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[a习作temp] argument136 V6站队 8.02 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-2 14:51:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The following is part of a letter from the Brookfree School Board.
'As part of our new educational reform program, we identified ten schools most in need of immediate improvement. An advisory committee is now recommending that we hire consultants to study further the schools' problems and to propose a plan of action. Only two years ago, however, another group of consultants determined that several schools in our district had problems because their principals were inexperienced. Thus, if we want to see immediate improvement in our schools and save the district the money it would spend on hiring more consultants, we should replace all the principals in the ten worst schools with ten of our most experienced principals in the district.'

1.        What is the core problem of the schools? The problems of the ten so-called worst schools are not jet identified. Solution should be find according to the problem.
2.        Can a survey carried out 2 years ago enclose the problem of today’s schools? The result of a 2-years-ago survey can’t be used without reconfirmation. The validity of the survey is unknown. Are inexperienced principals the core problem of those schools? Moreover, the result is unclear, are those schools mentioned in the former survey the “worst schools”? Furthermore, the problems appeared 2 years ago is probably not the problems now troubling the schools.
3.        Can the author’s suggestion bring the expected immediate improvement? Only by changing the principles may not solve the problem, let along immediately.

A proper solution is always set according to the specific problem. Since the core trouble of the ten school mentioned in the letter is not jet clear, we shouldn’t make an eager decision to change the principals of them.

Firstly, what’s wrong with those schools? The author didn’t provide in detail the criteria used in the evaluation. Are these schools weak in faculties, facilities? Or these schools suffer from poor student performance in exams, after-school activities, or in the ethos? Obviously, different problem asks for different solution. As for lacking high quality teachers, we should assign more good teachers to the school, and offer training for current faculty. If the school needs to refresh its facilities, we need to loan them money.

Secondly, can the result of the survey carried out 2 years ago account for today’s problem? One question is how well the former survey was carried out. As the author cited, the former survey only conclude that some schools have problem because of inexperienced principals. Was the principal the core problem of those schools? It is possible that there was more crucial trouble, such as financial deficiency. The problem with the principal was only that he didn’t handle the problem well. Another question is: were those schools mentioned in the former survey “the worst schools” in the district? If not, the worst schools at the moment may suffer from completely different troubles. Moreover, a 2-years time can bring a lot of changes – the consistence of local residents, the environment of school areas, the transportation condition, etc – changes that may cause new problems to the schools. Hence, the result of the 2-year-old survey is, if not jet invalidated, in need of reconfirmation. A further study of the schools can’t be bypassed.

Thirdly, the author was confident with his recommendation, which he believed to bring an immediate improvement. However, even we admit that experienced principal can help to schools out of the mud, how long will this rescue takes is in question. Considering that the principals are new to the schools, can he/she quickly find out the core problem of the school in charge? Can s/he immediate figure out the most efficient solution? Can s/he carry out the plan without drags? As I mentioned above, the solution may need money, teachers training, or reconstruction of surrounding, all of which takes time. Let along improvement and reconstruction in students' study, manners, and habits, these improvements can never be accomplished in an action. Moreover, to rescue a school from vanish cannot be done by one person’s effort. How can a new principal possibly bring immediate improvement to a school, whose problem is not jet identified?

Since the core problem of each school is unclear, we shouldn't take this short cut to use the result of a former survey. Further study and reassurance of the problems is definitely needed.
8.16 BJ
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