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------by yougurt )
GRE写作在主要考察考生在行文段落中的逻辑要素的同时,也规定了考生必须具备一定高级的语言能力写作功底,即STANDARD ENGLISH的写作能力。对于英语为第二语言的中国考生来说,逻辑性的要素固然陌生而繁杂,但是可以借助一些基本的逻辑训练和前人经验得到攻克,而相反,从小到大学习的语言能力,尤其是写句子的能力,包括现在要求写具有一定ACADEMIC和COMPLICATED的句子的能力表现出极大的困惑。而如今市面上和网上的参考文献和资料多半仍然将重点放在句子的组织和概略性的技巧上。这些技巧的确可以帮助考生,尤其是英语专业的学生取得长足进步,但是对于其他本来英语写作能力较差的考生来说,其“可操作性”在短期内未能见长。有鉴于此,适逢作者在大量阅读外文期刊论文以及国外专家的应试美文中日积月累,提炼了上千句上乘的脍炙人口的好句子,在托付友人进行职业培训时起到了极其惊人的效果。笔者的前作《2004爱让我舍得为你放弃》至今仍影响了一批批在GRE AWA道路上的勇士们的关注,让笔者感动不已。同时,原文中的疏漏和谬误仍让笔者时时耿耿于怀,于是更决心将自己与战友积累的宝贵素材编辑出来以助广大G友一臂之力。正如笔者所言,逻辑性的突破可以推荐读者参考一些GRE写作参考书或者相关网络资料,以及笔者不久即将推出的〈2004爱〉修订版的〈2005爱在灯火阑珊处〉——GRE逻辑写作全接触。而语言能力的突破,笔者曾推荐背诵写作工具箱,虽然长期坚持必有大进,但是很多考生仍然身心甚为疲惫,无法在短期内达到应有效果。于是,这些读者可以借助以下这个专题,通过熟悉操练笔者精选出的50个常用简单而十足地道的句型在GRE写作中表现得游刃有余,突破高分。具体操作请见下5点:
1. 该专栏将连载10期,每期5个句型或者短语操练,笔者将给出相关解释和用法,请读者仔细品位。
2. 在(例子)中笔者在每期中给出两句句子的中文注释,该注释不是对要写出句子的精确翻译,而是一个在写作中大脑所反映出的思路印象。因为作为中国考生,要像西方人那样直接用英语思维来写作而抛开母语的干扰是不可能的事情,因此面对用中文思维来构思,用英文来模仿英文思维来构筑句群是本项练习的着眼点所在。因此,这里的注释其实就是读者在写作中想到的要表达的那个“意思”。同时,又为了使读者的写作有依据性,这里的注释都在遵循基本中文语序的基础上还是做了些“欧化”的处理,这在插入语句中尤为明显。所以,读者要做的就是将这个意思,利用笔者介绍的相关句型和短语,参考用法,合理地道和大胆地写在下面的跟帖里。
3. 笔者将在下期开始前,给出参考答案,以及读者在跟帖里所发掘出的好句子,但该项目标的前提是希望大量的GRE考生能够积极参与进来,后面参加练习的读者也可以从中借鉴到前面练习者的水平,取长补短,每天5个句型,10句句子,练习量不是很大,10天后50句型,100句子足够可以让读者在考试中写出一手漂亮的句子,请读者一定要有这个信心。
4. 为了保持语言的地道性和保持难度的适中和可操作性,笔者对许多复杂句型一律删繁就简,并结合实际考试状况做了大量的改编,确保各种句型和写作要素(倒装,插入,独立主格,抽象词汇和标点符号等)都能覆盖到。
5. 千万注意:读者请仔细操练,重点学会如何将中文“意思”用地道的英文语序和地道的英语表达“简明变化”的予以表现。千万不要去死记硬背这些句子,那对于读者没有任何好处。笔者所要苛求的境界是赵氏书法中所倡导的“融汇百家而了无痕迹”,只有这样读者才能真正学有所成,从而克服了死背工具箱的疲乏和无聊。同时请大家务必要吸收参考答案中的漂亮表达和地道用词,标题给出的句型和用法只是框架,更多的漂亮和常用表达将在这些例子的写作中自然地得以依托而生。在练习中不要患得患失,而是报以学习的态度,不断积累,反复对照参考答案以及其他网友的漂亮表达进行不断操练,并有意识地融入到自己每天的作文写作当中。如此下去,相信当读者坚持练习到最后一期时,已经忽然发现自己“妙笔生花”,此种美感简直无法言语!
前言:首先感谢寄托天下作文版块斑竹们和其他读者朋友们的支持!希望你们能够跟我们一起将这个练习完成,共同突破GRE AWA的瓶颈!在今天的评析开始前,我还要补充下看到大家练习后期望大家做到的两点:
1. The saying is used to point out that …… 这个说法用来指出
(例子) 讽刺的是,这种说法指出在我们之中普遍存在一种倾向,认为他人总是比自己幸运。
[KEY] The saying is used ironically to point out that there is a temptation in us all to insist that others are more fortunate than ourselves.
[借鉴] (1)Ironically, the saying is used to point out that there is a trend among us that others are always luckier than ourselves.
(2)Ironically, the saying is used to point out that there is a common
tendency between us pointing out that others are always more lucky than
注:该句虽然意思表达明确,但是在一个句子中连用两个point out,犯了重复的大忌,希望引起大家注意。
(3)Ironically the saying is used to point out a trend among us that others are all luck dogs except self.
注:这个句子首先副词在前,一般要用逗号搁开,另外luck只是名词,幸运儿用lucky dogs是可以的,但是在书面语中体现一些非正式的诙谐,宜用引号括起。另外,作者在将意思转化成英文时,理解上已经有所大的偏差,因为原来的中文意思是说别人比自己更幸运,换言之,只是比较程度上的问题,并没说自己不幸运。出现这种问题的句子还有些,希望这些读者朋友注意,在将自己想到的意思转化成英文时,注意逻辑上的一致性,这对于GRE写作上往往会成为致命伤!
(例子) 这种说法不变地指出一味抱怨和责备他人并不能消除贫困,无论其他人如何卑鄙,每个人都必须靠自己来获得成功。
[KEY] The saying is used invariably to point out that poverty cannot be reduced by merely complaining and blaming others: no matter how guilty other people are, each individual must reach out to success for himself.
[借鉴](1)The saying is used to point out that it would be of no use to eliminate
poverty by only complaining and abusing others and everyone should rely on
himself to attain success no matter how abject others are.
(2)The saying used to constantly point out that only complaining and blaming others cannot obviate poverty, instead, no matter how mean others are, everyone must depend upon self to attain success.
2. This is nowhere more true than…… 没有比在……更正确不过的了
(用法)用以强调在某个方面所表述或引用的论据得到了支持。聪明的读者应该马上就能举一反三,在ARGUMENT中,可将上句中的TRUE转换成ridiculous就可以用来攻击Arguer的ramshackle position了。
(例子) 这在关于幻想和现实的问题上是再正确不过的了。
[KEY] This is nowhere more true than on the question of fantasy and reality.
[借鉴] This is nowhere more true than the issues of fantasy and reality.
注:就……问题而言,注意前面要加介词on,即on the question of, on the problem of,这是正确地道运用的关键。
(例子) 没有比认为钱多就更幸福更荒谬的了。
[KEY] This is nowhere more ridiculous than on the assertion that the extent of happiness tasted is in proportion to the amount of money possessed.
[借鉴] This is nowhere more ridiculous than the belief that the more money one has the happier life he enjoys.
3. When faced with…… 当面临……
(用法)常用来表达这样一种假设“遇到……,就采取……”在作文中十分常用。重复使用时,可以将face与confront, encounter, come across等替换,避免repetition.
(例子) 当我们遭遇不幸时,我们常常从这样的观念中寻求安慰;我们的不幸是绝无仅有的。
[KEY] When faced with the ‘bad times’, we often find comfort in the idea that we are special in our degree of misfortune.
[借鉴](1)When faced with a misery, we tend to comfort ourselves in the belief: our misfortune is unique.
(2)When faced with an adversity, we often seek consolation from the thought that this adversity also happens in others.
(例子) 当我们适逢惨败时,我们应该记住在一定程度上人生总是凶险异常,充斥着各色成功与失败,以及冒险。
[KEY] When faced with the fiasco, we should remember that life for most people, to an extent, is precarious enough to include some degree of winning and losing, and of adventure.
[借鉴] When confronted with terrible failures, we should remember to some extent life is always extremely dangerous, teeming with kinds of successes, failures and risks.
注:该句基本将意思得以清晰表达,但是在failure和success的用法上出现了小的失误。在表述宽泛的“成功”或者“失误”时,请注意两者是不可数的。拿success来说,只有在表述一个成功的人,一样成功的东西时才是可数。比如This man is just a success。This play is a tremendous success。
4. It is presumptuous to judge……according to…… 根据……来判断……太武断
(用法)该句型几乎是ARGUMENT作文中的上宾,一出手就力量惊人,具体操作相信并不困难。这里要补充一下的是,在ISSUE中该句也可用来攻击opposite points,为避免俗套以及丰富句型,presumptuous可以用arbitrary, ridiculous, illegitimate, unpersuasive等等来替换。
(例子) 根据唱片的销量来推断出他的知名度是武断的。
[KEY] It is presumptuous to judge his popularity according to the sales of his albums.
[借鉴] It is presumptuous to judge how famous he is according to how many his records were sold.
(例子) 根据他对于命运的定义来将生命理解为一种赌博是不合理的。
[KEY] It is illegitimate to justify that life is a kind of lottery in accordance with his notions of destiny.
[借鉴] It is arbitrary to judge life as a gamble according to his definition
of destiny.
5. The only time a person can claim that…… 仅当……才能宣称……
(例子) 仅当他反思自己的所作所为,一个人才能声称怜悯是一种美德。
[KEY] The only time a person can claim that “compassion” is a kind of merit is when he reflects on his own behaviors.
[借鉴] The only time a person can claim that commiseration is a virtue is when he reconsiders his behaviors.
注:该句作者表达清晰,简洁,明了,符合明了,值得学习。但是,笔者建议读者可以学习一下上面的reflect on短语的用法,这是一个带有一定感情色彩的短语。
(例子) 颇具矛盾的是,仅当全部相关证据准备妥当时,法庭才能将传票递出。
[KEY]Paradoxically, the only time the court can send the subpoena is when almost all relevant evidence is well prepared.
[借鉴] Paradoxically, the only time that the court can send out a subpoena is when all pertinent evidence is ready.
6. Share a belief that…… 都相信……,都认为……
(例子) 世界上的许多宗教都认为当一个人能够注视与反思自己的问题,那么此人就能够开始回复自己的情绪。
[KEY] Many of the world’s religions share a belief that when a person is able to look at and confess his or her problems that person can begin to travel the road to emotional recovery.
(例子) 我们都认为一个问题仅当被清晰地认识之后才能得到解决。
[KEY] We all share the belief that a problem cannot be solved until it is clearly recognized.
7. In a not dissimilar way 同样
(用法)用以事例论证或对照论证中,相当于in the same way,这里只是借用饿双重否定起到了强调,着重的浓墨色彩。类似的替换有similarly, contrarily等。
(例子) 同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。
[KEY] In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship are explorations of the higher emotions, they are pilgrimages towards the city of true values.
(例子) 相反,失去了认知自我不满的能力,我们将陷入庸懒的泥沼;毕竟,痛苦的经历使我们的意识更加敏锐。
[KEY] Contrarily, without the ability to recognize our discontent, we could collapse into idleness; after all, suffering sharpens our senses.
8. Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that…… 无论如何,大多数人认为……
(例子) 无论如何,大多数人认为加拿大与澳洲的独立比美国更顺利,因为英国放任这两个王国顺势而动。
[KEY] Whatever else may be said, most people would agree that the transition to independence for Canada and Australia was much smoother than that of the United States because Britain allowed those two dominions to evolve with time.
(例子) 无论如何,大多数人都认同“丛林法则”。在经济学上,一个人总是试图从他的邻居那里牟取利益,这就给了穷人凭借自己的优势迅速致富的可能。
[KEY] Whatever else may be said, most people would agree “the rule of the jungle”. In economics a person always attempts to gain profit from his neighbor: that given the chance the poor man would quickly make himself rich by trading to his own advantage.
9. What is interesting is…… 有趣的是……
(用法)这是个what is + adj. +is的结构套路,引导主语从句。千万别小看它,这比大多数immature的写作人滥用it is +adj.+ that 要妥当自然多了。
(例子) 有趣的是那些故事,包括诸如面向儿童的诗歌与传说这类纯小说类的作品,都较信息化导向的教科书更为普遍,发掘着深层次的情感,诸如爱情与痛苦,愤怒与容忍。
[KEY] What is interesting is that stories, including pure fictions such as poetry and tales for children, are more common than information-oriented textbooks, exploring deep emotions such as love and suffering, anger and tolerance.
(例子) 讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。
[KEY] What is ironical is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination, sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality.
10. Turn our attention to…… 将注意力转到……
(用法)常用在对比论证中,将此句置于短首或者转折处,由此引起对比于上文的论证或者辩驳。当然,更普遍用法等同于pay attention to。
(例子) 若我们将注意力转到小说上,那么我们看到其在心理营造方面加强了情感的表达。
[KEY] If we turn our attention to novels, we see that the psychological aspect of them helps to reinforce the presentation of feelings.
(例子) 若我们将注意的焦点转移到现实中的事业上,由于并不是每个聪明的学生都能够受到最好的培训,从而可能的举措是建议我们的学生如何在有限的环境条件中表现得最佳。
[KEY] If we turn our focus to the reality of a career, since not every intelligent student arrives at the top training establishments, it might perhaps be wise to advise our students on how to make the best out of limited circumstances.
11. If I were……, I would…… 如果我被……,我将……
(例子) 若有人让我指出最具破坏性的对于幻想的表达,我将就此归咎于媒体。
[KEY] If I were asked to name the single most destructive expression of fantasy, however, I would have to blame the media.
[借鉴] If I were asked to point out the most destructive expression on fantasy, I would attribute that to the media.
(例子) 如果让学生了解现实,当考试成绩发布时将会有更少张沮丧的脸。
[KEY] If students were reminded of this reality, there would be fewer dejected faces when examination results are published.
[借鉴] If students were allowed to realize reality, there would be less disappointed faces when the results of the test are published.
12. It is said that…… 据说
(例子) 据说许多年轻的浪漫者固执地试图按照电视肥皂剧与浪漫喜剧中的梦幻般的形式与生活。
[KEY] It is said that many young romantics stubbornly attempt to live out the fantasy images of T.V. soap opera and romantic comedies.
[借鉴] It is said that many romanticists stubbornly try to live a life style as the illusive one in the soap opera and romantic comedy.
(例子) 据说甚至当炸弹雨点般地降落在柏林时一些德国人仍然幻想着德国将赢得二战的胜利。
[KEY] It is said that some Germans still fascinated about Germany winning the Second World War even as the bombs rained down on Berlin.
[借鉴] It is said that some Germen remain believing that Germany would win when bombs fell on the Bolin land like raindrops.
13. At the even worse…… 更糟的是……
(例子) 更糟的是,一个自私的赌徒会忽略他对于家庭的经济上的责任义务,并且最终赌博将成为毁灭生活的一剂毒药。
[KEY] At the even worse, a selfish gambler can neglect his financial duties towards his family and eventually gambling can become a drug which destroys life.
[借鉴] At the even worse, a selfish gambler will neglect his economical duty and obligation to the family and furthermore, gambling would become a dose of poison which will eventually ruin the life.
(例子) 更糟的是,蜜月的魅力不久就让空洞的日子所取代,在这些日子里新婚夫妇们必须从中寻找到生活的意义。
[KEY] At the even worse, the glamour of the honeymoon soon gives way to empty hours in which the newlyweds must find meaning.
[借鉴] At the even worse, the fascination of honeymoon would be supplanted by dull days during which newlywed must seek out the meaning of life.
14. When it comes to…… 就……而言,谈到……
(例子) 当谈及游戏时,许多人相信游戏能让玩家获得诸如坚忍与竞争的生存技能。
[KEY] When it comes to the games, many people believe that they accustom the player to life-skills such as perseverance and competitiveness.
(例子) 再者,当然,斯多葛学者们在谈及纵容与容忍时常令自身陷入极大的窘境。
[KEY] Supremely, of course, the stoic gets himself or herself into most difficulty when it comes to connivance and tolerance.
[借鉴] Furthermore, of course, the stoic scholars often make themselves in a dilemma when it comes to connivance and endurance.
15. The chief reason is because…… 主要原因是……
(例子) 同样,最主要的原因是因为那些浪漫主义者未经充分理解到对于任何关系的工作核心,它是激情的,心理的或者经济的。
[KEY] Again, the chief reason is because romantics do not sufficiently understand the centrality of work---be it emotional, psychological or financial---to any relationship.
(例子) 相当有趣的是,美国电影常被谴责为美化暴力,从而我们不得不将解决和面对这项危机:一些人试图将电影中的情节搬到现实中来。
[KEY] Rather humorously, American films are often accused of making violence glamorous. Accordingly, sooner or later we have to settle down and face the hazard that some people attempt to translate the scene of a movie onto reality.
16. People in the West are growing concerned that…… 西方人越来越重视……
(例子) 西方人越来越重视到儿童与青少年时常模仿他们在电视中看到的暴力。
[KEY] People in the West are growing concerned that children and teenagers occasionally imitate violence which they see on the screen.
[借鉴] People in the west are growing concerned that children and teenagers often imitate the violence showing in the TV programs.
(例子) 人们越来越意识到单独为了一个学位而学习实在是太狭隘了。
[KEY] People are growing concerned that the statement of studying solely for a degree is too narrow.
[借鉴] People are growing concerned that it is too narrow to study only for pursuing a degree
17. This is not to say that…… 这并不是说……
(例子) 虽然长期以来我都承认热衷旅行的人持着一个有力的观点,然而就个人而言,我并不是说支持该论点。
[KEY] I have for a long time admitted that travelers have a strong argument. However, privately, this is not to say that I eagerly agree with the statement.
[借鉴] Although for a long time I always admit people eager for traveling hold a strong viewpoint, individually speaking, this is not to say that I support this kind of views.
(例子) 大学并不能教授学生一切,但这并不是说大学不能教给学生构筑未来的基石。
[KEY] University cannot introduce the students to all, but this is not to say that it cannot provide the students with building blocks for the future.
[借鉴] University cannot teach everything to students, but this is not to say that university cannot teach students how to build foundation for their future.
18. Whether rightly or wrongly…… 不管对错
(用法)一个约定俗成的惯用短语,用在对一个controversial issue探讨上,借此展开一个毋容置疑的共性讨论,即正、反方都承认的共性。
(例子) 无论对错,政府与当局常常在大城市里搭建公共娱乐设施。
Whether rightly or wrongly, governments and local authorities usually build public amenities in the big cities.
[借鉴] Whether rightly or wrongly, governments and authorities often construct public entertainment facilities in big cities.
(例子) 无论对错,书上读者获取了别人的经验。
[KEY] Whether rightly or wrongly, books allow the reader to harvest the experience of others.
[借鉴] Whether rightly or wrongly, books help readers to gain others’ experience.
19. Without regard to…… 没有……,脱离了……
(例子) 我对上述论点持有的问题是失去了学习的价值——理解我们对于同伴的责任,发现比我们自身更伟大的东西,一个人对于学术性认识欲望将变得极具破坏性。
[KEY] The problem I have with the above statement is that without regard to the worth of learning---of understanding our responsibilities towards our fellow men, and of discovering that there is something greater than ourselves----a person’s desire for academic recognition can become destructive.
(例子) 若那些研究生愿意就他们付诸实现的研究提出问题,整个悲剧就从来不会发生过。
[KEY] Without regard to those graduate’s unwillingness to ask questions which put their research into context, the whole tragedy might never have happened.
[借鉴] Without regard to the fact that the graduates have no inclination to put forward questions on the research they commit to, all this tragedy would never happen.
20. Deep down…… 深入下去而言……
(例子) 深入地说就是我把读书视做神圣的东西。
[KEY] Deep down I cherish my hours of reading as something sacred.
(例子) 深入而言,对于知识与学习的追求不能在毕业后被简单地扔在一边,若不是仅仅为了追求所谓的校园友谊。
[KEY] Deep down the pursuit of ideas and learning---if not of so-called campus friendship---cannot be simply put aside after graduation.
[借鉴] Deep down, if one is not for the so-called campus friendship, the pursuit of knowledge and study cannot simply be cast aside.
21. There is no evidence to suggest that…… 无证据指出……
(例子) 无证据表明一些作家使自己成为坚定的旅行者,Herman Melville就是一个光辉的典范,许多伟大的思想也从不以此为劳。
[KEY] There is no evidence to suggest that some writers have themselves been hardened travelers---Herman Melville is a preeminent example---many great minds never bothered to travel.
(例子) 无证据表明我们能够回复到过时落后技术的年代
[KEY] There is no evidence to suggest that there can be turning back to out-dated technology.
22. What is more…… 再者,更有……
(例子) 再者,拿破仑声称他在滑铁卢一役前夕对战争的了解丝毫不多于在他第一场战役前夕所了解到的。也就是说,他相信他的军事才能来自于其年幼时所读的三到四本基础的书。
[KEY] What is more, Napoleon claimed that he knew no more about warfare on the eve of Waterloo than he did on the eve of his first battle. In other words, he believed that his military genius derived from reading three or four essential books during his childhood.
(例子) 再者,我们依恋于科学,不管是好是坏。
[KEY] What is more, we are married to the science, for better or for worse.
23. To be sure…… 确定的是—
(例子) 可以肯定,读者可从阅读许多著名旅行家的生活而获益,而旅行家只能从穿越自己的生活中汲取营养。
[KEY] To be sure, the reader has the benefit that he can read upon the lives of many famous travelers; whereas the traveler journeys through only his own life.
(例子) 可以肯定的是,事业上的人有时只想根据学术文凭来做出选择。
[KEY] To be sure, career people tend sometimes to look only at academic certificates as the means to preferment.
24. Providing that…… 假使
(例子) 假使在阅读中是既选择而又彻底的,他就能够获取长期积聚的智慧。
[KEY] Providing that the bookworm is selective and thorough in his reading, he can enjoy the wisdom of centuries.
(例子) 假使我们说一个人不能学会在一个有500人居住的社会中存在的爱,友谊与尊重,那个人将不能在一个有5亿人口的国家中找到友谊。
[KEY] Providing that a person cannot learn love, friendship and respect in a community of, shall we say, five hundred villagers, that person will not find friendship in a country of five hundred million.
25.A further solid argument for…… is that…… 更有力的论证是……
(例子) 对于民谣的更有力的论证是其已成为文化成熟历程中的一块基石。
[KEY] A further solid argument for folk ballads is that they have all been important stepping-stones in my cultural maturity.
(例子) 对于历史建筑保留的更有力的论证是当我踏入其中时,Dick Whittington的故事中的魔力在我心中重新点燃。
[KEY] A further solid argument for the preservation of historical buildings is that the magic of the Dick Whittington story is rekindled in me when I enter them.
26. While……, we should not lose sight of the fact that…… 虽然……,但我们不能不无视这样的事实……
(例子) 虽然否认如果没人想赢就没有真正可以运作的游戏是愚蠢的,但是我们不能无视这样的事实,从一个方面而言,一个运动员常常与自己“对垒”。
[KEY] While it would be foolish to deny that no game would truly work if no one attempted to win, we should not lose a sight of the fact that, from one perspective, a sportsman very often “plays himself”.
(例子) 尽管我认为游戏提供了一种联结友谊与放松的途径,但是我常看到一段友谊的破裂是因为一个选手认为赢得游戏远比同志情谊重要。
[KEY] While I thought that games provide a way to bond friendships and to relax, I often see a friendship broken up because of a player who considered winning to be more important than camaraderie.
27. The manifestation of…… is …… ……的体现为……
(例子) 爱到尽头就是恨。
[KEY] The most extreme contemporary manifestation of love is hatred.
(例子) 他赢得尊重的具体表现是员工与顾客给予其充分的信任。
[KEY] The vivid manifestation of the respect he has won is that staff and customers has put adequate trust in him.
28. The same is true of…… 对于……而言同样正确
(例子) 这同样适用于政治家们,但影响要大得多。
[KEY] The same is true of politician, but on a larger scale.
(例子) 这同样适合于那种在游戏中穷凶极恶地追求胜利的人,因为他们对生活失去希望。
[KEY] The same is true of a certain type of people who desperately seeks to win at games just because he or she despairs at life.
29.…… be most likely to …… 最有可能……
(例子) 重要的是,足球暴力将可能演变成一场传染性的瘟疫。
[KEY] Significantly, football violence is most likely to become an endemic plaque.
(例子) 无疑孩子们将更可能将他们的精力注入到学习而不是幻想中。
[KEY] Undoubtedly, most of the kids will channel their energy into study rather than fantasy.
30. The argument can be applied to…… 这个论题适用于……
(例子) 这个论题同样适用于国内环境,那里孩子们很好地知道宇宙不能随他们的性子而进行运作仅仅因为他们发了脾气。
[KEY] The argument can also be applied to domestic circumstances when children do well to know that the universe does not operate at their convenience just because they decide to have a tantrum.
[KEY] The argument is also applied to those professionals and popular amateurs living under immense pressure to win.
31.I follow the reasoning that…… 我的理由是……
[KEY] I follow the reasoning that when a person genuinely tries to change his circumstances, a bad decision can turn out for the better.
[KEY] I follow the reasoning that what is true of the history of an individual is also true of the history of a country.
32.……rest on the assumption that…… ……基于……的假设
(例子) 科学进步的理论是基于这个假设,一项发明或发现将更多地产生利而非弊。
[KEY] Theories of scientific progress rest on the assumption that an invention or discovery will produce more good than evil.
(例子) 解决这个困境的方案是基于以下假设,尽管凭着不充分的医疗知识,但是尝试救助一个病员总好过袖手旁观,任其自生自灭。
[KEY] The resolution to this dilemma rests on the assumption that it is better to attempt to help an injured person—albeit with insufficient medical knowledge—than to do nothing and leave the injured person to nature.
33.As a general rule,…… 一般而言
(例子) 一般而言,当我们有一群志同道合的朋友们的时候就能感觉到一种力量。
[KEY] As a general rule, we can fell a sense of strength when we have a group of friends who share our opinion.
(例子) 一般而言,外国朋友能帮助一个人更强烈地感受到家的感觉。
[KEY] As a general rule, foreign friends can often help a man to reinforce beliefs that he has made at home.
34.At the risk of sounding cold…… 说得不好听点……
(例子) 说得不好听点,不同的朋友还能帮助你度过人生中的困境,比如财政问题。
[KEY] At the risk of sounding cold, different friends can also help you journey through the harsh winter of life such as the financial problems.
(例子) 说得不好听点,那些将更多经理花在足球场上和跳舞上而不是学习上的学生只是为了营建一个左右逢源的个性。
[KEY] At the risk of sounding cold, those students who spend more energy on the football field and at the disco than they do at their studies just tries to make a rounded personality.
35.There is good sense in…… 在……方面是明智的
(例子) 让一个孩子参与多种不同类型的活动并借以发现他的天赋当然是明智之举。
[KEY] There certainly is good sense in allowing a child to explore many different types of activity so that he can discover his talents.
(例子) 他或她不愿意接受去面对工作或生活中现存的绝对正确和错误的东西显然是明智的。
[KEY] There certainly is good sense that he or she is not willing to accept the adventure of facing up to what is really right and wrong in his or her profession and life.
36.If we cast a look back at……. 若我们回顾……
(例子) 若我们回顾世界经济史,那我们可能发觉是一个货币的进化史。
[KEY] If we cast a look back at the economic history of the world, it is possible to identify an evolution of money.
(例子) 若我们回顾媒体发展史,我们会发现书本对于诸如伊斯兰主义,马克思主义和罗马天主教之类的思维体系都是必要的。
[KEY] If we cast a look back at the history of media evolution, it is possible to identify that the book is essential to thought systems like Islam, Marxism and Roman Catholicism.
37.Around the corner 在墙角,就在手边
(例子) 文学总是能随处提供更多的东西。
[KEY] Literature always has something more to offer just around the corner.
(例子) 同我们中的所有人一样,我所以选择用钱去支付的又一原因是因为我常忽视手头产品的标准。
[KEY] Another reason why I would usually prefer to be paid in money is that, like us all, I am often ignorant of the standard of a product around the corner.
38.Nor……… 也不……
(例子) 易货贸易也不局限于农业和工业前的经济。
[KEY] Nor is barter confined to agricultural, pre-industrial economies.
(例子) 仁慈也不能将一个社会团结在相互的感激中。
[KEY] Nor can charity bind a community together in mutual gratefulness.
39.Place emphasis on…………. 强调……
(例子) 反面观点着重强调鼓励孩子们为他们自己判断是非。
[KEY] The opposing view places emphasis on encouraging children to think about right and wrong for themselves.
(例子) 我强调真正的知识应被灌输在大脑里,诗歌应该流淌在学者的血液里。
[KEY] I finally place emphasis on the assertion that two knowledge must be carried in the head and that poetry should ebb and flow in the scholar’s blood.
40.Again, there are parallels with………. 同在适用于……
(用法)相当于Likewise,the same as这类结构。
(例子) 这同样适用于大多数工作申请。
[KEY] Again, there are parallels with most job applications.
(例子) 这同样适用于那些看上去对违法行为的惩罚无所畏惧的暴力青少年。
[KEY] Again, there are parallels with those gangs of violent teenagers who appear to have no fear of punishment for illegal actions.
41.The Argument about …..can be answered by ….. 关于……的讨论能用……回答
(例子) 关于父母对于青年人的影响可以通过日复一日生活中的简单观察来回答。
[KEY] The argument about influence of parents over young people can be answered by simple observation of day to day life.
(例子) 关于搬迁到一个新的工作地点的缺点问题可以通过其无法为目光短浅的人提供就业来回答。
[KEY] The argument about the disadvantage of moving to a new workplace can be answered by the fact that there is no room in the modern workforce for the man of limited horizons.
42.An analogy can be drawn with…. 引出了一个……的类比
(例子) 关于森林学的一个类比可以引出:若要二十年才能让一棵树长大,那么一个勤奋的森林员去年种下20棵树苗将比在20年前仅种下4棵树苗的森林员获得较少的木材。
[KEY] An analogy can be drawn with the world of forestry: if it takes twenty years for a tree to grow, an intensive forester who planted twenty saplings last year will have less wood than the forester who planted just four saplings two decades ago.
(例子) 关于深化知识的过程类比于穿越大洋的鲸鱼王国的迁徙。
[KEY] An analogy can be drawn with the journey to deep knowledge: it is like the epic migration, between oceans, of the whale kingdom.
43.In order to…….. 为了……
(例子) 我所以选择单独旅行是因为我相信了解该地的精髓,一个外国人必须学会去真正爱上那里的朋友。
[KEY] I prefer to travel alone because I believe that in order to know the soul of any place the foreigner must learn to truly love a friend of that country.
[KEY] The short and intense method received adoption in order to free the students from potential distraction.
44.make demands on……… 要求
[KEY] Friends make too many demands on a partner’s budget.
(例子) 探索冒险的精神对于个人的智力与想象有着严格的要求。
[KEY] To explore the spirit of adventure makes regimented demands on one’s own intelligence and imagination.
45.It is claimed that…….. 据称……
(例子) 据称完少的Internet操作者能够比最大的传统图书馆获得更多的书籍与信息资源。
[KEY] It is claimed that the accomplished operator of the Internet has access to more books and information than does the largest conventional library.
(例子) 据称世界最贫困国家的代表们批评富裕国家在农业资助款上让步太少以及坚持在投资上设置壁垒。
[KEY] It is claimed that representatives of the world’s poorest nations blamed rich countries for making too few concessions on agricultural subsidies and for insisting on new rules on investment.
46. as the word implies 正如该词的含义所指
(例子) 自学(正如该词所指)也是一个内在的过程。
[KEY] Self-study (as the word implies) is also an inward journey.
(例子) 自欺欺人(正如该词所指)将使其自身迷失在自我品性的森林中。
[KEY] Self-deceit (as the word implies) will make him get lost in the forest of his own character.
47.There is no substitute for……. ……是独一无二的
(例子) 鉴于独立阅读和沉冥深思的因素,自学是无可取代的。
[KEY] There is no substitute for self-study, for the solitary labor of reading and reflective thought.
(例子) 从实践上来说,汉字书写体系是无可取代的,因为凭借其多变性和模式化,它不仅仅是文字的媒介,更是感知世界的一种手段。
[KEY] On a practical basis, there’s no substitute for the Chinese writing system since with its variety and patterns it is more than a medium for words, it is a way of making sense of the world.
48.Moving On to a wider theme……… 推广开来……
(例子) 推广开来,许多人认为计算机对于教育是重要的,因为他们已经变为商业和工业的共同特征。
[KEY] Moving on to a wider theme, many people would argue that computers are important for education because they have now become a common feature of commerce and industry.
(例子) 推广开来,一个数据库能较一个传统文件系统存储更多的数据信息。
[KEY] Moving on to a wider theme, a database can contain much more mathematical information than can a traditional filing system.
49.There is always a chance that…… 总有可能……
(例子) 就手写而言,总有可能使得写出的信息遭人费解。
[KEY] With handwriting there is always a chance that the message could be understood.
(例子) 总是存在这样的可能:一些特殊的真实经验并不能仅仅当个人大胆处理棘手问题时获得。
[KEY] There is always a chance that some particular true experience cannot only be gained when the individual “grasps the nettle”.
50.There is a time and place for…….. 有……的时机
(例子) 对于手写与计算机总是各有其应用时机。
[KEY] There is a time and place for handwriting, and there is a time and place for computers.
(例子) 集体智慧也是有其应用时机的,诸如其他学生可以提供给一个话题不同的视角。
[KEY] There is also a time and place for collective wisdom with the chance that other students could offer different perspectives on a topic.
[ Last edited by yogurt4 on 2005-11-11 at 12:51 ] |
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