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issue83交得有点晚 [复制链接]

Rank: 1

发表于 2005-8-2 22:10:11 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
前天就写好了,可是昨天到今天下午一直上不了GTER, 现在上来一看连下一期都出来了,汗...

When it comes to preserving wilderness areas, many people neglect them, and think these areas could be left aside with little influence to the nation. Others may insist that these areas be distributed as private estates to add to government revenue. I understand that to maintain these often remote wilderness areas in their natural state consumes much money, and not every government wishes to pay for these seemingly useless lands. However, I consider these areas of much value, and preserving measures will make profitable return.

As a hot topic these days, bio-diversity is a frequently mentioned factor in environment protection. The wilderness areas, which indicate little human influence has been inserted, are natural treasures for scientists (+as well as to all). Those virgin lands preserve their original states that the Creator has made them to be. All those living things that coexist there with subtle balance are winners that has been selected by nature during the thousands of millions of years. It is quite possible that some species rely on the specific nature environment without which they would distinguish forever. Were it an unknown specie, the matter would be worse. Thus, preserving these wilderness areas makes a lot of sense in maintaining the significant gene base. 应该补一句讲讲gene base 的重要性?或不要?

Likewise, these wilderness areas may be of great geographic value. Due to their wilderness, the geographic circumstances are left without touch of human activities. This quality makes them a fine specimen to geographic scientists who are eager to know the origin of movement of the earth and the wind(最后wind删了是不是更好?).

More significantly, these wilderness areas may possibly affect the global weather condition. That's not a bit exaggerating but all true fact. Even the air whirls caused by butterflies may cause a storm in some other parts of the world, (+as chaos theory exemplified). According to the chaos theory, the world is an integral, undividable whole, which could be affected by whatever tiny disturbance and therefore things often develop along an unpredictable orbit, and finally create a result in possibly any place. Applying this theory to the issue on wilderness areas, the little change, especcially human caused change will affect not only this wild land but also other parts of the country with serious result.

So at least the investment could reap in these aspects and benefit the citizens. We could not ignore their significance because these areas affect indirectly or (+because they) reward in the long run.

One of the fallacious views many people still hold is that these areas could hardly be affected by human kind due to their remoteness and harshness, so the serious result I mentioned above might not even have a start. However, their assumption that remoteness leads to no human activities is unsound. Even several people could make great influence to this kind of areas, and usually no one could predict whether the influence is good or bad, and what series of result it would kindle. If no measures were taken to help preserve these wilderness areas, human activities will still penetrate into them, no matter intended or unnoticed, legal or illegal.

As a conclusion, these public owned wilderness areas deserve attention from the government due to their potential usefulness. If no preservation measures are taken, no revenue is invested, high cost will be charged afterwards. Proverb says, the most valued things are those already lost. What we have to do is realizing the value and then taking measures before head.

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