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[i习作temp] issue36 欢迎互拍 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-25 12:50:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
36"The greatness of individuals can be decided only by those who live after them, not by their contemporaries."

From ancient times to modern days, people are always living under the influence of the greatness of individuals. The evaluations to them and their contributions may differ conspicuously from generation to generation. The speaker asserts that those who live after the great figure can be significantly decisive while their contemporaries are not. However, before I can put forward my opinion, the important consideration about their concrete targets must be taken into account. Thus, my points would involve the different cases as discussed below.

On the one hand, some figures devote their whole life to solving the existing  problems for the Human Beings or leading others to find happiness, so their greatness may be practical to reality for people’s life and will be soon admired by contemporaries . History is replete with such examples and one need look no further than the president Lincoln who make great contributions to the unity of the United States. In spite of the serious danger of being assassinated, President Lincoln was always fighting against the opponents who represented the interests of landowners in South America. After the Civil War, the slaves were liberated and the united government was set up. Therefore, Lincoln is held with great esteem by his people and most of them show great sorrow after his death. Thus the realistic meaning is so profound that individuals who dedicated himself to this career deserved great honor by their times.

On the other hand, other figures just pursue the truth of nature or the infinity of art urged by their interest and belief, and their achievements may be hardly recognized by their contemporaries due to defying the authority , break the old manners which has been accustomed to daily life. To illustrate, the great artist Picasso created hundreds of works during his life. Despite few people of that time liked his paintings, he insisted on his distinctive pattern of painting though he was impecunious till he died. However, people who live after him appreciate his works and evaluate them highly. Then all his works become valuables and only the rich can afford to collect them. Picasso’s contribution to art bring a good fame to himself though he can never know about it. At the same time, there is also such an example in science. Mendel, the first person to trace the characteristics of successive generations of a living thing, was not a world-renowned scientist of his day. Though those individuals did not obtain wealth and fame when they were living, their descendents recognize their achievements and render the honor to them.

Finally, the assessment of one’s contributions should be separated from that of oneself. This attitude is very essential to treat the greatness of individuals objectively because it reminds descendents to place themselves in the forefather’s times. Perhaps the paradigmatic example is Aristotle , one of the most important figure among many famous philosophers living in Ancient Greece that is regarded as one of the important sources of civilization. He explored both the inner world of human beings and natural mysteries in the world. Though most of his principles were proved wrong and replaced by new theories, many great thinkers or scientists were his students at the beginning and affirmed his greatness and influence to the following discoveries.

To conclude, it is not necessarily important to judge who can decide the greatness of individuals. Achievements are just like facts which are existing objectively and any observation may be associated with the observer’s experience and background. However, the original motivation of launching out into a career can much affect the possibility of being refused by the contemporaries. Of course one who works hard to make great benefits for others should not care more about the reward from exterior society.

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Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-26 01:52:19 |只看该作者
From ancient times to modern days, people are always living under the influence of the greatness of individuals. The evaluations to them and their contributions may differ conspicuously from generation to generation. The speaker asserts that those who live after the great figure can be significantly decisive while their contemporaries are not. However, before I can put forward my opinion, the important consideration about their concrete targets must be taken into account. Thus, my points would involve the different cases as discussed below. 开头不错,虽然没有直接表达自己的观点,我觉得这样也不错。
On the one hand, some figures devote their whole life to solving the existing  problems for the Human Beings or leading others to find happiness, so their greatness may be practical to reality for people’s life and will be soon admired by contemporaries . History is replete with such examples and one need look no further than the president Lincoln who make great contributions to the unity of the United States. In spite of the serious danger of being assassinated, President Lincoln was always fighting against the opponents who represented the interests of landowners in South America. After the Civil War, the slaves were liberated and the united government was set up. Therefore, Lincoln is held with great esteem by his people and most of them show great sorrow after his death. Thus the realistic meaning is so profound that individuals who dedicated himself to this career deserved great honor by their times.这段讲可以被当代人评价,例子举得不错。

On the other hand, other figures just pursue the truth of nature or the infinity of art urged by their interest and belief, and their achievements may be hardly recognized by their contemporaries due to defying the authority , break the old manners which has been accustomed to daily life. To illustrate, the great artist Picasso created hundreds of works during his life. Despite few people of that time liked his paintings, he insisted on his distinctive pattern of painting though he was impecunious till he died. However, people who live after him appreciate his works and evaluate them highly. Then all his works become valuables and only the rich can afford to collect them. Picasso’s contribution to art bring a good fame to himself though he can never know about it. At the same time, there is also such an example in science. Mendel, the first person to trace the characteristics of successive generations of a living thing, was not a world-renowned scientist of his day. Though those individuals did not obtain wealth and fame when they were living, their descendents recognize their achievements and render the honor to them. 这段讲不被当代人理解,对应了上一段
Finally, the assessment of one’s contributions should be separated from that of oneself. 这里是什么意思?可以解释下么。从语法角度。 This attitude is very essential to treat the greatness of individuals objectively because it reminds descendents to place themselves in the forefather’s times. Perhaps the paradigmatic example is Aristotle , one of the most important figure among many famous philosophers living in Ancient Greece that is regarded as one of the important sources of civilization. He explored both the inner world of human beings and natural mysteries in the world. Though most of his principles were proved wrong and replaced by new theories, many great thinkers or scientists were his students at the beginning and affirmed his greatness and influence to the following discoveries. 这段例子我是看懂了。不过前面两句,也就是TS吧,没看懂。以至整段话的目的是什么不太清楚。可以解释下吗
To conclude, it is not necessarily important to judge who can decide the greatness of individuals. Achievements are just like facts which are existing objectively and any observation may 这里我觉得用may不是很好。应该是必然的关系啊。 be associated with the observer’s experience and background. However, the original motivation of launching out into a career can much affect the possibility of being refused by the contemporaries. Of course one who works hard to make great benefits for others should not care more about the reward from exterior society. 最后作者意思是说greatness由谁评价没关系,因为这些都是客观存在的,我觉得很有道理。可是这会不会有点跑题呢。题目是说只能由后来人评价,不能由当代人评价。你这样没有正面回答他的问题,所以会不会跑? 不过如果你回答它的问题,然后再说这谁评价并不重要,变成了一种拓展的话,就会变得安全保险又显得考虑周到哦

"But man is not made for defeat," he said. "A man can be destroyed but not


使用道具 举报

Rank: 4

发表于 2005-8-26 08:42:00 |只看该作者



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