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[i习作temp] issue127 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-7-22 11:10:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Issue127: 590 words  45 minutes
Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.

The issue about whether stubborn facts can be altered by subjective wishes, inclinations, or dictates is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts that facts are stubborn and cannot be altered by human beings, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as material world is stubborn and cannot be altered. However, we need not be frustrated by stubborn facts. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason for my agreement with the speaker is that historical facts and material world around us are stubborn. First of all, for the reason that history records the past historical events, influential figures and social lives of our ancestors, all these things cannot be changed. Faced with past, no one can alter it. For example, there are two world wars in the past centuries, and they brought human beings great economic losses, life losses, mental agony and technology advancements, which are stimulated by development of formidable weapons. No matter whether current people take a positive attitude to the two world wars, they just cannot change the past. In this sense, history is stubborn. Further, material world around us is another apt example to bolster my position. Scientific laws and principles cannot be altered by will or speculation of human beings. They are stubborn things. The progress of astronomy may shed some light on this point. Although there are many controversies in astronomical fields, such as the shape of the Earth and center of the universe, truth remains unchanged and in a sense fails to be ultimately perceived by human beings. In short, from perspectives of truth and history facts are indeed stubborn.

However, although facts are unfortunately stubborn, human beings have devised various equipment and adopted various methods to approximate facts. In certain sense, progress of human civilization and scientific advancements are the progresses of human's abilities in perceiving stubborn facts. For example, in spite of the stubbornness of history facts, historians have adopted various advanced equipments to justly evaluate historical events and figures. To accurately estimate creation date of certain artifacts, historians with the help of engineers majoring radioactivity use radioactive property of certain substance to date the creation time of certain important artifacts. Further, although natural laws and underling principles of the material world are stubborn and hard to perceive, scientists also appeal to various equipments and instruments to approximate such facts. In the field of astronomy, astronomers use sophisticated astronomical telescopes to study stars, planets, back holes and other astronomical phenomena. Compared with our ancestors who use nuke eyes to study universe, contemporary astronomy has made great advancements.

In the final analysis, although facts are stubborn, human beings should not be frustrated by facts. After all, we are making continuous progresses toward perceiving stubborn facts. It is true that current works of scientists and other researchers may not be right, our endeavor to perceive facts help us perceive facts justly. Moreover, if without such works, then societies and human civilization will die in stagnation. If there were no generations of endeavor to exploring the universe despite of the stubbornness of facts, then it is quite possible that human beings may still be trapped in religious cognition of the universe. Understandably, stubbornness of facts should not become one pretext of stopping research and exploration.

To sum up, based on the foregoing analyses and discussions, I can draw a safe conclusion that although facts are stubborn, we can still cognize and perceive them. Moreover, human beings should not be frustrated by stubbornness of facts.

[ Last edited by staralways on 2005-7-22 at 12:25 ]
Major: cognitive radio, wireless communication

使用道具 举报

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-7-23 00:29:00 |只看该作者
Issue127: 590 words  45 minutes
Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.

The issue about whether stubborn facts can be altered by subjective wishes, inclinations, or dictates is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts that facts are stubborn and cannot be altered by human beings, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as material world is stubborn and cannot be altered. However, we need not be frustrated by stubborn facts. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason for my agreement with the speaker is that historical facts and material world around us are stubborn. 这里的TS既然提到histroical factsn,那么我觉得在开头里也应该提到一下,否则这里有点突然出现的感觉。First of all, for the reason that history records the past historical events, influential figures and social lives of our ancestors, all these things cannot be changed. Faced with past, no one can alter it.这句感觉有点多余,意思和前一句一样,而且分词状语用的感觉有点问题 For example, there are two world wars in the past centuries,and they brought human beings great economic losses, life losses, mental agony and technology advancements, which are stimulated by development of formidable weapons.No matter whether current people take a positive attitude to the two world wars, they just cannot change the past这句话感觉写的不太明白。你指他不能改变历史么?. In this sense, history is stubborn. Further, material world around us is another apt example to bolster my position. Scientific laws and principles cannot be altered by will or speculation of human beings. They are stubborn things. The progress of astronomy may shed some light on this point. Although there are many controversies in astronomical fields, such as the shape of the Earth and center of the universe, truth remains unchanged and in a sense fails to be ultimately perceived by human beings. In short, from perspectives of truth and history facts are indeed stubborn.这句话好像是病句吧,没有找到主语。

However, although facts are unfortunately stubborn, human beings have devised various equipment and adopted various methods to approximate facts.我关于这点的看法和楼主不同。如果事实都是固定的,人们为何不直接找最终的事实,而要用不同的方法来找一个近似的事实呢?我的观点是随着人们认识的深入,事实也在相应变化中。 In certain sense, progress of human civilization and scientific advancements are the progresses of human's abilities in perceiving stubborn facts. For example, in spite of the stubbornness of history facts, historians have adopted various advanced equipments to justly evaluate historical events and figures. To accurately estimate creation date of certain artifacts, historians with the help of engineers majoring inradioactivity use radioactive property of certain substance to date the creation time of certain important artifacts. Further, although natural laws and underling principles of the material world are stubborn and hard to perceive, scientists also appeal to various equipments and instruments to approximate such facts. In the field of astronomy, astronomers use sophisticated astronomical telescopes to study stars, planets, back holes and other astronomical phenomena. Compared with our ancestors who use nuke eyes to study universe, contemporary astronomy has made great advancements.

In the final analysis, although facts are stubborn, human beings should not be frustrated by facts. After all, we are making continuous progresses toward perceiving stubborn facts. It is true that current works of scientists and other researchers may not be right, our endeavor to perceive facts help us perceive facts justly. Moreover, if without such works, then societies and human civilization will die in stagnation. If there were no generations of endeavor to exploring the universe despite of the stubbornness of facts, then it is quite possible that human beings may still be trapped in religious cognition of the universe. Understandably, stubbornness of facts should not become one pretext of stopping research and exploration.这段意思感觉和上段有点重复,都是人们通过不断改进观测方法来获得进步。

To sum up, based on the foregoing analyses and discussions, I can draw a safe conclusion that although facts are stubborn, we can still cognize and perceive them. Moreover, human beings should not be frustrated by stubbornness of facts.
8.1 上海财大

使用道具 举报

Rank: 2

发表于 2005-7-23 17:16:22 |只看该作者
Issue127: 590 words  45 minutes
Facts are stubborn things. They cannot be altered by our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions.

The issue about whether stubborn facts can be altered by subjective wishes, inclinations, or dictates is complex and controversial. While the speaker asserts that facts are stubborn and cannot be altered by human beings, in my view I agree with the speaker insofar as material world is stubborn and cannot be altered. However, we need not be frustrated by stubborn facts. Here, I will present several important explanations.

To begin with, the major reason for my agreement with the speaker is that historical facts and material world around us are stubborn. First of all, for the reason that history records the past historical events, influential figures and social lives of our ancestors, all these things cannot be changed. Faced with past, no one can alter it. For example, there are two world wars in the past centuries, and they brought human beings great economic losses, life losses, mental agony and technology advancements, which are stimulated by development of formidable weapons [前面三个是负面的,最后一个看似正面,有点突兀,建议删了] . No matter whether current people take a positive attitude to the two world wars [no matter whether 似乎不对,no matter what kind of attitudes the posterity holds, positive or negative] , they just cannot change the past. In this sense, history is stubborn. Further, material world around us is another apt example to bolster my position. Scientific laws and principles cannot be altered by will or speculation of human beings. They are stubborn things. The progress of astronomy may shed some light on this point. Although there are many controversies in astronomical fields, such as the shape of the Earth and center of the universe, truth remains unchanged and in a sense fails to be ultimately perceived by human beings. [例子很好嘛] In short, from perspectives of truth and history facts are indeed stubborn. [特别流畅,全词造句很娴熟,佩服死了]

However, although facts are unfortunately stubborn, human beings have devised various equipment and adopted various methods to approximate facts. In certain sense, progress of human civilization and scientific advancements are the progresses of human's abilities in perceiving stubborn facts. For example, in spite of the stubbornness of history facts, historians have adopted various advanced equipments to justly evaluate historical events and figures. To accurately estimate creation date of certain artifacts, historians [archeologist] with the help of engineers majoring radioactivity use radioactive property of certain substance to date the creation time of certain important artifacts. [这句话有语病好像] Further, although natural laws and underling principles of the material world are stubborn and hard to perceive, scientists also appeal to various equipments and instruments to approximate such facts. In the field of astronomy, astronomers use sophisticated astronomical telescopes to study stars, planets, back holes and other astronomical phenomena. Compared with our ancestors who use nuke eyes to study universe, contemporary astronomy has made great advancements. [例子很棒]

In the final analysis, although facts are stubborn, human beings should not be frustrated by facts. After all, we are making continuous progresses toward perceiving stubborn facts. It is true that current works of scientists and other researchers may not be right, our endeavor to perceive facts help us perceive facts justly. Moreover, if without such works, [without 本身可以表假设,去掉if] then societies and human civilization will die in stagnation. If there were no generations of endeavor to exploring the universe despite of the stubbornness of facts [没理解这句] , then it is quite possible that human beings may still be trapped in religious cognition of the universe. Understandably, stubbornness of facts should not become one pretext of stopping research and exploration.

To sum up, based on the foregoing analyses and discussions, I can draw a safe conclusion that although facts are stubborn, we can still cognize and perceive them. Moreover, human beings should not be frustrated by stubbornness of facts.



使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5

发表于 2005-7-23 22:13:18 |只看该作者
vickyqiu的修改也很让我受益,谢了!可是,我觉得楼主“However, we need not be frustrated by stubborn facts. ”及后面与此相关的大篇幅的论证,是否有点离题呢?望楼主及个位深思!

https://bbs.gter.net/viewthre ... &extra=page%3D1

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