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[i习作temp] issue186G-89-互助社-8.16日同主题写作 [复制链接]

Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2005-8-16 13:05:08 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
·practicality 的衡量标准是什么? 对不同的人? 对不同的时代?Something that is not obviously practical may not have little value in today's world.
·all the power and talents should serve for practicality? without interest 是不行的
In the era worship practicality, people tend to pursue the max-profit and high efficiency more and more. And ideality might be unreasonable, and even harmful to the warfare of the society. But I wonder whether people can set the criterion for practicality before they decide to devote their power and talents. Without certain clear standard for practicality, we may be mislead to some insensible decisions and waste our energy.

Admittedly, practicality always brings our society to a booming when we consult the history book.  Take the applying of computer as a case in point, the computer was used for some military goal as the first. Only some senior officer can have access to computer and analyze a great deal of date depending on its power. At that time, general citizens may even do not such kind of advantage equipment. But the computer only thrive after its practically use in family, office, labs, etc. We can use computer to manage our daily life, make financial plan, and communicate with others.  Nearly every fields, industries, and individuals benefit from computer, not mention its great value in today's worlds.  

But we can not extend this assertion to embrace the opposition, which is "anything that is obviously practical has little value in today's world" . Because we cannot tell what is obviously practical for its vague standard. For a businessman, the program can make profits is practical; for a politician, any campaign can improve his popularity is practical; for a musician, a piece of wonderful song may be practical. Different people have different valuation when they facing the problem of practicality, it is hardly to believe a politician will devote himself to enjoy songs, just as it is very unlikely the musician worship the principle of max-benefits. Which of these practicalities has the greatest value in today's world? No one can make a definite answer, we should go beyond the confusing standard for practicality, and understand that self-satisfaction may be the best measurement for practicality.

In addition, haste makes waste. If all the power and talents serve for the goal of practicality but neglect some other essential elements, we may fail to reach the great idol too. These factors contain interest and curiosity. As a wise saying by Franklin goes, a great deal part of information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. Interest is ever the beginning of inventions, as the fire is of light. Curiosity is the essential quality for great scientists. Without these factors, many practical discoveries may be missed since they are always “something else on the way”. Take the case of stainless steel in point, the stainless steel, which is invented by a German scientist in his experiment to find durance material for weapon, but he didn’t notice it because this material is not durable. It seems like a unsuccessful test until an English chemistry found the material, who is curious about the applying of the usually feature of stainless steel. Then he makes it so important in today's world. The German scientist must be regretful for his hastate conclusion that the stain steel is useless, since he is just too concentrate on the goal of practicality to pay any attention to something else on the way.

In sum, when we pursue the goal of practicality, we can have a broader view of its standard since different people and different time may endue them different meaning. And practicality is not the only great idol worth our powers and talents, interest and curiosity must be taken into account.

使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-17 11:01:31 |只看该作者
In the era worship practicality, people tend to pursue the max-profit and high efficiency more and more. And ideality might be unreasonable, and even harmful to the welfare of the society. But I wonder whether people can set the criterion for practicality before they decide to devote their power and talents. Without certain clear standard for practicality, we may be mislead to some insensible decisions and waste our energy.

Admittedly, practicality always brings our society to a booming(booming是形容词,用boom) when we consult the history book.  Take the applying of computer as a case in point, the computer was used for some military goals as the first. Only some senior officer can have access to computer and analyze a great deal of data depending on its power. At that time, general citizens may even do not access such kind of advantage equipment. But the computer thrive only  after its practically use in family, office, labs, etc. We can use computer to manage our daily life, make financial plan, and communicate with others.  Nearly every fields, industries, and individuals benefit from computer, not mention its great value in today's worlds.  

But we can not extend this assertion to embrace the opposition, which is "anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today's world" . Because we cannot tell what is obviously practical for its vague standard. For a businessman, the program can make profits is practical; for a politician, any campaign can improve his popularity is practical; for a musician, a piece of wonderful song may be practical. Different people have different valuations when they facing the problem of practicality, it is hardly to believe a politician will devote himself to enjoy songs, just as it is very unlikely the musician worship the principle of max-benefits. Which of these practicalities has the greatest value in today's world? No one can make a definite answer, we should go beyond the confusing standard for practicality, and understand that self-satisfaction may be the best measurement for practicality.

In addition, haste makes waste. If all the power and talents serve for the goal of practicality but neglect some other essential elements(but 后缺主语), we may fail to reach the great idol too. These factors contain interest and curiosity. As a wise saying by Franklin goes, a great deal part of information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. Interest is ever the beginning of inventions, as the fire is of light. Curiosity is the essential quality for great scientists. Without these factors, many practical discoveries may be missed since they are always “something else on the way”. Take the case of stainless steel in point, the stainless steel, which is invented by a German scientist in his experiment to find durance material for weapon, but he didn’t notice it because this material is not durable. It seems like a unsuccessful test until an English chemistry found the material, who is curious about the applying of the usually feature of stainless steel. Then he makes it so important in today's world. The German scientist must be regretful for his hastate conclusion that the stain steel is useless, since he is just too concentrate on the goal of practicality to pay any attention to something else on the way. (这段让人觉得还是说实用性是主要追求,只是在如何去追求方面有所不同)
In sum, when we pursue the goal of practicality, we can have a broader view on its standard since different people and different time may endue them different meanings. And practicality is not the only great idol be worth of  our powers and talents, interest and curiosity must be taken into account

To be a brave girl!

使用道具 举报

Rank: 5Rank: 5


Golden Apple

发表于 2005-8-17 12:22:55 |只看该作者
In the era of worshipworshiping practicality, people tend to pursue the max-profit and high efficiency more and more. AndWhile ideality might bebeing considered to be unreasonable, and even harmful to the warfarewelfare of the society. But I wonder whether people can set the criterion for practicality before they decide to devote their power and talents. Without certain clear standard for practicality, we may be misleadmisled to some insensiblesuperficial decisions and waste our energy.注意关键词的搭配!

Admittedly, practicality always brings our society to a boomingboom,booming是adj when we consultretrospecting on the history book.  Take the applyingapplication of computer 加一个词,technologyas a case in point, the computer was used for some military goal asat the first. Only some senior officer cancould,表示过去的事,情态动词最好也用含有对应时态意味的较好! have access to computer and analyze a great deal of datedata depending on its power. At that time, general citizens mayprobably even dodid notknow such kind of advantageadvanced equipment. But这句话与上文的承接不是很连贯,最好做一下修改!Nevertheless, the computer only thrivethrives after its practicallypractical/extensive useapplication in family, office, labs, etc. We can use computer to manage our daily life, make financial plan, and communicate with others.  Nearly every fields, industries, and individuals benefit from computer, not mention its great value in today's worlds.  

ButHowever更具典型的一段开头意义! we can not extend this assertion to embrace the opposition, which is "anything that is obviously practical has little value in today's world" . Because we cannot tell what is obviously practical for its vague standard. For a businessman, the program can make profits is practical; for a politician, any campaign can improve his popularity is practical; for a musician, a piece of wonderful song may be practical. Different people have different valuation when they facing the problem of practicality, it is hardly to believe a politician will devote himself to enjoy songs, just as it is very unlikely the musician worship the principle of max-benefits. Which of these practicalities has the greatest value in today's world? No one can make a definite answer, we should go beyond the confusing standard for practicality, and understand that self-satisfaction may be the best measurement for practicality.

In addition, haste makes waste. If all the power and talents serve for the goal of practicality but neglect some other essential elements, we may fail to reach the great ido表达目标吗?aiml too. These factors contain interest and curiosity. As a wise saying by Franklin goes, a great deal part of information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way. Interest is ever the beginning of inventions, as the fire is of light. Curiosity is the essential quality for great scientists. Without these factors, many practical discoveries may be missed since they are always “something else on the way”. Take the case of stainless steel in point, the stainless steel, which is invented by a German scientist in his experiment to find durancedurable material for weapon, but he didn’t notice it because this material is not durable. It seems like a unsuccessful test until an English chemistry found the material, who is wascurious about the applyingapplication of the usuallyspecial feature of stainless steel. Then he makesmade it so important in today's world. The German scientist must be regretful for his hastatehotheaded conclusion that the stain steel is useless, since he iswas just too concentrateconcentrative on the goal of practicality to pay any attention to something else on the way.

In sum, when we pursue the goal of practicality, we can have a broader view of its standard since different people and different time may endue them different meaningmeanings. And practicality is not the only great idol worthworthy of our powers and talents, interest and curiosity must be taken into account.


[ Last edited by polymath on 2005-8-17 at 12:27 ]
Mencius said,"When heaven is about to confer a great office on any man,it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil.It exposes his body to hunger………….By all these methods, it stimulates his mind, consolidates his character, and increases his efficiency".

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