; he cannot "be content to let the student add God as an extracurricular according to choice . . . the blasphemy(渎神(的言行)) which says of God: 'Season according to taste.' " What is needed leanings. In the U.S., educators became more & more absorbed with the equally radical ideas of Columbia's John Dewey. Even some of her own followers betrayed her: they transformed her doctrine of guided freedom into a doctrine of anarchy, and many educators turned away in disgust.

Though old and exiled, Maria Montessori continued to preach. She wandered to Barcelona, where she had to be rescued by a British cruiser during the civil war. She went to India, where she was interned as an enemy alien. And she went to The Netherlands, where she set up a new training center. Wherever she went, her message was always the same. "You must fight for the rights of the child," she would exclaim, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.

Last week, in The Netherlands, Maria Montessori's own fight came to an end. She had helped to revolutionize a whole generation's concept of primary education, but at 81, she had no intention of stopping there. Her last words were directed to her adopted son Mario, who has gradually taken over her work: "What are you planning for the reform of the world?"

From the standpoint of pragmatism, the aim of education is preparation for the 'good life'. This is a tedious point of view, and the overemphasis on such aim or result erodes education itself. In fact, the aim of education lies in passing on our culture to the younger generations, which focuses on the kids'  nature and destiny.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-1-13 21:18:05 |只看该作者
The mockery is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned.

Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly believing that man is a romantic creature destined去往。。的 to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.'

The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."


This article is talking about the aim and significance of education.The defination of education aim is considered by the author as suspended judgment,which is not possible in any deeper level of life.Under the countersign of man’s nature and destiny,education is been transformed servicing for special aims.
I am fully agree with the author that the aim of education should devote on cultivating formation of virtue or inherent character,besides,the method of how to learn.Summing up,the education should aim to tell us what the world is and how to acquaint the world.Respect to the detailed knowledge,it should be leaned by onself according to different needs.
I have strong feelings on the vivid comparation.The author assimilate the realm of education to a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm.While we complain hardness of getting a job,many of us realized that we have not master a kind of professional skill.Let us seriously reflect on what we learned during the four years’ education,a kind of forein language or the systemic knowledge of a speciality?Confronting job experience,any of these fades out.If the education carry out under certain circumstance,especially combining learning with practice,we should learn more usefull knowledge.With a clear goal,we should program our four years’ education more signifaicative.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2010-1-14 00:19:51 |只看该作者
Education: The Great Evasion(逃避,回避) Monday, May. 19, 1952

Modern U.S. educators are always trying to define the "aims" of education. But to a swelling(肿的) chorus of critics, the definitions have a hollow sound. Last week, in an eloquent雄辩的有口才的) little book called Faith and Education (Abingdon-Cokesbury, $2), one of Manhattan's leading Protestant clergymen(牧师) told why. The Rev. George A. Buttrick. longtime (25 years) pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, believes that modern education is nothing more than one gigantic(巨大的庞大的) evasion.

"We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ."

Cash & Gadgets. These questions, says Dr. Buttrick, the educators do not answer, for "recent education has almost deified(神化) an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life. We may suspend judgment . . . about the cause of the sudden inroad(进展) of lamprey(鳗鱼) eels in Lake Michigan, but we cannot suspend judgment on whether to steal or be honest, or on whether man is a mechanism or a soul.

"The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny . . . The mockery is so complete that the whole foundation of our education must now be questioned. For education has assumed that human nature is a receptacle for 'facts,' and that this diet of facts will of itself somehow lead to knowledge, and that knowledge by an even more mysterious alchemy will then become wisdom . . . Education has pinned its faith to a fictitious 'progress,' blandly believing that man is a romantic creature destined to walk the road of evolution 'more and more unto the perfect day.' Every tenet(原则) of this creed has been falsified: progress has become a rather nasty(令人讨厌的) mixture of cash and gadgets(小机械,小器具), and the road of evolution has reached—Buchenwald!布痕瓦尔德(德意志民主共和国西南部一村庄)(1937至1945年德国法西斯曾在此设立集中营,残酷屠杀了数万名反法西斯战士)"

The Homeless. The fact is that these "aims" of education are not aims but escapes; "the uneasiness that comes of letting major issues go by default has fallen like mildew(霉,霉病) on our schools." The real aim of education cannot be "different from the total purpose of life . . . The realm of education may be like a field within a farm: it may cultivate a special crop. But the crop must still serve the purpose of the whole farm."

The major question that education must face, in short, is God, for "if God is the sovereign(君主) fact of life, God is the sovereign fact for education . . . Education cannot live under any hermetic(密封的,神秘的) seal, but only under the countersign(连署,会签) of man's nature and destiny. If God is, education must live under the acknowledgment of God."

In acknowledging God, says Dr. Buttrick, the educator cannot compromise with half measures; he cannot "be content to let the student add God as an extracurricular according to choice . . . the blasphemy(对上帝的亵渎) which says of God: 'Season according to taste.' " What is needed leanings. In the U.S., educators became more & more absorbed with the equally radical ideas of Columbia's John Dewey. Even some of her own followers betrayed her: they transformed her doctrine(教条) of guided freedom into a doctrine of anarchy, and many educators turned away in disgust.

Though old and exiled(流放), Maria Montessori continued to preach(布道). She wandered to Barcelona, where she had to be rescued by a British cruiser during the civil war. She went to India, where she was interned as an enemy alien. And she went to The Netherlands, where she set up a new training center. Wherever she went, her message was always the same. "You must fight for the rights of the child," she would exclaim, and hundreds of educators were still inspired to take up the cry.

Last week, in The Netherlands, Maria Montessori's own fight came to an end. She had helped to revolutionize a whole generation's concept of primary education, but at 81, she had no intention of stopping there. Her last words were directed to her adopted son Mario, who has gradually taken over her work: "What are you planning for the reform of the world?"

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2010-1-14 00:27:54 |只看该作者
just  finished
copy my comments tommorrow

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2010-1-14 08:53:09 |只看该作者

This is an article mainly about the aim of education. As to this different people have a different opinion, from master to plebeian. And nowadays, more and more people become suspect the real aim of education.

No matter what is the aim of education other people reckon, it no denying that, from my personal point of view, education plays an important role in our life or in a whole country, and some degree of education is necessary. Frist, admittedly, education is the symbol of civilization to a certain extent, or even symbol of mightiness of a country to some extent. We never expect a people who never receive any education as insightful, genteel, cultivated, or high-browed as the people who have received higher-education, as well as never expect a country that never pay much importance to education as strong and powerful as a country that popularizes the education all over the country broadly and widely. Second, no matter what is the true aim of education, we do learn something more or less usefull to us from various aspects, the ability of learning, the knowledge of various subjects, and so on.


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Rank: 5Rank: 5



发表于 2010-1-14 10:08:17 |只看该作者

['swell·ing || 'swelɪŋ]

增大; 隆起物; 膨胀; 疙瘩

[cho·rus || 'kɔːrəs]

合唱; 齐声; 合唱队

合唱; 一齐说, 异口同声地说; 齐声朗诵; 合唱; 异口同声地说话; 齐声朗诵

[hol·low || 'hɑləʊ /'hɒl-]

; 山谷; 窟窿

挖空; 弄凹; 形成空洞

空的; 空腹的; 虚伪的

['el·o·quent || 'eləkwənt]

雄辩的, 有说服力的; 富于表现的

[Prot·es·tant || 'prɒtɪstənt]

新教; 新教徒

新教的; 新教徒的

['cler·gy·man || 'klɜrdʒɪmən /'klɜːd-]


[gi·gan·tic || dʒaɪ'gæntɪk]

巨人般的; 巨大的

[e·va·sion || ɪ'veɪʒn]

逃避, 藉口

[in·road || 'ɪnrəʊd]

侵入, 侵害, 侵略


鳗鱼, 圆滑的人, 鳝鱼


礼拜, 祭仪, 礼拜式

[scru·ti·ny || 'skruːtnɪ /-tɪnɪ]

细看, 监视, 仔细检查

[mock·er·y || mɑkərɪ /mɒkərɪ]

嘲弄, 蔑视, 笑柄

of itself

[al·che·my || 'ælkɪmɪ]

炼金术; 神奇力量

[fic·ti·tious || fɪk'tɪʃəs]

假想的; 虚伪的; 编造的

[ten·et || 'tenɪt]

教义, 原则, 宗旨


教义, 信条; 使徒信条; 信念, 纲领, 主义

Every tenet of this creed教义的原则


担心; 局促; 不安; 拘束

come of
go by default
hermetic seal   

[her·met·ic || hɜr'metɪk /hɜː'm-]

密封的; 神秘的; 炼金术的; 深奥的, 不易理解的

[ex·tra·cur·ric·u·lar || ‚ekstrəkə'rɪkjʊlə]

课外的; 业余的

[blas·phe·my || 'blæsfəmɪ]

亵渎神明, 亵渎神明的言词

[cruis·er || 'kruːzə]

巡洋舰, 警察巡逻车, 巡航飞机

revolutionize (Amer.)
[,rev·o'lu·tion·ize || ‚revə'luːʃnaɪz]

彻底改革, ...方面实现突破性改革; ...发动革命; 使革命化

1 "We are told," says Dr. Buttrick, quoting Harvard's James Bryant Conant, "that education is preparation for the 'good life,' but neither the word 'good' nor the word 'life' is given any content. Or we are told [by John S. Brubacher] that the 'general aim' of education 'is only that of pupil growth.' But what kind of 'growth'? . . . Or we are told [by William Heard Kilpatrick] that education must assume 'increasing responsibility for participation in projecting ideas of social change.' But again we must ask: What kind of change and in what direction? . . ." 好例子,容易举出。
2 Cash & Gadgets. These questions, says Dr. Buttrick, the educators do not answer, for "recent education has almost deified an attitude of suspended judgment, blind to the fact that while suspended judgment may be possible in matters of opinion or unfinished scientific research, it is not possible on any deeper level of life.
3 We may suspend judgment . . . about the cause of the sudden inroad of lamprey eels in Lake Michigan, but we cannot suspend judgment on whether to steal or be honest, or on whether man is a mechanism or a soul.
4 The cult of 'objective study' likewise cannot stand scrutiny。表达疑问的好用法。
5 Season according to taste.什么意思?

I wonder after reading this article, what will the atheists react? The dispute of the issue has lasted for a long time, and we are still in the dilemma, since none can give a cogent portrait of it. We are inculcated with the creed that the real essence of education is to gain knowledge of nature and to make our life more spectacular. in contrast to that, the pastor gave us a totally reverse idea about it that what we should care is not about whether to steal or be honest, or about whether man is mechanism or a soul. the truth really matters conceal in our inner spiritual world, a world we can know our ephemeral lives should devote to the divine and hallow generosity and religion belief.

The cult of religious belief may can not stand scrutiny from young guy, growing up in an earthy world without respecting anything, even worse some of which indulge themselves into numerous toxic and poisonous carnival. But no one can naysay to accept that we still live in an world amazing and marvelous that even some famous physical scientists convert themselves into religion. Satirized that we can not conclude the assumption in hasty, supplying some reliable evidence often becomes the crux, but how can we elicit spiritual world form a mundane one. It is radiculous.

though the pastor already gave us a flickering light to follow through the dawn, most of populace still stick on their way, as the bible said, "the way to death is board where so many people go, the way to immortal is narrow where access for only a few."







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发表于 2010-1-14 21:28:01 |只看该作者
本帖最后由 123runfordream 于 2010-1-14 21:34 编辑


Picking this old article as our comment material for may be impressed by the issue topic of raising children, besides issues about education are always interested me. Also, this topic is not going to end even nowadays, a mature period of time, relatively.
Speaking to education, I remember a series of articles argue about the meaning or the worth of paying high fare to the top private schools, such as Harvard, Princeton, or Stanford in United States. The values we consider about of education, I think, is lying between lives and living.
When we were kids, our parents told us to study hard for having a good or better life. True, in the mordern life, knowledge could stand for the fortune of materials. But there is a misunderstanding about the difference of knowledge and diploma. People think a person holding a higher diploma means he is a master in some certain area. Then more and more are pursuing the diplomas without paying attentions to their improving of practiced abilities. Tragedies happen since those under rules come out. At that point, it is not easy to say education can make our life better for somehow it is a burden actually.
Being a person who is labeled as scholar is not given by the education completely. Indeed, the whole society consist of scholars would be a horrible thing. If everyone is the supervisor, who is going to be the worker? From my point, this could not be the goal of education for the entire society.
Then, what is it? While I conclude those two points above, I only consider the values to individuals. We’d like to succeed through education, either to have a good material life or spiral one. But what’s the whole society to the education? Maybe it’s just a chance to progress, a chance with full of hopes in human nature, in civilization, even in the financial development. According to Montessori’s remarks, it is also a right for child. They deserve sharing the rights to have education, for that possibility, too.

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发表于 2010-1-14 22:29:01 |只看该作者
Comments (2010-01-13):
I am astonished about the article is written in 1952, and some information, which author had talked with, has become history. But questioning the purpose of education and the whole foundation of education are still meaningful nowadays, especially in China. I agree with most of author's statements, and they are very useful for reforming the contemporary education. But I do not concede "learn one technique" is not the education's nature. From my perspective, different level education or different character education has different target. For instance, generally, the purposes of high education are specialized in individual thinking, creativity, and acknowledging yourself. But the technical vocational college more emphasize on practical knowledge or techniques. Moreover, if someone wants to seek a good life through education, I do not think that is abnormal, though "good life" is not the education's purpose.

Wrong spelling:
practical  pratcial

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